Lord of All Gods

Chapter 532

At this moment, Ye Liuyun was suffering and could not tell. The body was suffering endless pain, and he couldn\'t even move, so he could only stand still.

At this critical moment, the Ten Thousand Gods Token suddenly released a golden radiance in the sea of ​​consciousness, resisting Du Yuan\'s flame attack, helping him suppress his blood while helping him recover from his injuries.

"Luckily you\'re here!"

In Ye Liuyun\'s heart, he was extremely grateful for the order of the gods. This Ten Thousand God Order has saved him many times. Every time he clears the siege for him at a critical moment.

Ye Liuyun felt that after being baptized by the Order of the Ten Thousand Gods, the blood vessels in his body not only stabilized, but also underwent a sudden qualitative change, and the power carried in them became even more terrifying and powerful.

"Could it be that my bloodline has been upgraded by a blessing in disguise?"

Thinking of this, he carefully observed the bloodline again, and found that the power of the Buddha demon when he just used the Buddha demon golden body was also absorbed by the bloodline and fused together.

"It\'s not just an upgrade, it\'s also mutated, incorporating new powers!"

While Ye Liuyun was observing the blood, his phantom of the Hunyuan God of War reappeared. And this Hunyuan God of War has obviously become more solidified.

After a period of practice before him, the outline of the Hunyuan God of War has become very clear. Now after this crisis, the eyebrows and eyes of the Hunyuan God of War have even begun to show.

"Great, I can show my strength again!"

Ye Liuyun was overjoyed, and immediately began to defend himself. At the same time, his body was no longer burned by the flames, but began to absorb the power of the flames. The absorbed energy was quickly replenished by Ye Liuyun to the physical body to restore the damaged injuries.

His physical body is recovering at a speed visible to the naked eye. New flesh was growing, and the charred skin was falling off. It didn\'t take long for his whole body to look brand new, and his skin was as delicate as a newborn baby.

Ye Liuyun immediately took out a new dress and put it on, while continuing to absorb the remaining flame power, while checking himself.

"Sure enough, it was a blessing in disguise. My abilities in all aspects have been improved again."

Ye Liuyun happily absorbed Du Yuan\'s flame power here, and was familiar with the newly acquired power.

He found that not only his blood had mutated. Stimulated by the threat to his life, his spirit power also increased by one level.

The speed at which he absorbs energy is also much faster. The flame power absorbed now is also fully replenished in Yuandan, turning into true essence, which is also becoming stronger.

Even Ye Liuyun\'s golden pupils and physical body have all been upgraded to a higher level, and have been improved in an all-round way.

Over there, Du Yuan was stunned.

"He didn\'t burn to death! Why does it seem that he has become stronger again?" Du Yuan was puzzled.

Ye Liuyun suddenly gave up his defense just now, and he felt puzzled. But now, he clearly saw that Ye Liuyun had been scorched, but saw him recover miraculously. What kind of freak is this guy?

Once the power of the bloodline is consumed, it will be slower than replenishing the true essence. So after Du Yuan sent out the strongest attack, he couldn\'t send out such a powerful attack again. Even ordinary attacks, if he uses them now, their power will be greatly reduced.

Ye Liuyun looked at him and smiled slightly.

"It\'s my turn!"

As he said that, he also launched the same attack as Du Yuan did. It\'s just that he didn\'t use all his blood and other power, only half of it.

His golden pupils had discovered that Du Yuan\'s body no longer had much strength to resist his attack, and half of the strength was enough to defeat him.

Sure enough, Hunyuan God of War Phantom shot directly, and through the golden pupil, both the essence and the soul flames were shot out.

The Golden Crow Sacred Flame and the Nether Willow Flame unexpectedly emitted at the same time, attacking Du Yuan\'s soul and body respectively.

"He can fight back!"

At this moment, Du Yuan is completely stupid. Ye Liuyun blocked even his strongest attack.

Not only blocked, but also learned!

I am still using the same method to attack myself...

The blazing Golden Crow Holy Fire has already burned over at this moment.


Du Yuan let out a scream, and his soul was burned by the ghost fire.

"What kind of flame is this? He actually has two kinds of flames!"

This was Du Yuan\'s last thought. Immediately afterwards, the double damage to his soul and body directly made him pass out.

"Huh! Good boy! You are stubborn!"

It was only then that Jing Wudi let out a sigh of relief and sat down with confidence.

"Win! Ye Liuyun won!"

"This Ye Liuyun, I am afraid that he has the strength to win the title of Tianjiao!"

There were exclamations from the audience.

"Boss, this kid seems to be getting stronger again!"

The snake head on the right side of the two-headed shadow snake said to the snake head on the left.

"Yeah! It\'s hard to deal with! This kid is a monster, he\'s getting stronger too fast." The snake head on its left also said worriedly.

"Senior brother Gao, is my vision correct? I have already said that this Ye Liuyun is not easy!" Chu Yunqiao and Gao Qiang showed their vision.

But Gao Qiang didn\'t reply him with a worried face. He also had to admit now that he had misjudged and underestimated Ye Liuyun. He was worried now, if he met Ye Liuyun, would he be able to escape unscathed!

Several other arrogances have also become very interested in Ye Liuyun, and now they all regard Ye Liuyun as a potential opponent.

"Haha, I\'ve become stronger so fast, I hope you can improve a little more when you meet me!" Kuang Zhan Yu Haotian looked at Ye Liuyun and couldn\'t help but smile.

He had no fun fighting these guys. No one could catch him. Most people just admit defeat. This may be the loneliness of the strong.

He is eager to fight, eager to fight with the strong.

Mingtong Ding Hao, looking at Ye Liuyun at this moment, is also guessing in his heart. "I don\'t know who will be stronger in the pupil technique between me and this kid. They are a strong rival!"

He also noticed that Ye Liuyun\'s spirit power was not weak. And his dark pupil is also the one that mainly attacks the opponent\'s soul.

However, Ye Liuyun\'s current state is still relatively low, and he still feels that he has a better chance of winning in the end. Even if there is a slight gap between masters and masters, it will cause a difference in the result.

"This guy\'s physical body is not bad!" King Kong Meng Wentian saw the key to Ye Liuyun\'s quick recovery. "It must be a master of body training. I don\'t know which of us will have a stronger body."

The reason why he wanted to compare who was stronger than the physical body was also because he felt that Ye Liuyun\'s realm was low.

"Hmph! You\'re no match for me if you become stronger, and I\'ll destroy you as well!" Only Lie Hongxia watched his battle with the feeling that she would kill Ye Liuyun.