Lord of All Gods

Chapter 488

Inside the Xuankong Stone, only Ye Liuyun, Lei Ming and Earth Demon Dragon remained.

The three of them absorbed it without any scruples. Ye Liuyun\'s Xuanyuan Qi Exchange Jue can quickly transform this devilish energy into real essence.

With this large energy source, Lei Ming was the first to break through. After breaking through, Lei Ming is at the eighth level of the Tiangang, and this level can be regarded as the top master of the Cangyun Continent.

Then there is the Earth Demon Dragon. His breakthrough speed is also very fast, and it seems that the accumulation is almost the same. Not only did it break through to the fifth level of Tiangang, but even the devilish energy in its body became more intense.

It stayed with Liang Xue for a long time before, and the demonic energy could not be replenished, and it had faded a lot, but this time it was replenished all at once.

Ye Liuyun asked the two of them to continue practicing to absorb as much as possible, and then he began to concentrate on practicing.

Just as Ye Liuyun was immersed in the state of cultivation, the corpse-eating insect sent him a voice transmission, saying that a large number of zombies in the tomb were rushing here.

Ye Liuyun reckoned that maybe these zombies didn\'t dare to come over because there was a strongest zombie here. But now that zombie\'s aura disappeared, they all rushed here, wanting to take its place.

He hesitated for a while, but finally suspended his cultivation and walked out of the Xuankong Stone.

Since there are so many zombies, let\'s take the opportunity to practice more. It just so happens that there aren\'t many battles during this period, so maybe we can build a stronger foundation, anyway, it\'s not too late.

The best way to deal with these zombies is the power of Buddha\'s light. Ye Liuyun raised his realm last time because of the fusion of a large amount of Buddha\'s light. He hasn\'t used this power until now, and now he just needs to try it.

So he didn\'t call anyone else, and stood alone at the entrance of the tomb to block the zombies.

This time, he used the Buddha Demon Golden Body, not only incorporating the power of the blood, but also adding the Buddha\'s light.

A huge phantom of a Buddha and demon appeared behind Ye Liuyun. When he saw the zombie, Ye Liuyun directed the phantom to pat it down with his palm. The power of Buddha\'s light contained in this palm can directly slap a zombie into a skeleton, killing both soul and soul. Even the zombies in the fourth and fifth layers of Tiangang are no exception.

In this tomb, there are really no strong zombies. Of the remaining zombies, the strongest ones are no more than the sixth level of Tiangang, so it is very easy for Ye Liuyun to destroy them. Moreover, he was consuming his true energy on purpose, without considering efficiency at all, and he would blast with all his strength when he made a move.

But what surprised him was that these zombies, no matter what their realm, were brave enough to rush into this tomb. Ye Liuyun was a little curious as to what they were going to do in here.

So after half a day of killing, Ye Liuyun finally left two zombies in Yuandan realm, and put them into the tomb to see what they were looking for.

As a result, the two zombies rushed directly to the broken skeleton after entering, and dug out a piece of relic from the skeleton\'s skull. Then the two zombies started fighting, one of the stronger ones killed the lower one, and then put the relic on his own head.

Ye Liuyun had refined this thing, so of course he knew its usefulness. So he shot immediately, killed the zombie, and snatched the relic.

It seemed that the zombies were inside the coffin, and the corpse-eating insects didn\'t dare to check carefully. The relic should have been missed by the corpse-eating insects. But Ye Liuyun didn\'t blame the Corpse Worm. It is normal to miss treasures. No one dares to say that in the process of treasure hunting, no details will be missed 100%. The Corpse Worm has done a good job this time, allowing him to avoid almost all risks.

After he got the relic, he started to study it immediately. He found that this relic was different from the one he refined before, which was a bit strange. The energy contained in it seems to be the breath of the demons.

How is this going? Is it an enchanted Buddha? Or will the demons also leave relics? Ye Liuyun couldn\'t understand it. Take the relic back and ask other people, but they don\'t know what\'s going on.

He used his divine sense and golden pupils to investigate, but he didn\'t find any problems.

"I still have too little experience! If Qiongqi is here, he might know. Forget it, don\'t care, let Lei Ming refine it, anyway, this thing is not harmful to the demons." Ye Liuyun thought of this, and didn\'t go any further. Think hard.

Lei Ming couldn\'t put it down when he got this relic containing demonic energy, and immediately began to refine it. For her, this thing is priceless. According to her, this thing contains pure magic energy, if it is completely absorbed, it can even allow her to break through to the Ninth Layer of Tiangang.

However, she has just broken through the first level of realm, and this relic can only be used when she is about to break through next time.

Ye Liuyun has no objection, as long as it can be useful to her. He didn\'t expect that going out to exterminate some zombies would yield unexpected gains.

At this time, Lei Ming and Earth Demon Dragon had already consolidated their realm, so Ye Liuyun asked the two of them to go out to guard the Xuankong Stone. But you are not allowed to go outside the formation, and if there is any trouble, come and greet her.

After the two of them left, Ye Liuyun could finally calm down and practice.

He was about to transform the devilish energy in the spar, when he suddenly thought that his golden body of Buddha demon also needed devilish energy. If it is not transformed, but absorbed directly, what effect will it have?

Thinking of this, he wanted to give it a try to see if he could absorb it directly. If not, then it is not too late to convert.

So he directly absorbed the magic energy. To his surprise, absorbing it without transformation, he absorbed it faster.

"This may be related to my cultivation of the Buddha Demon Golden Body. Both the physical body and the soul need the power of this demonic energy."

Ye Liuyun also found that he absorbed it very quickly, but the devilish energy was not transformed into true energy, but was simply absorbed by his body and soul.

After researching for a while, he found that such absorption was not harmful to him, on the contrary, both the body and soul were strengthened.

Next, he didn\'t worry anymore, and directly started a two-pronged approach, while absorbing into the body and soul, and at the same time began to transform part of it, replenishing it into the true essence.

As he continued to absorb these devilish energy, his divine soul, Buddha and demon golden body directly broke through to the ninth floor, and finally reached the level of perfection.

That phantom of Buddha and demon is like a real portrait. Not only is it full of his true essence and blood power, but the power he uses also has both Buddha power and magic power.