Lord of All Gods

Chapter 510

This cool scene made the young geniuses in the field scream in surprise.

"This arena is too domineering!" Jiang Wanhao beside Ye Liuyun couldn\'t help but exclaimed.

It was also the first time for Ye Liuyun to see such a big arena, and he couldn\'t help but praise it.

"It\'s really an eye-opener! On this, I can give full play to it!"

The atmosphere in the arena is also constantly heating up. Stimulated by such a big scene, these talented youngsters became even more motivated to fight.

Under the surprised eyes of everyone, the five rings rose to a height of thirty feet, and finally stopped.

At the same time, Ye Liuyun and some people with strong spiritual consciousness also noticed that the spiritual consciousness in those stone pillars seemed to wake up, and the fluctuations were much stronger than before.

Ye Liuyun used his spiritual sense to detect, but still found nothing.

"It seems that there is a formation that shields the detection of the spiritual sense!" Although Ye Liuyun\'s golden pupils did not detect any traces of the formation, he still felt that with the strength of the Cangyun Alliance, if he wanted to shield the detection of the spiritual sense, he must It can be done.

Ye Liuyun was guessing, the old man in white robe who presided over the martial arts contest announced again: "All participating members, please follow the token guide to prepare for the battle under the designated ring. The order of battle is also based on the token guide. Can.

"In this martial arts competition, no matter whether you have participated in the previous martial arts competition or not, everyone\'s token will have 100 points.

However, the five arrogances in the last competition will get more luck bonuses. Luck can help them increase their combat effectiveness by 10%. Everyone who participated in the competition last time will also get a certain luck bonus.

For each battle, the winner will get fifty points and half of the opponent\'s luck. Whoever\'s points are cleared first will be the first to be eliminated. The opponents in the competition are all randomly assigned, and there is no specified order. "

Before the old man finished speaking, some martial artists with low realms immediately became nervous. Some even started complaining.

"Then if you\'re unlucky, if you go up and lose two games in a row, wouldn\'t you be eliminated directly?"

"The five great talents are so strong, and they also have the bonus of luck, and if they increase their combat power by 10%, how can others fight?"

There was a lot of discussion in the audience, and some people even protested loudly.

"It\'s not fair!"

The old man who presided over it also paused for a moment: "Once you win, the geniuses will lose more luck, isn\'t it? Fair? Martial arts cultivation, there is no fairness at all. You geniuses, which one doesn\'t rely on resources?" It\'s piled up. If you don\'t have the support of the current background, can you have today\'s achievements? How dare you come to me to say fairness?"

"Indeed, if you can defeat Tianjiao, you will gain more luck! As for fairness..." Ye Liuyun followed the old man\'s opinion. "There is no absolute fairness in this world at all! It\'s not bad to be able to do this."

Ye Liuyun thought silently in his heart.

Next, the host of the martial arts competition ignored the arguments of these people and continued: "Participating members can also designate opponents to take the initiative to challenge. But if you win the challenge, you can only get 25 points. If you fail the challenge, you have to pay 100 points price."

Then, he didn\'t care about everyone\'s discussion, but directly announced: "Every point can be exchanged for a piece of pure aura in the end, and it will be cashed out to the top 500 winners. Now, the first round , The group elimination competition is about to begin. According to the guidance of the token, everyone will go to the designated location to participate in the competition."

After the old man made the announcement, the tokens in everyone\'s hands immediately produced a traction, guiding everyone to their own competition area.

Some people couldn\'t wait, and walked over directly according to the guidance. Some people don\'t believe in evil, and deliberately don\'t follow the instructions of the token.

As a result, all the geniuses who tried to disobey the token felt trembling, as if there was a coercion of the soul, making it difficult for them to even take a step.

In the end, they also had to obey the guidance of the token in order to move freely.

Ye Liuyun did not go against the guidance of the token, and went directly to the ring on the north side of the token.

In less than half an hour, tens of thousands of young geniuses gathered in their respective battle zones.

Ye Liuyun secretly counted, and there are probably more than 3,000 participating members in each arena. With this amount, I\'m afraid it will take a lot of time after rounds of battles!

"It seems that this is a long-term battle!" Ye Liuyun thought of this, and was preparing to practice while waiting for the competition.

Suddenly, with his spiritual sense, he discovered that besides Piaoyun who was assigned to the same arena as him, he also saw a few acquaintances who were also assigned to the North District arena.

"Mo Ya, senior brother Hao Chengfeng!"

Ye Liuyun did not expect to meet them here.

He hurriedly communicated with the two of them with his spiritual sense. The two of them discovered Ye Liuyun only now, and rushed over.

"Eldest brother, Mo Ya, I didn\'t expect to see you here! Why are you here? How is the situation in the Five Regions?"

Ye Liuyun hurriedly asked them about the situation in the Five Regions. He also discovered that their realm had also reached the second level of Tiangang.

"After you left, Master also arranged for me to defect to a small sect in the Eastern Region. Master and the others are doing well, and the Night Demon Palace is at least not too much for now. I am here this time to represent that sect. What about you? How is your development here?" Hao Chengfeng spoke first.

Mo Crow also said: "Actually, before I waited for the corpse demon to attack the five domains, my master had already learned about the situation in advance through the gossip of the demon cultivator. Then he sent me away without any explanation. , that is to avoid being attacked by some traitors of the Ancient Demon Sect. He also does not want us to be controlled by the Night Demon Palace. Many sects are the same, they all send out the younger generation they are optimistic about, hoping that one day, These people can go back and recover the five domains."

When Ye Liuyun heard the words, he also followed the two of them with emotion. He also briefly told them about his joining the Iron Eagle Sect.

"Mo Ya and I both came from the Eastern Region, and we were still talking on the way, whether you will come. Mo Ya said that this kind of excitement, you will definitely come. Sure enough!" Hao Chengfeng said with a smile.

"After this martial arts competition is over, I\'ll go back and help clean up the Night Demon Palace!" Ye Liuyun solemnly told them.

"You want to go back to fight? Remember to take me!" Mo Crow became interested immediately.

"And me!" Hao Chengfeng also said.