Lord of All Gods

Chapter 474

Ye Liuyun also sighed secretly in his heart: "The Jinpeng Dynasty will really find a time. This is really a good opportunity to force the princess back."

He didn\'t speak, just quietly waiting for the princess\' reply.

If the princess disagrees, he doesn\'t mind guarding the nine princesses and going out.

"Brother Liuyun, you just watch them bully me like this?" Princess Jiu finally pleaded with Ye Liuyun. She didn\'t want to be taken back by the royal family so early.

"You decide for yourself!" Ye Liuyun didn\'t say much, and he didn\'t intend to stay.

"Young Master Ye, I advise you not to participate! The strength here is not small, and it is not the territory of your Tie Ying Sect. If you don\'t want to cause trouble for the Tie Ying Sect, you\'d better not meddle in your own business!" Then The old man of the royal family advised.

It\'s better if he doesn\'t speak. As soon as he said this, Ye Liuyun immediately responded tit for tat: "So what? Even if it\'s your palace, I still dare to enter it!"

The old man\'s eyes stood up, and he released the pressure of real energy towards Ye Liuyun. This coercion shocked the surrounding guards and guests until their hearts trembled.

Ye Liuyun was unmoved.

"Old man! Are you provoking? If you dare to disrespect me again, believe it or not, I will kill you right now?"

Seeing that the atmosphere between the two of them was not right, they were about to fight.

This time, the steward of this brothel suddenly appeared, laughed and laughed and said, "Elder Li of the Jinpeng Dynasty, Master Ye Duo of the Tieying Sect, both of them are guests of my Jingyuelou, so don\'t do anything here! How about Let\'s sit down, have a drink or two, how about getting to know each other?"

This steward turned out to be at the seventh level of Tiangang. He forced Elder Li\'s true essence to force him back.

"Officer Zhao!" The guard leader greeted the overseer as if he had been pardoned. Otherwise, if these two fight, they will be the ones who suffer.

Manager Zhao ignored him, and went directly between Ye Liuyun and Elder Li, separating them. At the same time, he cupped his hands to Princess Jiu and said, "I\'ve seen Princess Jiu! These people don\'t know Taishan, and they offended Princess Jiu. It\'s right for Princess Jiu to teach them a lesson. The servants are ignorant, and dare to stop Princess. I will punish you later. Their."

"Officer Zhao, the princess doesn\'t want to return to the dynasty now, so she can\'t be protected by the royal family." The elder surnamed Li snorted and mentioned the princess\'s unwillingness to return to the royal family again.

"Hahaha!" Manager Zhao yelled, cursing inwardly, "Whether she wants to come back or not is not a matter of words, do I dare to punish her? Besides, Ye Liuyun is here, can I punish her? "

He continued to smile and said: "Anyway, I recognize this princess! I will handle today\'s affairs. Princess, it\'s not very convenient here, why don\'t I change places, how about treating you to a meal? "

He said that because he wanted the savage princess to leave quickly. As soon as she left, nothing happened. As for Ye Liuyun and Jinpeng Dynasty, even if they upset the world outside, it has nothing to do with him.

Princess Jiu couldn\'t stay any longer at this time. She had no choice but to say: "No need! I\'ll go straight away!" After that, she waved her hand and walked out.

"Thank you, Manager Zhao!" Ye Liuyun was very polite, and thanked the manager.

"Master Ye Tuo, you are welcome to come over anytime in the future!" Manager Zhao replied with a smile.

Ye Liuyun smiled, and followed with Wu Qingcheng and Lei Ming. He also couldn\'t say how he would come to this kind of place again.

Elder Li of the dynasty saw that the princess had not been forced back, so he had no choice. Whether it was Zhao Guanshi or Ye Liuyun, he didn\'t dare to take action lightly. He could only snort coldly, then left here directly, and hid in the dark again to monitor the whereabouts of the nine princesses.

After they left, Manager Zhao called the guard leader over. "The young man just now is Ye Liuyun. We can\'t offend the royal family. So you know what to do with the rest, right?"

"That boy is Ye Liuyun, who is so amazing? I said his eyes are golden! I didn\'t think of that just now!" The guard leader shrank his neck, and asked the guards to carry the injured man down, and then cleaned the venue , Greeting everyone to sit down again.

After the nine princesses left the brothel, they walked forward angrily. Unexpectedly, Ye Liuyun didn\'t follow her at all, but directly took Wu Qingcheng and Lei Ming back to the residence arranged by Tie Ying Sect.

As for the safety of the nine princesses, Ye Liuyun was not worried either. This is Wangcheng, so there will naturally be experts following her. As for whether the princess will be taken back to the royal city, Ye Liuyun didn\'t bother to care about it. It would be nice to let the princess suffer a little and return to the royal family.

Ye Liuyun was really a little angry this time. He wasn\'t angry at Princess Ninth for messing around, but because she made Wu Qingcheng humiliated!

Seeing that Ye Liuyun didn\'t follow, Princess Nine immediately chased after her and shouted from behind: "Hey, Ye Liuyun, I\'m angry with you!"

Ye Liuyun continued walking without looking back.

Seeing this, Princess Jiu shouted again: "If you don\'t keep me, you will never see me again!"

Ye Liuyun paused for a moment, and then said: "We have to say goodbye, why force you to stay! You can do whatever you want!" Then, one by one, he pulled Wu Qingcheng and Lei Ming, and continued to walk back.

Lei Ming looked back reluctantly, and was dragged away by Ye Liuyun.

"She should go back too! It\'s not a problem to keep following us, and we can\'t protect her forever!" Ye Liuyun sent a voice transmission to Wu Qingcheng and Lei Ming.

But the Ninth Princess was stunned in place at this moment. She didn\'t expect that Ye Liuyun didn\'t keep her. "He dislikes me, does he want me to leave him?" She couldn\'t help but shed tears as she thought about it.

At this time, Old Wu appeared beside her and said softly to her, "It\'s not that he dislikes you, but that he thinks you should go home!"

"Should I go back?" The princess looked at Old Wu with tears in her eyes.

Old Wu also sighed: "If you still want to be a princess, then you two are doomed to be impossible! The later you leave him, the more reluctant you will be!"

The princess asked helplessly: "But, what do I want him to do in the future? I want to stay with him for a while longer!"

"Then think about it in your heart and don\'t show it!" Old Wu murmured.

The ninth princess cried for a while, and then walked slowly towards the palace with Old Wu. Ye Liuyun\'s consciousness kept watching them enter the palace before taking it back.

He himself sighed, and said in his heart: "That\'s it! If there is no result, she may be even more inseparable from me. I hope she will be fine in the future!"