Lord of All Gods

Chapter 533

Ye Liuyun didn\'t wait any longer after the battle, and immediately returned to the Xuankong Stone to continue his cultivation.

The brightness of the luck he obtained at this moment has begun to turn golden.

It\'s just that there is still a lot of distance from the Tianjiao. Although he defeated a few bright silver opponents, these Tianjiao had a higher starting point than him, and they had never been defeated, so he wanted to catch up with them. On the other hand, a lot of effort is still needed.

In the next few battles, Ye Liuyun did not encounter the two-headed Shadow Snake and Gao Qiang. As for the five major regions, the top 100 players in each region have already been determined.

The old man with long beard and white robe who was in charge of the host reappeared and directly announced: "The first round of the martial arts competition is over! The top 500 players have been selected. The points and luck of other players who have not won the ranking will be distributed equally To the geniuses in the ring in this district."

As soon as the host finished speaking, the points and luck of the geniuses beyond 500 were immediately cleared. These points and luck are equally distributed to other people in this area. Their tokens were also shattered.

Next, all the eliminated players can only watch the game on the spectator stand as spectators.

After the host drove away those who did not have tokens, he said to the remaining people: "The top five hundred geniuses, please follow the instructions of the tokens and go to claim the rewards."

"Huh? Can you exchange for pure spiritual energy now?" Ye Liuyun was overjoyed when he heard that. He really needs this energy now.

Others who had never participated in martial arts competitions before were equally astonished. For them at this time, any possibility of improving their strength would make them extremely happy.

However, some people also thought that the top 500 could receive rewards, so they would all improve. Moreover, the stronger the person, the more aura they receive.

"I\'ll give you one day to practice and heal your injuries. After one day, the next round of competition will begin."

After the presiding elder said something briefly, everyone received the guidance of the token, and followed the token to receive their rewards in an orderly manner.

Ye Liuyun was undefeated in the first battle, and he received the same amount of pure spiritual energy as the arrogance of heaven.

Among the other dark horses, Lei Ming, Long Nu, Mo Tianheng, Leng Qingxiao, Gao Qiang, these people also received the highest rewards.

Liang Xue lost a few games, but finally entered the top 500, which is not easy.

As for Su Miaoyin, Piaoyun, Hao Chengfeng, Mo Ya and others, they can only bid farewell to the stage of this martial arts competition.

After they left the field, they naturally made Ye Liuyun the focus of attention.

And just after they finished collecting their points, their points were all cleared. Now the projection above the head has become a cylindrical strip of light, showing the luck of each person.

Ye Liuyun discovered that his luck was second only to the five great arrogances, and his strips of light were slightly higher than the others. The color is also closer to gold.

Lei Ming and the others\' light belts were only slightly worse than his. They were not like Ye Liuyun, who defeated the two first-echelon powerhouses.

"It seems that the next stage is to compete for luck!" After Ye Liuyun looked at the situation of everyone, he summoned Lei Ming, Liang Xue, and Long Nu to his side.

They can move freely in the field now, so Ye Liuyun took them together into the Xuankong Stone, and asked them to hurry up and improve.

At this time, he didn\'t care about being seen by others and caused criticism. At present, the most important thing is to improve the strength.

His action surprised many geniuses present and the audience outside.

"What\'s the matter with this guy, he actually has intersections with demons, orcs, and famous decent sects."

"This guy has good luck, and he actually abducted three beauties at once!"

For a moment, there were voices of doubt and jealousy. Ye Liuyun ignored them all.

In the Xuankong Stone, they have ten days, which is enough for him to absorb and transform all the spiritual energy into real essence. After they entered, they didn\'t bother to talk about each other\'s experiences, and immediately seized the time to practice.

Yu Haotian did not absorb the spiritual energy, but put it away, sat down cross-legged and continued to practice. The other Tianjiao are all hurrying to absorb and refine.

According to their cultivation speed, they can absorb one-third of the aura they just obtained in one day. This is because these auras are relatively pure and easy to absorb.

For a while, the martial arts field became quiet again, and many geniuses were racing against time to practice, trying to recover their injuries as much as possible or increase their true energy as soon as possible within this day.

All the elders of the alliance on the viewing platform looked at these geniuses and laughed from ear to ear.

"There are really too many dark horses this year! And the top few are all good!"

"Mo Tianheng, Ye Liuyun, Lei Ming, Longnv, Leng Qingxiao, Gao Qiang, these few dark horses have never been defeated. Maybe there will be someone who can hit the top list!"

"Yeah, I think that Mo Tianheng is pretty good, that momentum, tsk tsk..."

"I am optimistic about that Ye Liuyun, that kid has improved too fast..."

"The Thunder Dragon Beast of the Demon Race is not bad..."

"Lonely Xiao..."

For a while, these elders insisted on their own opinions, and in the end, some people even argued.

Deputy leader Yao Xinghai listened to their dispute with a smile, but kept secretly watching the changes in the inheritance in the sky.

At this time, the luck brought together by many geniuses is stronger. In the sky, more inheritances continue to appear. All kinds of Haishi Chenlou are densely dotted around Lingzhu Island.

"So many inheritances have appeared, it seems that even the geniuses who are not ranked in the top 100 have inheritance options this time."

In the previous Cangyun martial arts competition, due to the lack of inheritance, it was not enough. Each inheritance can only enter up to three people at a time. So many times, even the top 100 geniuses may encounter situations where there is no inheritance option.

Suddenly, Yao Xinghai stood up excitedly and looked towards the western sky.

All the elders were also startled by his sudden move, and looked towards the west together.

"Sura Hell!" an elder exclaimed.

"What? Shura hell, one of the five great inheritances?"

"Why did the inheritance of Asura Hell appear so early?"

Many elders stood up in shock, and some were so shocked that they couldn\'t even close their mouths.

Yao Xinghai glanced at the many geniuses who were cultivating, and then said slowly: "Even though these geniuses are cultivating, their spirit of striving to make progress is still increasing their luck! This may be the reason why the five inheritances are moved forward. drawn out."