Lord of All Gods

Chapter 512

In the Cangyun martial arts competition, the competition is very fierce, and the battles are often cruel. There have been cases of death in the past.

Although killing people by mistake in the competition, it is unavoidable in the battle of Wuxiu.

After all, when two people are at the same level, they will often use their ability to suppress the bottom of the box, and if they are not careful, it will be fatal.

However, all the geniuses who can come to participate in the competition are the most elite group of people in the entire continent. In line with the purpose of cherishing talents, the Cangyun Alliance has specially set up a rule that they are not allowed to intentionally kill people.

Its purpose is to avoid the indiscriminate killing of innocent people under such disparity in realms, and to preserve as many talents as possible for the Cangyun Continent.

Maybe the boy who was killed in front of him will be able to get a good ranking in the next competition.

Hearing these remarks, the two-headed snake also knew that he had committed the anger of the public, and immediately defended himself: "We didn\'t know he was so weak! Who would have thought before he could fight that he couldn\'t even take such an easy move from me! How can this be regarded as my intentional murder!"

Another smuggler also said: "According to the rules of the game, it is not a violation of the rules to kill the opponent by mistake before he admits defeat. That kid just now did not admit defeat!"

These two smugglers are not only sinister and vicious, but also cunning. They have participated in a competition and understand the rules of the competition.

So as soon as they made a move, the coercion of the soul was also released. The boy couldn\'t even speak at that time, so there was no chance of admitting defeat.

Moreover, the huge poison carried by the black true essence is extremely corrosive. As long as the boy is in a trance for a moment, it is enough to kill him.

Just when everyone was amazed at the strength of the two-headed shadow snake, Ye Liuyun didn\'t care too much about how to judge how to deal with the two-headed snake. Instead, he let go of his consciousness and observed the battles in the other four arenas at the same time.

In his heart, he has been assuming how to deal with the attack of the double-headed snake.

After thinking about it, he still felt that he was not 100% sure that he would completely catch his move. Maybe in the end, it will have to rely on the flesh to carry the poison down.

"The real essence of this two-headed shadow snake is so solid!"

Ye Liuyun was a little surprised. He had seldom seen his peers whose real essence was more solid than his.

The more solid the true essence, the more energy it contains, that is, the higher the quality of the true essence.

Of course, if Ye Liuyun\'s realm reached the ninth level of Tiangang, then the quality of his true energy must be higher than that of the two-headed shadow snake. But at present, he is now going to fight the double-headed snake at the sixth level of Tiangang.

But it is obvious that this double-headed snake can at least cross the three-level challenge.

Facing such a talented player, Ye Liuyun really felt that he was under a lot of pressure.

His golden pupils have already discovered that this double-headed snake not only has a higher degree of solidification of true energy than him, but even the power of soul and blood is no worse than him.

"It seems that I have underestimated the Tianjiao of Cangyun Continent before!"

Ye Liuyun originally thought that if he broke through to the sixth level of the Tiangang, he would be able to sweep the martial arts of the ninth level of the Tiangang in the Cangyun Continent. Unexpectedly, now that he meets an opponent at the Tianjiao level, his advantage in fighting across realms is no longer obvious.

Watching Tianjiao\'s battles in other arenas, he felt even more deeply.

Among the five great talents, the strongest with the title of Berserker, Yu Haotian, sits in the central arena.

Although he seems to be only twenty-five or six years old, his own realm has already reached the ninth level of Tiangang. Facing an opponent of the fifth level of Tiangang, he was blown away with a single punch.

Ye Liuyun felt that the blood power that erupted from his punch was stronger than his blood power. This also verified what Yao Xinghai said before. Yu Haotian\'s bloodline strength is really stronger than Ye Liuyun\'s.

And Ye Liuyun knew from his body shape that he was also good at body training.

King Kong Meng Wentian, who sits in the ring in the western region, is in the eighth stage of the Tiangang, and the strength of his blood is also similar to his own. Facing the opponent\'s long sword attack, he actually turned his entire right arm into a metal shape, and directly blocked it with his arm. Then with one punch, just relying on the power of body training, he knocked down an opponent at the fourth level of Tiangang.

"It seems that this person\'s bloodline is the power of the bloodline that can turn the whole body into metal. Judging by his defense, it is no worse than my Buddha Demon Golden Body."

Lie Hongxia from the Eastern Zone didn\'t make a move at all, she just released the power of flames and directly forced her opponent to step off the stage.

Her opponent is a warrior of the second level of Tiangang, and she is not even interested in fighting.

With Ye Liuyun\'s consciousness, he faintly heard Fengming\'s voice in the flames she released.

"Is what she refined the Phoenix\'s Nirvana Fire?" Ye Liuyun was not sure. "If Qiongqi was here, he would have recognized him at a glance. I don\'t know where this guy has gone now!"

Among the other four arrogances, the one who won the weirdest was Ming Tong Ding Hao.

Ye Liuyun deliberately used Jin Tong to observe the whole process of his attack.

He could feel that Ding Hao must focus on his soul cultivation, not to mention whether his defensive soul was strong enough, the attacking soul alone was much stronger than Ye Liuyun.

The same pupil technique, he only needs to take a look at the opponent, and the opponent will fall down directly, without even taking a breath. This speed is at least twice as fast as Ye Liuyun.

At this moment, Ye Liuyun became more and more frightened as he watched. The various advantages he relied on before will be suppressed when facing these arrogance. Even in some respects, the opponent is stronger than him.

"It seems that I really came to the right place for this Cangyun martial arts competition! Otherwise, I always felt that I was very strong. Now I look at it, and I know that I am a frog at the bottom of the well!"

He secretly evaluated the five great talents. It was found that these people also developed in a balanced manner, and none of them was particularly weak.

But they all have an obvious advantage over Ye Liuyun, and that is their realm. In other respects, Ye Liuyun and them have their own strengths and weaknesses, and the gap is not too big.

"Boundary, realm!"

Ye Liuyun was anxious, but now he can only cultivate by absorbing spiritual energy, and it will not be soon!

At this moment, the referees also deliberated and gave the final conclusion: "Two-headed Shadow Snake, one warning, deprivation of luck for a whole day, deduction of 50 points!"

As he said that, the referee waved his hand at the points projection on the head of the two-headed shadow snake, and his score became fifty. And the golden light emitted by his projected numbers was obviously dimmed.

And that whole day\'s luck was evenly distributed and integrated into the projection numbers of every genius in the North District. Everyone could clearly feel that the numbers projected above their heads were brighter.

"Haha, just a little more luck!"

Prince Jin Yuanhao\'s numbers also emitted a brighter white luster.