Lord of All Gods

Chapter 513

"Damn! How can you be punished like this!"

"We didn\'t kill people on purpose, it\'s because the opponent is too weak!"

The two heads of the double-headed snake spoke together to argue with the referee.

The referee just said indifferently: "Martial arts rules, intentional killing, disqualification of the competition. Unintentional or out-of-control killing, deprivation of half of the points, and one-tenth of luck."

The two-headed Shadow Snake didn\'t dare to argue anymore after hearing the words.

In fact, the referee was already telling him that his behavior had been judged as an unintentional homicide. This punishment for him is considered light.

If it continues to fight, it is possible to directly convict him of intentional homicide!

"Boss, it seems that I can\'t enjoy it anymore! If you hit hard, you will be punished by luck, so what should we do?" The snake head on the right actually called the snake head on the left the boss.

Although they were deprived of luck, it was only 10%. But when a master fights, it is often short of this, and it will change the result. So they also pay special attention to this luck.

"Hmph, they only stipulate that they can\'t kill people, but they didn\'t say that they can\'t be maimed..." The boss of the two-headed snake, with a red core on his left head, his eyes are full of cunning and fierceness.

Ye Liuyun\'s consciousness noticed their conversation, and suddenly remembered something. "If these two-headed snakes can attack together like Wu Qingcheng and Yu\'er, their strength will probably be doubled again!"

Thinking of this, Ye Liuyun became more cautious.

After this battle. The geniuses in the ring in the North District were all terrified of the two-headed shadow snake. Many people make up their minds that if they are unlucky and encounter it in the next round, they will immediately admit defeat.

Afterwards, the arenas and competitions in each district proceeded in an orderly manner.

In every competition, under the guidance of tokens, both sides fight on stage. I don\'t know in advance who my opponent is.

In the eyes of all the geniuses, what everyone compares is not only points, but also luck. Now for everyone, even if they only increase their strength a little bit, it will make them feel a little bit at ease.

This is no exception for Ye Liuyun.

In the arena in their northern area, after the two-headed shadow snake went down to rest, everyone was taking turns to take the stage.

According to the experience of previous years, nearly 3,000 people took turns to compete, without a ten-day half-month, it was impossible to complete.

"With my current strength, not to mention the slim chance of defeating the five geniuses. Even other high-level geniuses, such as Mo Tianheng, my chances of winning are also very slim."

This is not counting the dark horse that may appear soon. Every competition, there will be a few dark horses that will stand out and compete with Tianjiao. Ye Liuyun felt that this time would be no exception.

So Ye Liuyun immediately began to practice cross-legged under tremendous pressure.

Although he closed his eyes, his spiritual sense was still paying attention to the fighting situation in the five arenas. Sometimes he finds something worth learning, and he will open his golden pupil to observe it. This is also the reason why he did not enter the Xuankong Stone to practice.

Although entering the Xuankong Stone, the training time will be ten times longer. But referring to other people\'s fighting skills and understanding the strength of these people will also be of great inspiration to his cultivation.

Just like many geniuses, the power of blood works in different ways. Therefore, the way these people erupted their bloodline power in battle gave Ye Liuyun enough reference samples, and Ye Liuyun could constantly improve the way his bloodline operated according to their way.

Ye Liuyun divided the soul into three parts.

On the one hand, he used a small amount of spiritual consciousness to control his body to continuously absorb the aura of the island.

After he broke through to the sixth level of Tiangang, his speed of absorbing spiritual energy doubled again. It\'s just that the amount of true essence he needs is even greater. So although he absorbs it quickly, the speed is not faster than ordinary people.

Because there is no danger of breaking through the realm now, he only needs to use a small part of his consciousness to control it.

On the other hand, he is also fusing the two spirits together. One of his divine souls, who was originally in charge of attacking, has cultivated to the ninth level of the Buddha Demon Golden Body.

Now he is going to integrate the divine soul that has just been cultivated to the seventh floor, which was originally used as a defense, into the divine soul that is responsible for attacking. In this way, the results of his hard-earned cultivation will not be wasted.

So this process does not end in a day or two. But he reckoned that he would definitely be able to complete this matter before his next race.

Ye Liuyun\'s cultivation this time is also the busiest time for his spiritual consciousness, and it can be said that he has been distracted for three purposes.

The last aspect is to observe the battle, learn from each other\'s strengths, and at the same time improve the blood circulation. This part can be said to consume the most of his consciousness.

As for the fusion of spirit and soul, he did not take too much effort, after all, he had previous experience in fusion and separation.

For a moment, Ye Liuyun\'s blood circulation, soul fusion and spiritual energy transformation were all going on simultaneously.

This is also the first time he feels that there is not enough time for cultivation under the stimulation of pressure. He can be said to be racing against every second now, and he dare not waste a bit.

This was the first time for him, and he felt that his soul was not enough.

Because of his spiritual consciousness, he was too busy at the moment. It is necessary to observe the fighting situation of the five arenas, integrate the soul, and practice, and it is already operating at a high load. This kind of busyness is no less than a battle with a soul master.

On the battle stage in the North District, it was the turn of the Black Crow to take the stage. Ye Liuyun opened his golden pupils and watched his battle.

He also wanted to see, after not seeing him for such a long time, what new abilities Mo Crow had acquired besides the improvement of his state. However, he was also mentally prepared. Based on the level of Mo Ya and senior brother Hao Chengfeng, the two of them wouldn\'t be able to hold on for long.

After the ink crow came to the stage, he drew a bone knife from his back. This bone knife was the weapon they used to destroy the alien altar together with Lin Fei\'er.

When Ye Liuyun saw him using a knife, he remembered that Hao Chengfeng also used a knife. The three of them turned out to be knife repairers, no wonder they were like-minded.

"Their saber intents haven\'t reached perfection yet!" Ye Liuyun immediately looked at their saber intents. It was found that the sword intent of the two of them had not yet reached the level of perfection.

This level of sword intent is already second to none in the Northern Territory. But here, I\'m afraid it\'s not enough.

But Mo Crow didn\'t just rely on the skill of Saber Intent to fight.

Immediately, a mass of devilish energy surged around him, forming a barrier around him. This kind of barrier can not only be used for defense, but also can cause opponents to fear and misjudgment because they cannot see his eyes and movements.