Lord of All Gods

Chapter 531

The same is true for Ye Liuyun, except that he used the Golden Crow Sacred Flame, and He planned to give Du Yuan a "surprise surprise" when Du Yuan worked his best and used his unique skills!

It was the same again, Du Yuan\'s spirit attack was also intercepted by Ye Liuyun.

"If you have this strength, you can\'t beat me!" Ye Liuyun used the aggressive method.

"Hmph, don\'t worry! Try this again!"

Du Yuan also knew that none of these methods could deal with Ye Liuyun now. He just wanted to test Ye Liuyun\'s proficiency in these exercises.

But he found that Ye Liuyun was already proficient in using these exercises. So I was shocked, and I couldn\'t keep Ye Liuyun and continue to practice.

He decided to use his ultimate move to directly kill Ye Liuyun.

Du Yuan\'s bloodline secret technique also has hidden tricks. He used it as his trump card before and kept it.

"Ye Liuyun has never seen it before, so he will definitely not be able to learn it."

Thinking of this, the power of his blood suddenly exploded. Moreover, the running route this time is completely different from the previous one.

Seeing Ye Liuyun\'s golden pupil, he couldn\'t help frowning. The eruption of Du Yuan\'s blood power this time was nearly twice as powerful as before, far surpassing Ye Liuyun\'s blood power.

What\'s more, the power of his bloodline is still extremely unstable.

Even Jing Wudi could see that Ye Liuyun\'s situation was not good, and immediately reminded him via sound transmission: "Admit defeat, don\'t take risks!"

And Yu Haotian, who was watching the battle in the central area, was also thinking about whether Ye Liuyun would admit defeat.

His strength is too strong, and he can\'t even find an opponent. Most people, even the powerful ones, would fight him with one move at most, and no one would dare to fight the second move.

He was also very disappointed. I feel that those people\'s heart of martial arts is not tough enough.

He hoped that Ye Liuyun would be someone who could face up to difficulties and make continuous breakthroughs in adversity.

From the battle between Ye Liuyun and Lie Hongyun, he also felt that Ye Liuyun was this kind of person.

At this moment, Ye Liuyun was also very conflicted. Jing Wudi persuaded him to admit defeat.

But he never took the initiative to admit defeat.

"If you admit defeat at this time, it doesn\'t mean that you will not dare to make a move in the face of a strong one. Then why should I practice martial arts? Besides, the opponent\'s strength is not beyond my reach!"

Thinking of this, Ye Liuyun gritted his teeth. "Never flinch!"

"Fight it! Wealth and wealth are in danger!"

Thinking of this, Ye Liuyun immediately imitated the example, let the power of the blood circulate in the body, and then burst out suddenly, and confronted Du Yuan head-on.

Yu Haotian nodded in satisfaction. "You really didn\'t disappoint me. I hope you will have the courage to fight to the end when you face me!"

Du Yuan, who was opposite Ye Liuyun, smiled slightly when he saw this. "This guy really fell for the trick! I have practiced the method of using the power of my bloodline many times. I am very familiar with it. It saves energy. If he fights like this with me, he will definitely lose."

Ye Liuyun didn\'t care that much, and immediately burst out with the power of the blood veins, and used the ghost fire, using the golden pupil and Du Yuan\'s fire pupil to attack with spirit and soul.

In the eyes of outsiders, these two people stood quietly on the ring, motionless. But everyone knows that the two of them are engaged in a spiritual confrontation.

This kind of battle is actually much more dangerous than fighting with strength. It\'s just that they can\'t feel the process of the battle, and they don\'t think it\'s fun.

They are also waiting quietly. Waiting for the two of them to decide the outcome.

Among the geniuses in the audience, Gao Qiang was the most nervous one. He had never regarded Ye Liuyun as an opponent before. But if Ye Liuyun can really defeat Du Yuan, it means that Ye Liuyun has at least the same strength as him, or even stronger than him.

"This kid, his strength has grown too fast!"

Thinking of this, he also shook his head helplessly. Facing such a gifted genius, he is also helpless.

Ye Liuyun\'s bloodline was already high. At this moment, under the influence of the power of Du Yuan\'s blood, he became more active. This made him feel that his blood seemed to be boiling, rushing crazily through his meridians, with an uncontrollable impulse.

At this moment, Du Yuan\'s fire pupils burst into flames. The power of the flames, engulfed by the power of heaven and earth, collected spirits and souls from the physical body, and attacked Ye Liuyun together.

"It can attack both the body and the soul at the same time!"

Ye Liuyun was already a little bit battered at the moment, but he was still paying attention to Du Yuan\'s attacking methods, and he followed suit, and also fought back.

It\'s just that his attack effect is much worse. After all, he is just learning it, so it\'s not bad if he can use it. Moreover, he still needs to be distracted to suppress the scurrying blood power, so the blood power he used is not much.

This is also the first time he has integrated multiple powers to attack the opponent\'s body and soul at the same time.

For a while, he felt that he was a bit overwhelmed, and there were too many things to pay attention to. Seeing that the blood power was insufficient, Ye Liuyun immediately activated the Buddha Demon Golden Body to defend himself.

But suddenly, his bloodline got rid of his control again, and surged wildly again.

"Oops! The critical moment..."

Ye Liuyun\'s blood power was completely out of control, and his defensive power was greatly reduced in an instant. It seemed that he couldn\'t withstand Du Yuan\'s blow. Even if the soul can resist it, the body is still strong enough. The golden body of Buddha and demon without the power of blood should be unable to resist.

With a sound of "Huh", the flame released by Du Yuan rushed forward, rushed into his sea of ​​consciousness at the same time, and burned his body.

The flames that invaded the Sea of ​​Consciousness were fine, but were directly extinguished by the Order of the Ten Thousand Gods. But his golden body of buddha and devil is crumbling at the touch of a touch, and it can\'t stop Du Yuan\'s strongest blow at all.

With terrifying heat, the flames instantly enveloped Ye Liuyun. Not to mention the clothes, even the skin and flesh were instantly burnt to charcoal.

This is still the foundation of his previous body training, otherwise, he would have been burned to death right now.

"Press me down!"

At the moment of crisis, Ye Liuyun also let out a roar, desperately suppressing the blood of the riot. After a few more breaths, he guessed that he would have confessed here.

Outside the arena, Liang Xue and the others became anxious again. Jing Wudi even jumped up from his seat. They all saw that Ye Liuyun had been burnt beyond recognition.

"What\'s going on here? Why is he defenseless?"

"Why didn\'t you hide in the void and carry it with your body?"

When Ye Liuyun\'s acquaintances were puzzled, the geniuses in the audience didn\'t understand.

"Why did you fight and fight, and it became like this? What the hell is this kid doing?"