Lord of All Gods

Chapter 494

Ye Liuyun took advantage of the position, smashed it with the death knell from top to bottom, and attacked with the soul domain. By the time the iron chain hit the cliff, he had already wiped out most of the He family\'s martial arts.

He didn\'t love to fight either, he just hid into the void and disappeared on the spot.

As soon as the iron chain got close to the cliff, He Weiqun and others immediately pulled the iron chain, stepped on the cliff, and quickly climbed up the cliff.

They were really worried that Ye Liuyun would also cut off the iron chain at this end.

Ye Liuyun did not do this. He kept the iron chain because he didn\'t want anyone to be able to enter this mountain range in the future. And this iron chain, he kept it for other purposes for the time being.

Ye Liuyun came directly to the center of the mountain range through the void, and released Wu Qingcheng.

"Qingcheng, use the wolf\'s horn to summon all the beasts in this mountain range." Ye Liuyun said to Wu Qingcheng.

"Okay." Wu Qingcheng immediately took out the horn and blew it without asking why.

"Wow!" The horn blew, and it turned out to be the sound of a wolf howling.

The howling of wolves resounded throughout the mountain range, and all the beasts who heard the horn rushed to the place where the sound came from.

After Wu Qingcheng blew the summoning horn, Ye Liuyun directly took her back to the storage ring, and then disappeared into the void.

He Weiqun also discovered the abnormal behavior of the beast. His consciousness spread out and he searched for Ye Liuyun. Ye Liuyun didn\'t see it, but saw the beasts running towards the center of the mountain range.

He looked in the direction of "Howling Wolf", but found nothing. In the end, after hesitating for a while, he rushed there with everyone, wanting to investigate.

He intuitively felt that the changes of these beasts must have something to do with Ye Liuyun. But what it is, he is not sure now.

Ye Liuyun waited for the He family to approach the center of the mountain range before reappearing, and asked Wu Qingcheng to blow the horn again, ordering all the beasts to attack the He family.

When He Weiqun found out that Ye Liuyun and Wu Qingcheng had blown the horn, they found out that Ye Liuyun and the others had blown the horn.

At this time, they were very close to the beast. The beasts got the order and rushed towards them immediately. Of course these ferocious beasts couldn\'t hurt He Weiqun, but some of his subordinates suffered disaster immediately.

He Weiqun knew that he had been tricked, and led the He family back while fighting. However, the ferocious beasts chasing them gradually formed a beast tide, threatening them more and more.

"This damn guy. He even has the ability to control beasts!" He Weiqun cursed secretly in his heart, but there was nothing he could do.

But their way of retreat was cut off, without iron chains, the elders and disciples of the He family could not go back. You can only go around in circles with the herd in the mountains.

At this time, Ye Liuyun had already asked Wu Qingcheng to go back to rest, and he himself followed behind the herd of beasts, using his golden pupils to attack, and wiped out the spirits of the five elders of the He family.

In this way, there are only fifteen or sixteen He family members who followed He Weiqun.

He Weiqun was angry, but he didn\'t dare to stop and fight Ye Liuyun. Now it\'s all up to him to block the fast-running beast, otherwise, those members of the He family will be overtaken by the beast.

These ferocious beasts have scarlet eyes, they are crazy, and they are not afraid of death at all. The true essence was also consumed without hesitation, chasing after them. So as soon as he stopped, these ferocious beasts would rush forward and wipe out their entire team.

Although there are not many fifteen or sixteen people this time, it is the only hope left for their He family.

But if he didn\'t stop to resist Ye Liuyun, Ye Liuyun would keep sneaking up on them, killing an elder\'s soul every time.

He is also in a dilemma now.

Ye Liuyun followed the beast and continued to attack, killing two more elders. He Weiqun finally couldn\'t bear it anymore, and rushed towards Ye Liuyun.

Ye Liuyun raised the corner of his mouth, raised his hand and threw the death knell out, covering him.

He Weiqun didn\'t dare to take it head-on, and immediately flew to avoid it. But the Demon Sealing Tablet was smashed down again. He can only dodge again.

Ye Liuyun took back the death knell and the demon-sealing tablet, and surrounded himself in a defensive posture.

He Weiqun gritted his teeth, released all his true energy, and attacked Ye Liuyun. However, Ye Liuyun didn\'t use the death knell or the demon-sealing tablet to stop him this time. Instead, he collected the two treasures and disappeared into the void.

He Weiqun was taken aback for a moment, and then secretly cried out that it was not good. Looking back, he found that the ferocious beasts had caught up with several He family disciples and were attacking them.

Ye Liuyun\'s figure also appeared in front of the fleeing He family team, and the death knell smashed towards Wu Xiu, who was running the fastest.

The martial artist couldn\'t dodge in time, so he could only strike with his fist. A loud bang of "dong" shook all the Wuxiu who were running nearby to the ground and rolled over several times, in a panic.

But Wu Xiu, who bombarded the death knell, was directly hit by the death knell and died. Ye Liuyun\'s soul domain opened up, and took the opportunity to reap the lives of several Wuxiu.

"Ah!" He Weiqun\'s eyes were tearing apart. He rushed to fight Ye Liuyun to the death, but unexpectedly, Ye Liuyun\'s goal was to wipe them all out.

In the team of ferocious beasts, the ferocious beasts running ahead were also knocked down by the sound of the death knell, but the ferocious beasts behind immediately rushed over again. In an instant, the disciples of the He family could no longer escape and were surrounded by fierce beasts.

At this moment, Ye Liuyun hooked his hands towards He Weiqun, indicating that he can fight!

"Little brat! You have brought misery to my He family! I must kill you today!" He Weiqun was so excited that he rushed towards Ye Liuyun.

"It\'s your He family who wants to make things difficult for me, but you\'re blaming me?"

Ye Liuyun directly greeted He Weiqun with the death knell. He Weiqun didn\'t dodge any more, and directly threw out a spiritual weapon, ringing the death knell.

With the power of the Hewei group, although the spiritual weapon could not stop the death knell, it was enough to stop the death knell for a moment. Immediately, he bypassed the death knell and continued to rush towards Ye Liuyun.

As soon as he showed his head, the Demon Sealing Tablet smashed down again. It turned out that Ye Liuyun would have thought about it earlier, he would have a way to block the death knell, so the Demon Sealing Tablet had already been called in advance.

He Weiqun was not prepared this time either, so he could only punch the Demon Sealing Tablet loudly, trying to shake it away.

But with this punch, he pissed off the Demon Sealing Tablet! The Demon Sealing Tablet was uncontrollably thrown at him again.

Ye Liuyun could only smile helplessly, took the death knell back, and was ready to throw it out to block He Weiqun at any time. This magic tablet is really a stone tablet with ideas, whoever hits it, it will take revenge on anyone!

This monster tablet is a guy who can calm even a big demon, so it is not easy to deal with this Hewei group. Under the lock of the Demon Sealing Tablet, He Weiqun couldn\'t even hide.