Lord of All Gods

Chapter 508

Ye Liuyun either just started with the power of heaven and earth and Yao Xinghai couldn\'t guide him, or he has other powers that are stronger than him.

It was only at this time that he realized that except for Ye Liuyun\'s low level, everything else was already one step ahead of his peers.

"Why don\'t you ask what you want to know first?"

Ye Liuyun thought for a while, the power of heaven and earth, he already knew that he could cultivate it through the imaginary tour of Taixu, that is just to practice more. The power of space, he has the help of Xuankongshi\'s weapon spirit and Yinkong Jue.

Therefore, he asked a question about the rank of the bloodline: "You just said that I am the bloodline of the respected rank. I don\'t know how this bloodline is divided?"

"This is simple. Like weapons and treasures, bloodlines are divided into holy ranks, spiritual ranks, honorable ranks, and god ranks. The bloodlines of the honorable ranks are already the strongest bloodlines in our continent. There are not many in the entire continent. .The previous few Tianjiao\'s bloodlines and ranks are all similar to yours. In the strong team, only Yu Haotian\'s bloodlines are stronger than you, and the others should be similar to you. Just based on your bloodlines , it will be a matter of time before you become the arrogance of the Cangyun Martial Arts Competition." Yao Xinghai said affirmatively.

Ye Liuyun didn\'t expect to have a bloodline stronger than his own. It seems that the strength of his bloodline also needs to be strengthened.

But now, it\'s not the time to practice, you have to seize the time to ask questions.

So, he asked the question of Saber Intent again: "May I ask Deputy Leader Yao, how will my Saber Intent seed evolve in the future?"

"It will grow into a knife in the future." Yao Xinghai told Ye Liuyun clearly. "And this knife, at the beginning, can be used directly for attacking, and in the end it will be integrated with you, reaching the realm of human-knife integration."

After Ye Liuyun finished asking this, he couldn\'t think of anything else to ask.

He knows his weakness, that is, his realm is too low.

Yao Xinghai evaluated it secretly in his heart, and felt that if Ye Liuyun was lucky, it was really possible to stand out in this competition. Thinking of this, he took out an energy crystal ball and handed it to Ye Liuyun, wanting to help him again.

"I can\'t help you in terms of guidance. But I can\'t let you come here for nothing. This energy crystal ball is the spirit pearl bred on this Lingzhu Island. Although your yuan pill needs the real yuan There are a lot, but it is enough for you to break through the first level. It can be regarded as a little help from me!"

Yao Xinghai also felt a little embarrassed that he had talked about guidance earlier, but ended up talking too much and didn\'t help Ye Liuyun. So I simply sent something that would be most helpful to Ye Liuyun.

For Ye Liuyun, this thing is very practical. So he was not polite, and took it directly after thanking him.

"You guys go, I\'m really looking forward to your performance. Hurry up and improve your realm, otherwise it\'s really hard to say what you will achieve in the end. In this year\'s martial arts competition, there are a few geniuses who participated in the previous competition. They Now that they have grown up, their strength is not weak. At least their realm is higher than yours!"

Afterwards, Yao Xinghai didn\'t keep them, he just gave them a few instructions and asked them to prepare for the martial arts competition.

"Hurry up to absorb refining. If you can improve a little bit, you have more hope!" As soon as they went out, Jing Wudi reminded Ye Liuyun to hurry up and improve his level.

"Okay!" Ye Liuyun also raced against the clock, directly took out the Lingyuan Orb he had just obtained, and began to absorb it.

The cultivation resources he had prepared before had been almost consumed by him along the way. His realm is almost at the late stage of Tiangang fifth level. Although the aura here is rich, it is not as fast as directly absorbing the spirit essence beads.

The energy in the Lingyuan bead is all concentrated, absorbing it from it is much faster than absorbing it from the surrounding aura.

As Ye Liuyun and Jing Wudi walked back, their spiritual senses explored the situation here again.

What shocked him the most was that there were nearly one hundred thousand spectators who came to watch the battle, almost filling up the fan-shaped arena on all sides.

"So many people came to see the fun?" Ye Liuyun couldn\'t help asking Jing Wudi.

"Of course! This is the highest-standard martial arts competition in the Cangyun Continent. Even if you just watch it, it will help many people improve their strength. And it will also give birth to the Tianjiao of the entire continent. To witness this moment, even if you spend tens of thousands of spirit stones , There are still a lot of people who come to see it. Just like this, it has to be people with power and background, ordinary people, who want to spend Lingshi have no way!" Jing Wudi explained to Ye Liuyun.

Ye Liuyun nodded, and glanced at the contestants, the number should have exceeded 10,000. This scene really can only be described as grand. Ye Liuyun had never participated in a martial arts competition with so many people before.

As far as I can see, many people are hurrying to practice. Ye Liuyun didn\'t check with the golden pupil either, so as not to disturb others. He tried to use the power of heaven and earth to sense the realm and the power of blood of these people, and after a look, he couldn\'t help but feel the pressure.

"The realm of most people here is above the third level of the Tiangang, and even the fifth and sixth levels of the Tiangang are very common. And the power of the blood is already very strong. I am afraid that the advantage I relied on before is not obvious here!"

Thinking of this, after he and Jing Wudi returned to the crowd, they also started to practice immediately. While absorbing the Lingyuan Orb, he took out the blood spar to practice.

He can\'t care less about spying on other people now. If he doesn\'t improve a bit, I\'m afraid it will be difficult for him to even get the ranking.

In order to speed up, Ye Liuyun asked everyone who was cultivating in the Xuankong Stone to return to the Dragon Palace temporarily, and followed Wu Qingcheng to take away all the god-level blood essence and blood spar. After that, he also moved some of the spirit stones into the Xuankong Stone.

Then, he handed the Xuankong Stone to Jing Wudi, and he took Piaoyun into the Xuankong Stone to practice. Now if you want to break through quickly, you can only rely on the power of Xuankong Stone.

If this is normal, this kind of behavior will feel very weird if it is seen by others. But here, it is not surprising at all. Many people have storage spaces that can store living things, and even built their own exclusive training rooms in the space. So many people enter their own storage space to practice.

This is the top group of young martial artists in Cangyun Continent. Some families with resources cultivated them at all costs. So it\'s no surprise that there are some treasures.

At this moment, even Xiong Batian is practicing in his storage space. So Ye Liuyun didn\'t bother him, and just took Piaoyun with him.

As for Jiang Wanhao and the others, Ye Liuyun didn\'t want them to know the secret of his Xuankong Stone. Piaoyun is her maid, he only takes Piaoyun in, Jiang Wanhao and others don\'t say anything.