Lord of All Gods

Chapter 495

With a bang, the Demon Sealing Tablet fell directly, smashing He Weiqun to pieces.

Ye Liuyun clicked his tongue when he saw it!

Forget about calling this demonic tablet the "Crazy Demonic Tablet" from now on.

As soon as Ye Liuyun thought of this, the Demon Sealing Tablet locked him directly. He only felt a kind of pressure with no place to hide, covering him.

"I\'m just kidding, don\'t worry about it!"

Ye Liuyun quickly explained to the magic tablet, and the tablet became smaller and ran back to his sea of ​​consciousness.

"It\'s so dangerous, I almost devoured the Lord!" Ye Liuyun patted his chest. But he also understood that Fengmobei was just trying to scare him. "It seems that the consciousness of this magic tablet is still very strong!"

Ye Liuyun immediately put away the death knell, and let everyone out.

Then let Wu Qingcheng gather some high-level ferocious beasts, gathered more than 200 beasts, and rushed to the iron chain crossing bridge.

After reaching the bridge, Ye Liuyun pulled up the iron cables and threw them directly to the opposite bank. The magic vine stretched out the vines, caught the iron cables, and connected them again. They also stretched out the vines continuously along the iron cables, covering the bridge that was originally only iron cables with vines, forming a bridge deck. Let Ye Liuyun and others and all the beasts cross the bridge.

After everyone passed by, the vine took back the vine and turned into a small seed again, which was taken away by Ye Liuyun.

"You contributed a lot this time. When you arrive at He\'s house in a while, you can absorb it casually. Take it as a reward for you." Ye Liuyun said to the magic vine seed.

As soon as Luoxi saw Ye Liuyun and others struggling to cross the iron chain, he guessed that He Weiqun might have been killed. Immediately send a sound transmission to the palace lord and ask what to do.

"Remove the heaven and earth nets, follow them to monitor nearby, and I will go there soon." The Palace Master instructed.

"Yes." Elder Luoxi agreed, and immediately put away the net and hid in the void of the third level.

Ye Liuyun noticed him, but ignored him. Take the beast directly and rush towards He\'s house.

He is now sure that Lingxi Palace doesn\'t want to be his enemy anymore. As for what will happen in the end, he guesses that when he destroys the He family, someone from Lingxi Palace will come to talk to him.

And he was also mentally prepared to let Liang Xue continue to practice in Lingxi Palace. After all, practicing in Lingxi Palace is much faster than practicing with him.

When he arrived at He\'s house, Ye Liuyun directly asked Wu Qingcheng to blow the horn and ordered Ji Meng to attack.

He himself held the death knell in one hand and the demon-sealing tablet in the other, and was on guard for the appearance of the ancestor of the He family. Usually this kind of big family has such an ancestor, who is holding his breath with his true energy, half dead, waiting for the last battle for the family, and then going to die.

Unexpectedly, he completely wiped out the He family, confiscated the treasure house of the He family, and their ancestors of the He family did not show up.

There were more than two hundred ferocious beasts, except for the one hundred who died in battle, there were nearly a hundred left. In the end, they were all swallowed up by the magic vines. This time, the magic vines even had humans and ferocious beasts, but they devoured enough. Even the shape of its seeds has grown a whole circle.

Ye Liuyun collected the seeds of the magic vine, and led the crowd away from He\'s house. He didn\'t even take out the flying boat, but walked and chatted with Liang Xue.

"Xue\'er, if Lingxi Palace sends someone to pick you up, you should go back to practice! No matter what, the cultivation environment in Lingxi Palace is much better than following me!" Ye Liuyun persuaded.

"You don\'t want to take me away?" Liang Xue was a little surprised, why did Ye Liuyun say that.

Ye Liuyun explained: "Of course I want to, but I think, when you go back to Lingxi Palace, we will see you again at the martial arts competition in a few months. You are now at the second level of Tiangang, and your realm can be improved within a few months. It shouldn\'t be a problem to participate in the martial arts competition. Why don\'t you take advantage of these few months to practice in Lingxi Palace with peace of mind."

"Well, it\'s okay. But I\'m afraid Master will be offended by me, and Lingxi Palace won\'t send anyone here." Liang Xue also said with some regret.

In fact, if it wasn\'t for his master\'s opposition to her and Ye Liuyun\'s matter, she would still be very grateful to this master.

"Don\'t worry, they\'re back!" Ye Liuyun said firmly.

"Hahaha," a burst of laughter came out of nowhere, and Ye Liuyun and the others stopped immediately. Except for Ye Liuyun, everyone else immediately became tense and entered a fighting state.

"It\'s only now that I know why our genius, Xue\'er, is so optimistic about you, a young man! It really is extraordinary!"

After the laughter, the palace lord of Lingxi Palace and Liang Xue\'s master Wei Yusong rushed over together. The person who spoke was the Palace Master of the Consonance Palace.

"Meet the two seniors!" Ye Liuyun also said respectfully. He had long since spotted the two men spying on their conversation from afar.

"Xue\'er, Master is too confused. Now that I know that I have misjudged Mr. Ye, don\'t be as knowledgeable as Master, and go back to practice with Master! With your talent, it is absolutely useless to participate in the Cangyun Martial Arts Tournament." Question." Wei Yusong also let go at this time.

When Liang Xue first saw him, she thought he was here to settle accounts with them. I didn\'t expect to let her go back. "This...can I go back?" She asked in disbelief.

"Of course! He Liancheng is dead! We can\'t let the living take the blame. And I also know that it\'s not your fault!" The palace lord confirmed to Liang Xue directly.

"It\'s true!" Liang Xue looked at Ye Liuyun in amazement, and was actually hit by what he said.

Ye Liuyun also nodded at her. "It\'s true. You go back, see you at the martial arts competition!"

"Then... that\'s fine!" Liang Xue was a little reluctant to leave Ye Liuyun.

"Hahaha, then we old guys won\'t bother you to bid farewell! Let\'s go first. Farewell, Mr. Ye!" Seeing that Ye Liuyun didn\'t intend to go back with them, the Palace Master didn\'t mention Ye Liuyun joining the Lingxi Palace. , but caringly set aside time for them to say goodbye, and brought Wei Yusong and Elder Luoxi back to the Consonance Palace ahead of schedule.

Ye Liuyun also immediately released the flying boat, let everyone get on the flying boat, and controlled the flying boat to drive slowly towards the Lingxi Palace, intending to send Liang Xue back directly before leaving.

Inside the flying boat, Ye Liuyun and Liang Xue were alone in a private room, reluctantly saying goodbye. Ye Liuyun also told Liang Xue about the cultivation method of Shuangyuan Pill and the cultivation method of Buddha Demon Golden Body. As for whether to practice or not, let her make her own decision.

It wasn\'t until reaching the Consonance Palace that Liang Xue put away the Earth Demon Dragon and went back to the Consonance Palace to continue training.

Ye Liuyun and the others also directly drove the flying boat and returned to Iron Eagle Sect.

Along the way, Wu Qingcheng, Yu\'er and Ruyue have been practicing inside the Xuankong Stone, while Lei Ming and Baihu accompanied Ye Liuyun outside.

The speed of their return was much slower. When I went there, I was afraid that I would not have enough time, so I was in a hurry, and it took ten days to arrive. When they went back, they walked for fifteen days, and they took Lei Ming and Bai Hu to the county town they passed by to have a big meal.