Lord of All Gods

Chapter 487

Before leaving, Ye Liuyun turned his head and glanced at Elder Luoxi who was guarding the gap in the net.

Seeing this scene, Elder Luoxi was also horrified. He reckoned that Ye Liuyun and this monster were strong enough to fight him. If the two of them practiced together with the artifact in Ye Liuyun\'s hand, he really was no match. What\'s more, his power of space is not Ye Liuyun\'s opponent. At that time, he can\'t even run away.

So when Ye Liuyun looked over, he immediately became nervous.

Unexpectedly, Ye Liuyun just smiled at him, then turned around and put away the skeleton puppet. Then Lei Ming became smaller and jumped onto Ye Liuyun\'s shoulder, returning directly to the opposite bank.

After Ye Liuyun returned, it didn\'t take long for the five martial arts teams of the He family to rush over together, and the team leader turned out to be a strong man of the eighth level of Tiangang. There are also four strong men at the seventh level of Tiangang.

However, they still didn\'t attack the ferry, just like last time, they stationed on the opposite side, waiting for Ye Liuyun to attack the bridge.

"Little brother, I will go back to the Xuankong Stone to break through the realm, and I will break through to the seventh level of the Tiangang soon. Then I will be more confident in fighting the martial arts of the eighth level of the Tiangang." Lei Ming volunteered.

"Okay, then you go back to practice first. But don\'t force it, I have a way to deal with them." Ye Liuyun was afraid that he would forcefully break through and cause the realm to become unstable. After asking him to ensure safety, he put Lei Ming into the storage ring, allowing her to break through with peace of mind.

In fact, he is about to break through, but he can\'t do it now. He dare not relax now, he must guard the ferry.

Ye Liuyun planned to give those people on the opposite side a hard time this time, attacking directly with the power of space. However, he still wanted to wait and see. If Lei Ming broke through quickly, it would be easy for him and Lei Ming to deal with those people on the opposite side, and he could not expose the power of space for the time being.

Moreover, he was still waiting for news from the corpse worms before he could determine what to do next. The Corpse Worm has entered the grave at this moment and is searching.

Ye Liuyun continued to stalemate with the opposite party. Half a day later, the corpse-eating insects sent good news that there was indeed a treasure in the tomb, and it was an energy spar that could help break through. Through its spiritual consciousness, it passed on everything it saw to Ye Liuyun.

Ye Liuyun was also overjoyed when he saw the spar. A huge spar, the energy contained in it is enough for all of them to break through!

Immediately, he asked the corpse-eaters to find out how to get in and out of the tomb, and then he waited for a long time until the corpse-eaters confirmed it, then he gathered everyone, put them all into the storage ring, and then directly disappeared into the void up.

The people on the opposite side also noticed his movements, but watched him disappear helplessly. The strong man at the eighth level of Gang that day searched for Ye Liuyun\'s whereabouts with his spiritual sense in doubt, but found nothing.

Finally he decided: "We stand still! This kid seems to be able to hide in the void, and he can travel through the void at any time. If we are attacked by him when we are crossing the bridge, the loss will be heavy."

"That\'s right! He must have felt that he couldn\'t beat us, so he didn\'t dare to rush over again, and wanted to lure us over, so he deliberately let go of the ferry to let us relax our vigilance."

The elders of the seventh level of Tiangang next to him also unanimously agreed with this decision, and they all decided to spend their time here, and when Ye Liuyun couldn\'t hold on anymore, he would naturally rush over.

After Ye Liuyun left, his spiritual sense also realized that they didn\'t rush over. He was curious at first, why didn\'t these people keep up? He is also planning to lure these people over and eliminate them in batches!

Immediately he also realized that these people might think that this was a trick to lure the enemy, and they dared not take the risk to try it out.

"Haha, if you don\'t come here, I\'m really leaving, young master!" As he spoke, he went directly through the void to the tomb, and entered the underground tomb according to the investigation of the corpse-eating insects.

This tomb was originally inconspicuous, and there were no treasures. Ye Liuyun was just skeptical, so he only let the corpse-eating insects come in to have a look, but he didn\'t expect that there would be unexpected surprises.

Ye Liuyun was alone and didn\'t need to think about the safety of others, so he was walking very fast. The corpse worms helped him find out the dangerous places, and he traveled directly through the void, and then came directly to the last tomb.

According to the corpse worm, there is a zombie guardian here. So after Ye Liuyun entered, without further ado, he took out the death knell, put it on the coffin in the middle, and locked it inside.

Then with the back of the Demon Slayer Knife, hit it.

With a sound of "boom", the zombies inside were instantly wiped out. The flesh also began to rot rapidly.

When Ye Liuyun put away the death bell, only a skeleton remained of the unlucky zombie, scattered in the coffin.

Immediately, Ye Liuyun opened the coffin, revealing the movement.

Ye Liuyun immediately put it away so as not to attract other things. After that, he looked at the stone coffin. The material used should be a special material that can block energy fluctuations. So, he casually put away the coffin as well.

Then, Ye Liuyun looked around the environment here. According to the Corpse Worm, the only danger in this last tomb is this zombie.

After thinking about it, he decided to practice here for a while, and then go out after raising his realm. Just in case, he still set up the formation flag that Qiongqi left him here, and let the corpse worms help him guard against the wind. Then he returned to the Xuankong Stone, took out the big spar, and let everyone absorb the breakthrough together.

As for the source of energy, he is not very short now. In addition to this large spar, he still has half of the original power of the stars, and a sufficient number of spirit stones.

So, everyone sat around the spar and began to absorb it.

But as soon as he absorbed it, Ye Liuyun immediately stopped everyone.

"There is a problem with the energy in this spar. Some people can\'t absorb it." Ye Liuyun said to everyone.

Liang Xue also nodded immediately and said, "I also think this energy is weird, like devil energy."

Ye Liuyun also confirmed: "That\'s right! It\'s very similar to demon energy, so Lei Ming and Earth Demon Dragon are here to practice with me, Yu\'er and Qingcheng, you two, try to see if your skills can be transformed, and if not, then don\'t Reluctantly. Everyone else, quit for the time being, it won’t do you any good if you absorb this energy.”

Therefore, Ye Liuyun arranged Liang Xue, Bai Hu, and Ruyue into the Dragon Palace, and asked them to absorb the spirit stones for cultivation, while he himself went back to see how Yu\'er and Qingcheng were doing.

Although the two of them can also transform, but the efficiency is too low, it is better to let Ye Liuyun and the others practice. So the two of them finally gave up and went back to the Dragon Palace to practice.