Lord of All Gods

Chapter 486

"Damn old thing!" Ye Liuyun cursed inwardly, but there was nothing to do. He can\'t break the net.

For now, the only way to break through is from that elder.

He planned in his mind how to kill that elder with one blow. Otherwise, as long as he can still control the sky net, he won\'t be able to escape.

"Yes, use the death knell to lock him inside. If he doesn\'t knock, I\'ll take a spiritual weapon to smash it!"

Thinking of this, Ye Liuyun also had an idea in his mind. It\'s just that he didn\'t rush to do it. He is still waiting for news from the Corpse Worm. At this moment, the Corpse Beetle has just arrived at the tomb and is trying to find a way to get in and investigate.

However, Ye Liuyun felt that he couldn\'t just sit idle, and he had to make trouble for these people no matter what.

What Ye Liuyun thought was that if people like himself showed that they were not in a hurry, the other party might not be able to wait, and took out a magic weapon to counter his death knell, and rushed over.

He firmly believes that a big family like the He family must have at least one family treasure. If you don\'t show it now, it\'s just because you don\'t want to show it to others so easily.

Thinking of this, he communicated with the others with his spiritual sense. Let the others stay here, he led Lei Ming to rush over first, killed some of them, made them think that Ye Liuyun was going to rush out, and then sent more people.

Liang Xue asked with concern: "There are two elders from the seventh level of Tiangang on the opposite side. Will there be no problem if you go there like this?"

"Don\'t worry, Lei Ming and I will solve it easily." Ye Liuyun comforted Liang Xue.

Immediately, he put Thunder into the storage ring, took out the death knell, and walked directly to the bridge,

The people watching Ye Liuyun on the opposite side saw that he was going to cross the bridge, and immediately surrounded him. Their style of play was the same as that of Ye Liuyun and the others. They all held the treasures they carried in their hands and were about to smash them at Ye Liuyun.

Ye Liuyun, however, acted as if he hadn\'t seen it, boarded the bridge without any care, and walked towards the opposite side.

"This kid is going to attack with treasure!" an elder said vigilantly.

"I\'m afraid of what he will do. Even if he can attack, he is no match for the two of us. Judging by his aura, he is only at the fourth level of Tiangang." Another elder said relaxedly.

"Well, that\'s right, but it\'s still necessary to defend." The elder nodded, also thinking that Ye Liuyun was not a big threat. But he still asked everyone to throw all the treasures in their hands when Ye Liuyun was halfway there.

He wanted to see if Ye Liuyun\'s death knell could withstand the simultaneous attacks of so many treasures.

When Ye Liuyun was almost halfway there, he enlarged the death knell and stood in front of him, allowing them to attack. He has confidence in the death knell, and the divine weapon cannot be competed with the large number of sacred weapons or spiritual weapons. If an artifact can be destroyed by some respected artifacts or spiritual artifacts, it can only mean that the treasure is not very good.

At this time, the treasures on the opposite side also smashed over. Although those martial artists were distressed, they did not dare to disobey the elder\'s order. I can only smash it all in one go.

"Boom, boom, boom..." The bells in the valley and the two ferry crossings kept ringing.

Their behavior of throwing things desperately at the death knell is undoubtedly seeking their own death. Not only did all the things they threw smash into pieces, but also their low-level disciples died under the series of tolls of the death knell. There are almost no disciples below the third level of Yuan Dan who can carry it. Even the disciples below the sixth level of Yuandan were shocked and lost their combat effectiveness.

"Stop it, don\'t smash it!" An elder shouted.

But since the first death knell sounded, the connection between those treasures and the master\'s spiritual consciousness was broken. So these treasures are continuing to hit the death knell in the original direction.

"Boom, boom, boom..." The urging bell continued to ring.

Ye Liuyun\'s spiritual sense could clearly see that nearly half of the disciples on the opposite side had already fallen to the ground. The rest were more or less affected and couldn\'t recover for a while.

"This kid is too hateful! He can\'t hit this treasure at all!" Only then did an elder realize that he shouldn\'t follow the death knell.

But it was too late for him to react now. Ye Liuyun has already rushed over with the death knell.

"Stop him!" the elder shouted.

However, except for those disciples who fell to the ground, the rest of the disciples were all stunned on the spot.

They all now know that the death knell cannot be struck. If they make a move, it will be equivalent to ringing again. Ye Liuyun rushed over with the death knell on his shoulders, so how could they make a move.

Ye Liuyun also took advantage of their stupefied time to rush up directly, and as soon as he came up, he immediately released Lei Ming and the skeleton puppets.

He also went straight to an elder and rushed over. First use the spirit domain to pull the elder\'s spirit into it, and then use the death knell to buckle him into it.

As soon as Lei Ming came out, he rushed directly to another elder. First, throw the mountain seal and smash it. The elder also threw out a venerable artifact to block her mountain-turning seal. Then Lei Ming rushed forward, released the Blood Thunder Ice Field Domain, and fought with the elder.

The skeleton puppet has the heaviest task and is responsible for the remaining disciples. However, the ax in his hand is a noble weapon, and he is in the late stage of the sixth level of Tiangang, so it is not too difficult to deal with these people.

Ye Liuyun was the first to deal with one of his opponent\'s spirits. But the elder also learned to be smart, and stayed in the death knell and did not attack. Ye Liuyun smiled, drew out the Demon Slayer Knife, and hit it hard with the back of the knife.

After a while, he turned on the death knell, and the old man had already fallen to the ground and died.

Ye Liuyun collected his storage ring, then let go of the soul domain, and helped the skeleton puppet kill other people, devouring their souls.

At this time, some disciples had already asked the He family for help with the sound transmission talisman. Ye Liuyun didn\'t interrupt him either. If there is no one to report, it is really difficult for him to proceed to the next step.

Lei Ming\'s progress is also very smooth, she is in the sixth level of Tiangang, and she is about to break through. Therefore, there is no difficulty in martial arts at the seventh level of Tiangang.

In addition, in her Tiangang domain, she was refined into the Soul Suppression Tower. Although the rank of the soul-suppressing tower is not high, it is still a kind of soul attack after all, so under her double attack, the opponent\'s elder was quickly killed by Lei Ming.

Lei Ming took away the other party\'s storage ring and the treasure, and came to help Ye Liuyun kill the other disciples.

Ye Liuyun originally thought that it would be good if he could kill most of the people, and if someone escaped, he would let them go and report back. Now that some of them have reported through the sound transmission talisman, they simply didn\'t keep any of them and killed them all.

Not only did he absorb all the souls and blood essence of these people, but he also packed up their corpses as a reward for the corpse worms.