Lord of All Gods

Chapter 514

"It turned out to be a demon cultivator! But boy, your realm is too low, you should admit defeat as soon as possible!"

A young man in a gray robe at the third level of Tiangang, with his arms in his arms, watched Mo Crow talking leisurely, not paying attention to him at all.

Mo Ya also knows that the geniuses here are all able to fight across levels. Therefore, his chances of winning against martial artists with a higher realm than him are very small.

But he was fearless. He likes to fight against people who are stronger than him, so that he can improve himself.

So when he saw that his opponent was belittling him, but he didn\'t make a move first, he simply took the lead in attacking.

The man in the gray robe smiled contemptuously, and directly released his Tiangang domain, no matter what trick Mo Crow used, he directly ran into it with the Tiangang domain.

This is the all-out method. No matter how deceptive you are, I will not try to crack it, but directly rely on a stronger realm to hit it directly. Smash all the opponent\'s attacks with strength.

Mo Ya was forced to retreat steadily by him. Every time he collides, he suffers a lot. If he hits like this again, his devilish energy will be shaken away.

His demonic energy is actually the Tiangang domain he cultivated, "Magic Wind and Mist Shadow."

But now in his Tiangang domain, he met a stronger person, who directly smashed into him with force, and completely lost his advantage in the Tiangang domain.

Fortunately, the arena was big enough, so he still had room to dodge attacks. If the ring was small, he might have been pushed to the edge and forced to admit defeat.

"Mo Crow\'s Tiangang domain has actually become his weakness. This kind of confusing Tiangang domain, it is very advantageous to meet people with similar levels. But once you meet someone stronger than him, there is no way to hit him head-on. gone."

Ye Liuyun looked at it for a while, and saw the clues. If Mo Crow had no other means, then he would definitely lose.

Just as Ye Liuyun was thinking, Mo Ya suddenly changed his tactics and directly closed the Tiangang domain.

Mo Ya also discovered this, so he directly withdrew from the Tiangang domain, and directly let the opponent\'s Tiangang domain envelop him.

Seeing this, the gray-robed man intensified his attack, trying to take advantage of the victory to win the game as soon as possible.


As soon as Mo Crow entered the Tiangang domain of the gray-robed man, he received a stronger attack. He slapped his chest on the chest and spewed out a mouthful of blood. Even the sternum was obviously sunken.

"Hmph, a demon cultivator dares to show his face. If you don\'t know what to do and don\'t admit defeat, then even if I kill you, it won\'t violate the rules!"

The gray-robed man thought that Mo Ya should admit defeat after being injured so badly.

It\'s not that Mo Crow\'s talent is not strong enough. Although he used to be successful in the Ancient Demon Sect, but looking at the entire Cangyun Continent, Mo Ya\'s background and cultivation resources cannot be compared with other geniuses here.

However, the ink crow did not give up resistance, but was accumulating all its strength, ready to fight desperately. This was his first battle in the Cangyun Martial Arts Tournament, and he didn\'t want to end in failure.

Mo Ya gritted his teeth and pulled out the bone knife, all the vital energy in his body was suddenly sucked away by the bone knife.

Seeing that he wanted to fight again, the gray-robed man warned: "Boy, if you don\'t admit defeat, even if I kill you, I won\'t be punished!"

At the same time, a blood-colored steel fork condensed in the hand of the gray-robed man, stabbing at the black crow with bloody aura soaring into the sky.

"Ten thousand bones withered!"

Mo Ya, with a pale face, tried his best to lift the bone knife. The true essence absorbed in the bone knife was released immediately. The gloomy, pitch-black devilish energy formed a ferocious skull in the air.

The hollow eyes of the skull stared at the man in black robe, as if grinning. Immediately, there were countless screams of fierce ghosts, and they rushed towards the blood fork.

"This bone knife is probably a god-level weapon!" Seeing the fierce power of this bone knife, Ye Liuyun immediately knew that Mo Crow was burning his true essence to activate this divine weapon. Otherwise, with Mo Crow\'s realm and the quality of his true essence, it would be impossible to drive the god-level treasures at all.

Sure enough, as soon as the artifact came out, Mo Crow turned defeat into victory.

The ferocious demonic skeleton directly scattered the true essence of the blood fork, and then directly bombarded the black robed man flying dozens of feet away, and fell unconscious on the ground. Immediately, his Tiangang domain gradually dissipated.

"It actually won!"

Everyone watching the battle in the northern district thought that the Moya would lose. Unexpectedly, at the last moment, he turned defeat into victory.

The Cangyun martial arts competition does not limit the rank of weapons and treasures used by Wuxiu, and even Wuxiu\'s pets, puppets and other assistance can be used.

In their view, these are also opportunities for Wu Xiu. And chance is also part of the strength of martial arts practitioners.

So it can be seen from this that the Cangyun Alliance does not stick to the rules, but also values ​​the luck of the martial arts practitioners. That\'s why they used the competition for luck as a reward for the winner.

As for Mo Crow, although he won the battle, the price he paid was extremely high. If he can\'t recover his true essence and injuries in time, I\'m afraid he is doomed to lose in the next battle. Because of this, he would even miss the competition with Cang Yunwu.

But Mo Ya didn\'t take these things to heart. Even if you can only fight once, as long as you try your best, you will be worthy of yourself.


Although Mo Crow had an ugly face, his face was full of madness and excitement.

Ye Liuyun also appreciated Mo Ya\'s madness very much, and nodded to him as a sign of encouragement.

After winning, the ink crow\'s points increased by fifty points. And his integral projection is slightly brighter because of the extra ray of luck.

In the arena of the North District, Mo Crow\'s desperate struggle also stimulated a group of geniuses.

The next battle was also more intense. These young geniuses are also going all out to fully demonstrate their strength.

It wasn\'t until a certain moment that Ye Liuyun\'s token also buzzed and trembled, that he stopped practicing and stood up.

"Finally it\'s my turn to take the stage!"

Ye Liuyun\'s mood at this moment also immediately became excited. Under the stimulation of this kind of atmosphere, any young man would feel a surge of emotion, and he was no exception.


With a flash of Ye Liuyun\'s figure, he disappeared in place, and when he reappeared, he was already standing on the ring.

The opponent was a young man who looked only one or two years older than him. Wearing a green shirt, holding a golden halberd in his hand.

"The first battle must not be lost!"

At this moment, the thoughts of the two of them coincided with each other.

Holding a halberd in his hand, Wan Shan stared passionately at Ye Liuyun\'s golden pupils, the power of his blood and the true energy in his whole body burst out, ready to strike at any time.