Lord of All Gods

Chapter 472

The power of Xiong Batian\'s blood was originally very strong.

It\'s just that after being suppressed, a lot of power can\'t be exerted.

The power of his bloodline now has been unsealed a lot compared to before, so in this battle, he relied entirely on the power of his bloodline to suppress his opponent as soon as he took the stage. It makes the opponent\'s strength not even half playable.

"So this is the effect of blood suppression." After Ye Liuyun saw it, he was also deeply touched.

If he exerts the power of blood, most people will lose their strength in front of him.

This move, especially when the soul is not much different from the opponent and there is no absolute advantage, if the opponent is not much higher than him, he can also try it.

It didn\'t take long for Xiong Batian\'s battle to end.

"Brother, come to the restaurant!" Ye Liuyun used his spiritual sense to send him a voice transmission, and only then did he discover Ye Liuyun.

Immediately ran towards the restaurant. They didn\'t go through the door, but jumped up from the window.

"Brother Ye? It\'s really you! Haha, you made me wait so hard!" Xiong Batian shouted loudly when he saw Ye Liuyun.

"Oh, are you waiting for me?" Ye Liuyun asked strangely.

Xiong Batian explained: "Yes! My father let me out after my realm breakthrough. I also heard a lot about you, so I wanted to come to you. But the Tieying Sect wouldn\'t let me in, and I I had no choice but to wander around the towns near you, thinking that I might meet you. If I don’t meet you again, I have to wait until the regional competition.”

"That\'s really hard work, brother. However, Dabi is only a few days away!" Ye Liuyun asked him to sit down while pouring him wine.

Xiong Batian caught a glimpse of Princess Nine, and said to her impolitely: "Little girl, have you taken a fancy to my brother? Let me tell you, don\'t play princess temper with my brother, or I will be the first to be merciless." you!"

Princess Jiu curled her lips, and said disdainfully: "So what if I don\'t spare me? You try to touch me! Let me tell you, I am your brother\'s woman now, don\'t even think about bullying me again!"

"Ah? Okay, brother, you are so fast! Even the princess was slept by you?" Xiong Batian immediately became interested.

"She\'s teasing you, don\'t listen to her nonsense." Ye Liuyun was also speechless. What kind of princess is this, she dares to say anything!

"Hmph! He\'s just too embarrassed to admit it!" Princess Jiu snorted, then ignored the two of them and went to talk to Wu Qingcheng.

Xiong Batian also stopped entangled with her, and turned to Ye Liuyun and said, "Brother, are you free? Let\'s fight? I have wanted to fight you for a long time, but I have never had a chance! How is it now? "

"Okay! But we don\'t need to go to the arena, it\'s enough to compare the power of blood here." Ye Liuyun knew that his blood power was strong, so it was enough to just pick his strengths.

"Alright!" Xiong Batian didn\'t mind either.

So the two of them released the power of blood one after another.

Ye Liuyun just started and just followed him to improve. At the same time, Jin Tong observed the release of his blood power.

After Xiong Batian released the power of the bloodline to the peak, seeing that Ye Liuyun was not suppressed, he felt a little sad. And not only Ye Liuyun, but even the people around Ye Liuyun didn\'t seem to react much.

Only the nine princesses reacted a little bit, seeming to be struggling to resist. But it\'s just a little hard, and it hasn\'t been greatly affected.

"Could it be that the power of my blood has failed?"

Just when Xiong Batian was doubting, Ye Liuyun\'s blood power suddenly exploded, from the original 40% to 70%.

This time, no one else could take it anymore. Immediately, I felt that the blood was out of control, as if it had froze.

Only Lei Ming and Bai Hu could barely resist the suppression of his blood.

And Xiong Batian\'s bloodline seal, under the stimulation of this bloodline force, opened a full 10% of the seal.

Ye Liuyun\'s golden pupil observed his changes, saw that he had untied part of the seal, and immediately withdrew the power of the bloodline.

"Okay, I can help you with these, and the rest is up to you." Ye Liuyun said to Xiong Batian with a smile.

When Xiong Batian heard it, he immediately understood that Ye Liuyun was helping him on purpose. "It seems that my brother already knew about the fact that the power of my bloodline was sealed!" He is straight-tempered, but he is not stupid.

"Hahaha, thank you so much, brother!" Xiong Batian immediately picked up the wine glass and drank with Ye Liuyun.

Ninth Princess glared at the two of them fiercely.

Ye Liuyun\'s sudden release of blood power just now almost crushed her. The blood vessels in the whole body were almost frozen. If Ye Liuyun didn\'t take back her blood power in time, she would probably pass out on the spot.

"The power of your bloodline should also be improved quickly." Wu Qingcheng chatted with Jiu Gongzhu.

"Well! I will practice hard after I go back!" Ninth Princess also made up her mind. Otherwise, she wouldn\'t be able to bear Ye Liuyun\'s blood pressure, so how could she hang out with Ye Liuyun in the future. She didn\'t want to be rejected by Ye Liuyun.

Xiong Batian drank very happily. Ye Liuyun unleashed 10% of the blood power that he worried about every day. This is better than the effect of his own hard work for several years, how could he not be happy.

After they had a good drink, Xiong Batian bid farewell to Ye Liuyun. Then go straight back to King City. He also made an appointment with Ye Liuyun to meet at the selection meeting in Wangcheng area in a few days.

Lei Ming and Ninth Princess came out to let the wind out for a day, and it was almost enough to play. Ye Liuyun also took them back to the Iron Eagle Sect, waiting for the regional competition to start.

The quota for the Iron Eagle Sect was finally announced. What made Ye Liuyun happy was that in addition to the ten people last time, there were two more places. That is the privilege of the Iron Eagle Cult, and there are two internally recommended privileges.

And one of these two privileges was given to Piaoyun.

Especially Ye Liuyun wanted Piaoyun to participate in the competition a long time ago. It\'s just that people think that he is playing for selfishness and taking care of his own people. Unexpectedly, Jing Wudi was already prepared. This time, his wish was fulfilled.

The day before the regional trials, they all rushed to Jinpeng King City and lived in the other courtyard that Tie Ying had prepared for them. Waiting for the next day\'s trials to start.

Wangcheng has been extremely lively these past few days. Talented players from all over the territory gather here. It can be said that it is a gathering of masters. Even those who have no hope of selection, they all come to join in the fun. Even watching the competitions of masters will inspire one\'s own cultivation.

Lei Ming and Jiu Gongzhu, seeing that this place is busier than usual, couldn\'t stay any longer. And they didn\'t practice that night either. So the two of them bothered Ye Liuyun again and wanted to go out for a walk.

Ye Liuyun had no choice but to agree to their request.

Ruyue and Yu\'er must hurry up to practice and prepare to break through the realm. So the two of them didn\'t come out and stayed in the Xuankong Stone. Piaoyun also wanted to practice to prepare for tomorrow\'s battle, so she didn\'t follow her. Baihu ate enough to eat at night, so he didn\'t bother to move.

Ye Liuyun took Lei Ming, Nine Princesses and Wu Qingcheng for a walk.

At night in Wangcheng, the lights are dimmed, but it is also very lively, and there are more stalls selling goods than in the daytime.