Lord of All Gods

Chapter 511

They all have a heart to fight back to the Five Realms and drive away the Night Demon Palace.

Ye Liuyun probably wasn\'t the only ones. There are also Su Miaoyin, etc. Many of the top geniuses in the five domains are not outstanding compared with the people here, but everyone has a flame of revenge and restoration of the sect in their hearts.

"Okay!" Ye Liuyun immediately agreed.

Of course he is happy to meet like-minded friends in different places.

Before seeing Mo Ya, he thought Mo Ya would directly join the Night Demon Palace! Unexpectedly, both Mo Ya and his master had their own persistence.

Because of this, Ye Liuyun\'s view of Moxiu changed a bit.

"It seems that not all demon cultivators are the same as the Night Demon Temple. Some demon cultivators do their own way, and it\'s hard to say whether they are good or evil! Many of their behaviors are just as they please. Just like the black crow, Never cared about other people\'s feelings.

Moreover, not all demon cultivators practice evil methods. Most demon cultivators do not cultivate by harming people. "

Ye Liuyun chatted with them for a while, then sat down cross-legged, waiting for the official start of the competition.

To everyone\'s surprise, the first to go up were the five contestants who won the title of Tianjiao last year. And they were evenly distributed to five arenas, with one person assigned to each arena.

This is also to show that they won the title of Tianjiao in the last martial arts competition. Of course, it is also to prevent them from encountering them prematurely and eliminate them in advance.

In this arena, Ye Liuyun had to face a two-headed shadow snake.

"It is said that this monster double-headed shadow snake is the most bloodthirsty!" Mo Ya looked at the double-headed shadow snake on the stage, and couldn\'t help feeling a little worried.

As soon as he finished speaking, an elder who was also at the ninth level of Tiangang, waited for the ring, and announced loudly: "The competition in the northern district is starting now. Please use the tokens to guide the participating members to compete on the stage."

After the elder made his announcement, he stood aside as a referee, waiting for the opponent of the two-headed Shadow Snake to take the stage.

Under the stage, the token of a young genius hummed, and immediately, the projected numbers and colors above his head flickered. Everyone looked at him. Clearly, he was the chosen one to take the stage.

"Oh my god! My luck is too bad!"

The young man sighed, weeping, and reluctantly moved towards the ring step by step.

Their North Division was the first to start the game. That also means that their competition is the first of this martial arts competition.

That boy is only at the second level of Tiangang, but the shadow double-headed snake is already at the eighth level of Tiangang. This huge difference in realm is almost impossible for him to cross.

With the difference in the sixth level of realm, even if the boy holds a divine weapon and fights the unarmed Shadow Snake, he is still no match. What\'s more, even if he was given a divine weapon, he wouldn\'t be able to function as a divine weapon in his state.

Many people looked at the boy sympathetically, and at the same time, they all breathed a sigh of relief. The competition came in turns. After the two-headed Shadow Snake fought this round, at least for this round, they would not fight again, and they were safe for the time being.

These five great arrogances have long been famous outside. In their hearts, they didn\'t want to meet these five people in advance.

The two-headed shadow snake has manifested itself at this time. On the ring, two huge snake heads are looking down at the young man who is walking past.

Two pairs of dark, icy eyes reveal cruelty and greed, the huge mouth is slightly opened, and at the same time, it sucks out the scarlet core, as if it wants to choose someone to eat. The ferocious coercion of the monster can make the young opponent startled.

And that young man was truly courageous. Gritting his teeth, he took out his own high-ranking long spear, unleashed a spear light, and attacked the two-headed snake first.

"Golden Gun Field!"

With a loud shout, he followed the gun and shot forward. At the same time, his Tiangang domain also enveloped the double-headed snake.

Now that he is on the highest talent stage in Cangyun Continent, he doesn\'t want to end up admitting defeat in the first battle. Even if you lose, you must dare to fight.

Even if his opponent is one of the five great talents.

Every genius present is the son of heaven of each region or sect, and they are all entrusted with high hopes by the sect or family. Everyone can understand the boy\'s mood.

Ye Liuyun is also looking forward to seeing the strength of the five great talents, and is mentally prepared in advance. You can even learn something from them and learn from each other.

The two-headed snake had a hint of mockery and disdain in its eyes. At the same time, the two snakeheads also excitedly argued.

"Let me come... let me come!" The snake head on the left shouted excitedly.

"No, let me do it! His level is too low, not suitable for you!" Saying this, the snakehead on the right attacked first, fearing that the opportunity would be snatched away by another snakehead.

"Ah, you are shameless, you didn\'t wait for me..." The snake head on the left cursed dissatisfiedly.

The snake head on the right didn\'t even release the Tiangang domain, it directly sprayed out a black true essence from its mouth, and slashed at the boy head-on. The Tiangang domain released by the boy seemed to have no effect on it at all.

"Chi Chi!"

Wherever the black true essence passed, even the air made a hissing sound. It was obvious that the black true essence contained extremely strong poison.

Before the spear-wielding boy could get close, his spear\'s light was directly scattered by the real essence. At the same time, his body shield with true essence was immediately corroded by the black true essence, and his whole body instantly turned into a pile of black dry bones and collapsed to the ground.


The 100,000 spectators and the disciples watching the battle all let out a cry of surprise.

No one expected that the first competition would be so tragic. While admiring the boy\'s courage, they also lamented the cruelty of the double-headed snake.

Ye Liuyun also frowned. "This double-headed snake is too murderous! What kind of hatred and resentment, it\'s so ruthless!"

But he changed his mind, although the double-headed snake had turned into a demon, it was still a beast race, and its nature dictated it.


The disciples who watched the battle from the audience in the northern area also gasped in unison. Even some timid women screamed.

There was chaos. Some people reacted and condemned the excessive behavior of the two-headed snake.

"He actually killed someone!"

"This double-headed shadow snake is so cruel, killing a genius in public!"

"Referee, the double-headed snake deliberately killed people, it should be disqualified from the competition and expelled from the arena!"

Some people even suggested: "The two-headed snake is cruel and bloodthirsty, it should be killed! At least follow the rules and disqualify it!"