Lord of All Gods

Chapter 473

It was easier for Ye Liuyun to take only the three of them with him.

For his spiritual consciousness, he only needs to keep an eye on Lei Ming and Princess Nine. He didn\'t need to worry about Wu Qingcheng at all.

After a few people strolled around for a long time, the nine princesses were attracted by a brightly lit building, and they walked over with Lei Ming.

Outside the courtyard of the building, there were a few scantily dressed receptionists, greeting the passing men and inviting them in.

Princess Nine walked over directly, but the receptionists avoided her.

"What\'s the matter with you?" Ninth Princess asked dissatisfied.

Ye Liuyun secretly thought that it was not good, and hurried over to take Jiu Gongzhu away. Wu Qingcheng also noticed that this is a brothel. So I also greeted Lei Ming to leave here.

However, the nine princesses quit and questioned directly: "You actually underestimated me! Are you afraid that I can\'t afford it? Do you know who I am?"

The waitresses just covered their mouths and laughed, not saying a word.

Ye Liuyun and Wu Qingcheng\'s faces were flushed with embarrassment.

Ye Liuyun sent a voice transmission to Princess Jiu and said: "This is a brothel, a place where only men come to consume fireworks. It\'s normal not to entertain you!"

"Which place only allows men to consume? I want to go in and have a look!" Princess Nine called out directly.

Ye Liuyun was fine if he didn\'t say anything, but he became even more curious when he talked about Princess Nine. She was having fun, so she didn\'t think much about it.

Lei Ming was better, although she was curious, but seeing that Ye Liuyun didn\'t want to go in, she didn\'t force her anymore.

Princess Nine immediately took out a handful of spirit stones, threw them to a waitress, and asked, "I\'m going in to have a look, do you accept me?"

The waitress looked at the spirit stone in her hand, nodded quickly and said: "Since the girl insists on spending money to go in, of course we welcome it. Please come in!"

These waitresses, as long as they have money, they don\'t care so much. It wasn\'t them who were embarrassed anyway.

Ye Liuyun had never been to such a place except for seeing Wu Qingcheng dance once in Shuiyue Tower. But seeing that Princess Jiu had already walked in, he and Wu Qingcheng looked at each other helplessly, and had no choice but to follow in.

As soon as they entered the yard, there was the smell of wine, and from time to time, there was a woman\'s slutty laughter. The women I saw were all wearing revealing clothes. Some women even sit directly in the arms of men.

"This place is not bad!" Ninth Princess praised, and walked in with the waiter swaggeringly, completely ignoring the surprised eyes of others.

Wu Qingcheng was next to Ye Liuyun tightly, pulling his arm.

Ye Liuyun also seemed a little cautious, not daring to look around. But his divine sense has detected everything here clearly.

The front is a place for drinking and having fun, and the back is the guest room. "As long as you don\'t go to the guest room at the back, it shouldn\'t be too embarrassing." He thought to himself.

The place where the hostess took them was also the place where singing and dancing were performed in the front building.

Ye Liuyun was also a little relieved, and comforted Wu Qingcheng, saying: "The front building is a place for singing and dancing, so it should be fine."

"Why are all the men here so lewd?" Lei Ming asked aloud after scanning around.

Wu Qingcheng immediately explained to her with her spiritual sense. After the explanation, Lei Ming became curious instead.

Ye Liuyun was also speechless to her and the ninth princess. "You should really let the two of you come in by yourself!" After finishing speaking, he stopped talking, and just dragged Wu Qingcheng along silently.

The waitress brought them into the front building, and immediately everyone\'s eyes turned to Ye Liuyun and the others. Especially when looking at Wu Qingcheng and the others, there was an undisguised desire.

Ye Liuyun felt a little regretful and let Wu Qingcheng and Lei Ming in. Of course he doesn\'t feel comfortable letting these men stare at his own woman. So his face was also very ugly.

"Oh, these chicks are not bad!"

"Let\'s make a price, sir, it\'s all covered!"

"Hahaha, it\'s really rare for a brothel to bring its own beauties!"

Immediately, a few brave ones started booing. Everyone also shouted. For a while, foul language and whistles rang out.

Seeing a group of men all around, with women in their arms, and swearing, Princess Jiu regretted coming here! And when she turned her head and saw Ye Liuyun\'s displeasure, she also became annoyed.

"You guys are so brave!" She immediately cursed out.

"Haha, you still have a temper? My uncle likes to tame wild horses..."

The people who spoke were already drowsy and didn\'t care about her scolding at all.

"Looking for death!" Ninth Princess made a direct move, raising her hand as if to slap the person who spoke.

These regular customers who come here all know that there are guards in this kind of brothel, and it is forbidden to fight inside. They didn\'t expect Princess Jiu to make a move, so they were caught off guard by him. This palm of true energy hit the man directly to half-death.

The surrounding tables, chairs, wine and vegetables were scattered all over the floor, and several disheveled women also ran away screaming. The scene immediately became chaotic.

At the same time, the guards here immediately burst out with aura and coercion, and rushed here.

Princess Jiu also knew that she was in trouble, so she secretly looked at Ye Liuyun.

Ye Liuyun, on the other hand, directly pulled Wu Qingcheng, and hid back, obviously letting her cause the trouble herself, and deal with it by herself. In fact, it was just to scare her, so that she would not be so reckless in the future. If something happened, Ye Liuyun would definitely save her.

Lei Ming was obviously angry when he saw Ye Liuyun\'s expressionless face. So she didn\'t dare to make a move, so she had to stand aside and watch.

Princess Jiu also felt wronged. "I just wanted to come in and take a look. Who knew it would be like this! I didn\'t provoke him first, but he insulted me first. Could it be that I made a wrong call?"

At this time, the guards of the brothel had already surrounded the nine princesses.

When Princess Jiu saw that Ye Liuyun didn\'t care about her, she couldn\'t beat these people in front of her. Immediately shouted: "I am the Ninth Princess of the Jinpeng Dynasty! This person provoked me first, shouldn\'t I hit him?"

The leading guard was also taken aback.

"Why did Princess Nine wander here?"

Some guests nearby also whispered: "Why did the Ninth Princess come here? Could it be that she also wants to experience it... Hehehe" Then there was another burst of snickering.

"Bold! How dare you criticize the princess of the dynasty!" The ninth princess heard this, and even wanted to strike again!

This time, he was stopped by the guard leader. The leader of the guards was at the sixth level of Tiangang, so it was easy to stop the attack of the nine princesses.

"Let\'s not talk about whether you are a princess or not. Even if you are really a princess, you can\'t use force with us." The guard leader said awe-inspiringly.

"What? Don\'t tell me you\'re still under the rule of the dynasty?" Ninth Princess asked back.

"I don\'t know whether it belongs to the dynasty or not. I am the guard here, and I only know how to guard the rules here. You have broken the rules now..."

Before the leader of the guards finished speaking, Princess Nine pinched her waist and asked, "What\'s the matter? Are you still going to deal with me?"

When she asked, the guard leader really hesitated. Looking at what this woman said and did, I really didn\'t want it to be fake. Moreover, he has heard of the unruly and willful character of the ninth princess. But if he let her go like this, then he couldn\'t explain to the guest.

When he was in a difficult situation, an elder of the dynasty who was hiding in the dark suddenly appeared. This elder turned out to be at the seventh level of Tiangang.

"See Princess Nine! Since Princess Nine is back, let\'s go back to Wangcheng with the old man!" The old man took the opportunity to persuade.

"I\'ve already said that I won\'t go back! I haven\'t played enough yet!" Princess Nine seemed to know the old man.

"King Jinpeng has an order. If the princess does not return to the dynasty, she will not be able to use her identity as a princess outside!" The old man took the opportunity to threaten.