Lord of All Gods

Chapter 509

"Hurry up, hurry up and improve your realm!"

After Ye Liuyun brought Piaoyun into the Xuankong Stone, he immediately found a place to sit down and began to prepare for cultivation.

As soon as the Xuankong Stone arrived here, it immediately began to synchronize the spiritual energy from the outside to the Xuankong Stone.

"Master, there are too many strong people out there! I\'m afraid no matter how hard I practice, I won\'t get the ranking. I think I\'ll wait for the next time..." After Piao Yun arrived here, she saw the elites from all over the place, and she obviously lost her mind. Confidence.

Ye Liuyun interrupted her and encouraged her. "Don\'t think so much, a little improvement is a little bit, try your best, and you won\'t regret it in the future. Don\'t give up lightly. Even if you just improve your ranking after training, if you persist for a while, you will defeat yourself. The strong don\'t They all came from when they were weak, so don’t think so much, just practice and improve your strength.”

"Yeah!" Piao Yun was also encouraged by hearing the words, and immediately stopped thinking wildly and went to practice.

Ye Liuyun is absorbing the god-level blood essence and spirit essence beads at the same time, working both ways.

He knew that before he could break through, he should still lack a lot of real energy. But now even if he used all the spirit stones he had prepared, he would not hesitate.

This battle is related to whether he can get out of the Cangyun Continent faster. This kind of Dabi\'s inheritance will definitely make his realm rise rapidly. If you miss this opportunity, you may have to wait four years. Or go to hard to find other resources. That would be too much to lose!

Ye Liuyun secretly made up his mind: "Whether it\'s for my parents and aunt, or for Liang Xue and Qingcheng who are waiting for me, I must break through!"

Immediately, he got rid of distracting thoughts and concentrated on practicing.

Now the true essence in the body is too strong, if you don\'t pay attention, it may cause the true essence to scurry around and destroy the meridians in the body. Ye Liuyun already had this awareness when he broke through last time, so he didn\'t dare to be careless when he broke through again this time.

His realm had already been promoted to the late stage of Tiangang fifth level, and under the impetus of the huge energy of Lingyuanzhu, he soon reached the critical point of breakthrough.

Same as the last breakthrough, he also felt a boom in his body, and then his true energy surged and returned. After the true essence returned to the Yuan Dan, it was compressed even more intensely.

His true essence at this moment has completely turned into gold. Even the double Yuandan is golden in color.

Feeling the power of Tiangang\'s sixth level, Ye Liuyun couldn\'t help but have more confidence in this martial arts competition. Now even against Tiangang Jiuzhong\'s opponent, he has the confidence to fight.

However, due to time constraints, Ye Liuyun didn\'t dare to delay any longer, and immediately continued to absorb spiritual energy, replenish the true essence, and fill up all the gaps in the true essence caused by the compression of the true essence.

After that, he began to cultivate the Buddha Demon Golden Body non-stop, and cultivated the Buddha Demon Golden Body in the physical body to the degree of perfection of the ninth level.

At this moment, Ye Liuyun\'s true essence is more powerful, and finally promotes the cultivation of the Buddha Demon Golden Body. The image of the Buddha and demon that manifested again has been completely solidified, covering it. Every movement of him, that is, the movement of the golden body of the Buddha Demon, is completely integrated.

And as he continued to absorb and refine the god-level blood essence, after adding the power of the blood and the power of the physical body, the attack power of the Buddha Demon Golden Body was more than twice as strong as that of the eighth-floor Buddha Demon Golden Body.

Ye Liuyun reckoned that now his golden Buddha body should be able to block the attack of Tiangang Nine Layers.

For the rest of the time, Ye Liuyun did not stop absorbing blood and spiritual energy. He intends to use the time before the game to improve as much as he can.

Although the time inside the Xuankong Stone was ten times more than outside, but after ten days, his true essence was able to rise to the late stage of the sixth level of Tiangang, and he had already consumed all the spirit essence beads.

Ye Liuyun felt that his demand for true essence was greater. Originally, he thought that this Lingyuan Orb could help him upgrade to the second stage, but he didn\'t expect that he hadn\'t even passed the late stage of the sixth stage of Tiangang.

He can only slowly absorb the remaining vacancies through the abundant aura here.

Although his speed of absorbing true essence is much faster than others, he also needs a large amount.

"If you want to break through now, it will be difficult!" Ye Liuyun shook his head helplessly, and began to cultivate his soul.

His god-level blood essence was also consumed by him. The weapon spirit of the Xuankong Stone is not recommended for him to cultivate the power of space in it. So what he can cultivate now is only the soul.

Considering that the opponent\'s spirits are generally very strong, Ye Liuyun decided to combine his two spirits into one to enhance his attack ability.

Just when he had just started to cultivate the soul, he felt the token issued to him by the Wubi registration office suddenly vibrate.

Jing Wudi also sent him a voice transmission, telling him that the martial arts competition was about to start. Therefore, Ye Liuyun could only stop cultivating, and retreated from the Xuankong Stone with Piaoyun.

At this time, all participating martial artists have received their scoring tokens.

As soon as Ye Liuyun came out, he felt the fighting spirit here had begun to rise. The young martial arts practitioners were nervously looking forward to the start of the martial arts competition. The moment to decide their fate is coming soon.

The transmission channel leading to Lingzhu Island was also completely sealed. The audience was already seated, and only some elders who brought their disciples were left and were evacuating to the audience stage.

Jing Wudi patted Ye Liuyun on the shoulder, encouraged him and the others, and then went straight to the stands and sat down.

In the easternmost stand, there is a large open space in the middle, which is specially reserved for the high-level executives of the Cangyun Alliance.

They are all sitting now. Ye Liuyun saw that sitting in the center was Yao Xinghai whom he had seen before.

After all the audience were seated, Yao Xinghai didn\'t say much, and directly announced: "This year\'s Cangyun Martial Arts Tournament has officially begun! I wish you all the best results!"

The spectators in the stands on all sides burst into overwhelming enthusiasm.

The participating members in the arena are also full of enthusiasm at the moment. Everyone is gearing up, excited.

The Cangyun Martial Arts Tournament, the highest rank in the Cangyun Continent and representing the strongest young generation, has finally kicked off.

Next, Yao Xinghai gave up the right to speak to a long-bearded old man from the Ninth Layer of Tiangang.

The old man was dressed in a white robe, with a detached aura.

I saw him fly directly to the center of the competition field, and his sonorous voice resounded throughout Lingzhu Island.


Before his voice fell completely, the rumbling sound came, and the ground began to shake.

Five arenas, each ten miles long and wide, rose slowly from the island!