Lord of All Gods

Chapter 496

Before returning to the Jinpeng Dynasty, Wu Qingcheng broke through to the first level of Tiangang, and has been consolidating her realm and practicing continuously. Yu\'er broke through to the eighth level of Yuandan, and Ruyue broke through to the seventh level of Yuandan.

Ye Liuyun didn\'t go back to the head teacher directly, but first went to the sub-rudder to have a look, and after seeing nothing unusual, he told Piaoyun, turned directly to Tianyin Hall, and went to find Su Miaoyin.

He is looking at the time and there is still about one and a half months. If you push the flying boat with all your strength, you should have time to see Su Miaoyin.

Wu Qingcheng and the others also came out of the Xuankong Stone at the beginning, and accompanied Ye Liuyun together.

Ye Liuyun checked the progress of everyone\'s cultivation of the Dual Element Pill and the Buddha Demon Golden Body.

He asked everyone to take advantage of the fact that they had just broken through the realm, and asked them to work harder on soul cultivation, blood power, and Buddha magic gold. Elevate the body, blood and soul.

He often uses the soul to attack, so he knows the importance of the soul. When you meet a martial artist with a powerful mind and soul, no matter how strong you are, you will have no chance to do it.

So everyone was thrown back to the Xuankong Stone by him to practice. And Ye Liuyun himself is also improving his strength in all aspects, and is still absorbing the remaining energy of the stars.

Before reaching Tianyin Hall, Ye Liuyun finally completely absorbed the original power of the stars.

"Next time I break through, I don\'t know what energy to use. If I don\'t have any, I can only rely on spirit stones!" Ye Liuyun also lamented that his dual element pill has a huge demand for energy.

Even if he absorbed the rest of the original power of the stars, his current state is only in the middle stage of the fifth level of Tiangang, and he is still far away from the sixth level of Tiangang!

Before arriving at Tianyin Hall, Ye Liuyun contacted Su Miaoyin with a sound transmission talisman. So did Su Miaoyin, who had been waiting for news from Ye Liuyun. As soon as she received the news, she immediately rushed towards Ye Liuyun with Shi Yuan.

This time Ye Liuyun was not as impatient as when he saw Liang Xue, and led everyone to meet Su Miaoyin. And Su Miaoyin didn\'t have the nerve to throw herself directly into Ye Liuyun\'s arms.

But Ye Liuyun took the initiative to hold Su Miaoyin\'s hand. Wu Qingcheng taught him this in advance, fearing that he would be like a log and snub Su Miaoyin.

Su Miaoyin\'s face was slightly red, and she was already very content with Ye Liuyun taking the initiative to hold her hand.

"Miaoyin, has everything been going well since you got here? Did Tianyin Temple send someone to rescue the Magic Sound Workshop?"

"Oh! Don\'t mention it, they won\'t send anyone there at all!" Su Miaoyin sighed and complained to Ye Liuyun.

Su Miaoyin told Ye Liuyun and others what happened.

After she arrived at Tianyin Hall, she found Elder Lianyu and handed her the letter from the owner of Moyinfang.

But after she read the letter, she only accepted Su Miaoyin as her personal disciple, and did not mention sending someone to rescue him.

Su Miaoyin was thinking about the magic sound workshop, so she asked Elder Lianyu when he would send someone to the magic sound workshop.

Elder Lianyu looked at Su Miaoyin, and then directly showed her the letter from the workshop owner.

In the letter of the owner of Moyinfang, there was no mention of rescue at all, but he asked Elder Lianyu to train Su Miaoyin well.

When Ye Liuyun heard this, he immediately understood. The owner of Moyinfang didn\'t expect Tianyindian\'s rescue at all, he was just worried that Su Miaoyin would not leave, so he made an excuse for her.

Su Miaoyin nodded and said: "My master said the same thing. So, I was left behind to practice with the master. The master treated me very well and helped me get a lot of resources. My realm has broken through to Tiangang Double!"

Su Miaoyin has a treasure to prevent detection, if she doesn\'t say anything, Ye Liuyun really doesn\'t pay attention. Of course, it was because Ye Liuyun didn\'t have the nerve to look at the Yuan Dan in her body. If you really want to see it, even that treasure can\'t stop his golden pupils.

It\'s just that after Su Miaoyin became his woman, he was embarrassed to see it.

Ye Liuyun asked again: "Do you know about Cangyun Wubi?"

"I know! Master also used a quota for me, let me practice quickly during this period, and then let me participate in it!" Su Miaoyin replied. Then she asked Ye Liuyun again: "You also know about the Cangyun Martial Arts Competition? Will you participate?"

Ye Liuyun nodded: "I also have a quota, and I will participate."

"That\'s great, then we can meet at the Cangyun Martial Arts Tournament!" Su Miaoyin also became happy when she heard the words. She has been worried that Ye Liuyun has no sect and has no chance to participate in this grand event.

"Well, I\'ll see you during the martial arts competition. I should go back too. Staying here will also delay your cultivation. Knowing that everything is fine with you, I can rest assured." Seeing that Su Miaoyin had no intention of leaving with her, Ye Liuyun naturally I won\'t mention it either. Instead, he felt that Su Miaoyin didn\'t have him in his heart, so there was no need for him to stay any longer, so he had to go back immediately.

"Ah? You just came, are you going to leave?" Su Miaoyin was obviously very disappointed. And she also noticed that Ye Liuyun\'s attitude suddenly cooled down, and she didn\'t know what made Ye Liuyun unhappy.

"We\'ll see each other soon! It took fifteen days for our airship to fly here with all our strength. I\'m worried that there will be delays on the way, and I won\'t be able to make it in time to participate in the martial arts competition." Ye Liuyun explained.

"Oh, okay then!" Although Su Miaoyin wanted to get closer to Ye Liuyun, but seeing Ye Liuyun\'s attitude, she had no choice but to let him go.

Wu Qingcheng also prepared some training resources for Miaoyin. Pulling Miaoyin to chat some private words, and then bid farewell to Su Miaoyin.

Before Ye Liuyun left, he still told her and Shi Yuan the method of cultivating the Buddha Demon Golden Body, and then he led the people back directly by flying boat.

Su Miaoyin watched the flying boat fly away, with tears in her eyes. She didn\'t take the stone ape back until the flying boat was completely invisible.

Shi Yuan was stunned, not knowing why she seemed to be about to cry. She thought she was reluctant to part with Ye Liuyun.

On the flying boat, Ye Liuyun also didn\'t say a word, as if concentrating on driving the flying boat.

It was Wu Qingcheng who knew Ye Liuyun best. She sat down next to Ye Liuyun, and asked softly: "Why, Miaoyin didn\'t mention that she wanted to go with you, you are angry, aren\'t you? Do you think she doesn\'t want to be with you at all, so you want to go back right away? "

"Are my feelings wrong?" Ye Liuyun asked back.

As soon as Wu Qingcheng heard it, she knew she had guessed right. "You, don\'t think about it. You can\'t guess a woman\'s mind! I talked to her before I left. Miaoyin didn\'t want to hold you back, so I reluctantly separated from you and stayed in Tianyin The palace raised her cultivation level. She is your woman now, do you think she doesn’t want to be with you! She just doesn’t want to be your burden, and wants to strengthen her strength before you go to the outside world, so that she can go with you together. Otherwise, she is afraid that you will think her level is low and leave her behind!"