Lord of All Gods

Chapter 493

Ye Liuyun immediately put everyone away again.

Looking at the bridge in front of him, he couldn\'t help feeling emotional. In fact, he had already forcibly crossed the bridge three times. Killed the strong He family three times. Next time, I don\'t know what stronger opponent will come.

Martial arts cultivation is like crossing this iron rope, the future is uncertain. Every time is difficult and full of dangers. If you are a little careless, you will be doomed!

Ye Liuyun stared at the iron chain, dazed. Thinking about my own martial arts, thinking about my parents and aunt, thinking about the future!

Not long after, Ye Liuyun\'s thoughts were interrupted when he saw his opponent this time.

He Weiqun, the head of the He family, and all the high-end combat power of the He family.

He Weiqun is the eighth level of Tiangang. And the more than twenty elders who followed him were almost all in the sixth or seventh level of Tiangang. There are more than 20 disciples from the first to fifth levels of Tiangang.

"It seems that this time the He family is also full of elites!" Ye Liuyun looked at the strong men on the opposite side, neither sad nor happy.

He Weiqun really couldn\'t sit still this time. In order to hunt and kill Ye Liuyun, their He family had already sacrificed too much combat power, even the Excalibur was taken away by Ye Liuyun, how could he not be in a hurry.

If he couldn\'t take Ye Liuyun down again, he wouldn\'t be able to explain to the family, and he wouldn\'t be able to sit down as the patriarch anymore.

So this time he is also personally leading the team, he must kill Ye Liuyun, and he is also planning to take back the Excalibur. He even planned to take Ye Liuyun\'s death knell to himself, so as to make up for the loss this time.

Ye Liuyun also knew that this was the last battle between him and the He family.

After this time, the He family didn\'t have much combat power and could withstand his impact. The destruction of the He family is also imminent.

In Ye Liuyun\'s heart, he no longer dared to underestimate the martial arts of the Eighth Layer of Tiangang.

What\'s more, on the opposite side are more than forty martial artists in the Tiangang realm.

After looking at it for a while, he turned and left, disappeared into the void.

He Weiqun on the opposite side also saw this boy with golden pupils. He only felt that there was a detached aura about this young man. He was far more mature than the brat he had imagined.

He glanced over, not only couldn\'t see the young man\'s realm, but he couldn\'t even guess his thoughts. He only saw Ye Liuyun\'s golden pupils, calm.

Suddenly, he had a feeling that they all underestimated the young man in front of him. To be able to wipe out so much of their He family\'s high-end combat power, how could they be idlers.

Therefore, he also paid attention to Ye Liuyun from the bottom of his heart.

And Ye Liuyun\'s sudden disappearance made him dare not act rashly.

After Ye Liuyun disappeared into the void, he didn\'t move, but stood where he was, observing the opponent\'s movements.

The two sides stood like this, looking at each other, but neither of them moved.

"Patriarch." A Tiangang elder called He Weiqun softly.

"Wait!" He Weiqun was silent for a long time, and finally managed to squeeze out only one word from his mouth.

Therefore, everyone behind him also stood in place, waiting for He Weiqun\'s order.

That night, Ye Liuyun tried to attack, and directly released a black hole on the opposite side.

The black hole had just devoured two martial artists of the third and fourth layers of Tiangang, when He Weiqun punched them back into the void.

"He Weiqun\'s strength is actually stronger than that Great Elder. To deal with him, I\'m afraid we have to use Death Knell or the Demon Sealing Tablet. I\'m not his opponent yet."

Ye Liuyun had a clear understanding of He Weiqun\'s strength in his heart. Afterwards, he turned around and entered the mountains, looking for a place to enter the Xuankong Stone to practice the power of space.

He knew in his heart that He Weiqun would definitely not be able to exhaust him this time with all his people.

But He Weiqun and the people around him were always on guard against Ye Liuyun\'s sneak attack, and they didn\'t dare to relax at all.

After waiting for three days, He Weiqun really couldn\'t afford it anymore. The others also showed signs of fatigue. After three days of non-stop carrying out sneak attacks, anyone would feel tired.

But He Weiqun also knew that the people around him couldn\'t stop Ye Liuyun\'s attack. Once they separated, these people would probably go directly to deliver Ye Liuyun\'s head.

"Get ready and cross the bridge with me." He Weiqun ordered the people behind him.

At this time, Ye Liuyun also retreated from the Xuankong Stone, passed through the void, and returned to the end of the iron chain, but he did not show up.

It was the magic vine that sent him a spiritual message, informing him that the He family was going to take action.

When Ye Liuyun arrived, it happened that all the martial artists of the He family had already boarded the iron chain and walked towards Ye Liuyun.

Ye Liuyun immediately contacted the magic vine again: "Pull out all the iron cables by the roots, and let the iron cables break."

This action is not difficult for the magic vine. It was also in the soil, directly found the roots of the iron chains, and pulled them out one by one. Before pulling it out, it uses vines to hold the iron cable. In this way, even if the root of the iron chain is pulled out of the bridge, people will not notice it.

Ye Liuyun himself took out the death knell, showed his body, and threw it at He Weiqun. Immediately, a spiritual weapon followed and smashed at the death knell.

He Weiqun was really smart, he directly used his true energy to hold the death knell, not letting him fall down, but also preventing the death knell from ringing. But what he didn\'t expect was that he didn\'t let the death knell ring, and the spiritual weapon behind Ye Liuyun hit the death knell directly.

Another "boom" rang, shaking these He family powerhouses into a trance.

He Weiqun didn\'t understand what Ye Liuyun meant. For the strong in the Tiangang realm, this kind of shock should be able to withstand it, and it will not cause any danger. "Could it be that he just wants to procrastinate for a while."

While He Weiqun was thinking about Ye Liuyun\'s purpose, the magic vines had pulled out all the iron cables.

"Let go!" Ye Liuyun issued an order to the magic vine. As soon as the vines of the magic vine were retracted, one end of the iron chain immediately fell down. Many martial arts practitioners on the iron chains felt that their feet were falling directly from the space below them before recovering from the shock of the death knell, and they also fell directly.

"Ah!" He Weiqun was also startled, and hastily grasped the handrail of the iron chain. Instead of everyone grabbing onto the handrail, more than a dozen martial artists immediately fell down.

The others who reacted quickly grabbed the handrail. At this time, He Weiqun\'s true essence controlling the death knell was exhausted, and the death knell smashed down on He Weiqun again. And Ye Liuyun took the opportunity to launch the golden pupil\'s cross-air attack, pulling some martial arts souls into his Tiangang Liuyun, and annihilating them one by one.

The chain at the broken end was still dangling in the air, and did not fall to the opposite cliff. But Wu Xiu beside He Weiqun kept falling down.