Lord of All Gods

Chapter 397

The envoy in black then warned Ye Liuyun: "Although the higher-ups of the Night Demon Palace don\'t pay much attention to you, because of Qu Chenfeng\'s roll call, and Zeng Fan, the great elder of the Yin Ghost Sect in the Southern Region, have mentioned you , so you are now also the main target of the Night Devil Temple.

You have to leave quickly, they have already found out that you have arrived in the Southern Region, although they don\'t know your exact location, but it will be difficult for you to leave after they set up the encirclement circle. "

Ye Liuyun thought about it for a while, and felt that the leader Cheng Yi didn\'t need to lie to him. Cheng Yi himself was the dean of the Holy Martial Academy. As for the Ye family, they couldn\'t always survive under Ye Liuyun\'s protection, and had to go through some setbacks and storms. That\'s why he finally made up his mind to leave the five domains immediately.

Get out there and get stronger. When he returns someday, he will be fearless.

Thinking of this, Ye Liuyun said goodbye to the envoy directly, then left the city immediately and boarded the flying boat.

But he didn\'t go in a straight line. Now that his whereabouts have been exposed, there will definitely be an ambush at the southern border. Ye Liuyun planned to go to the Eastern Region first, and then go south from there.

Ye Liuyun\'s flying boat was fast, and it was flying eastward, so for a while, no one really found his trace. Some demon cultivators in the southern region had been closely monitoring the local area for a period of time, thinking that he had slipped away, and slowly relaxed their vigilance.

He was more cautious this time, he didn\'t even go to Wanbao Pavilion and Shuiyue Tower, so as not to expose his whereabouts. For a moment, the entire Five Regions thought that he had left this land.

As more and more sects joined the Night Demon Palace, the power of the Night Demon Palace became stronger and stronger, and most of the sects chose to surrender. Their suppression of other sects is also getting stronger and stronger.

Moyinfang, as an independent sect, has never participated in the battle between Zhengzheng and Moxiu. But this time, they also had to make a choice.

The Dark Night Demon Palace has already issued an ultimatum to them, and also sent an elder from the eighth level of Tiangang to beat the owner of the Magic Sound Workshop seriously. If they don\'t give in, I\'m afraid they won\'t be able to escape the fate of massacre.

"Fight with them!"

"That\'s right! We will defend the sect to the death!"

In the main hall of Moyinfang, a group of weak women burst out with a tragic aura at this moment.

The owner of Moyinfang looked at these disciples with relief, but finally shook his head.

"Let\'s all go down! Let\'s surrender!" The master sighed and said to Su Miaoyin: "Miaoyin, you stay."

The rest left the hall one by one, leaving Su Miaoyin alone in the hall.

"Miaoyin, you leave the Five Regions! Go to the Tianyin Hall in the south to practice hard, and come back to rescue the Moyinfang after your cultivation level improves in the future." The owner of the workshop coughed up two mouthfuls of blood, obviously because of serious injuries.

Su Miaoyin looked at the pale face of the hall master, and couldn\'t bear to say: "Master, how can I abandon the magic sound workshop at this time! The magic sound workshop is my home! I would rather die for the magic voice workshop than Abandon everyone."

"Silly girl, I watched you grow up, so of course I know your feelings for Moyinfang. Now is not the time to be arrogant, only you are the hope of Moyinfang. Otherwise, Moyinfang will never see the light of day .”

The owner of the magic sound workshop took out a letter and handed it to Su Miaoyin, apparently already prepared. "Go and deliver this letter to Elder Lianyu of Tianyin Hall, she will send someone to rescue us. As for you, stay in Tianyin Hall to practice. Don\'t go back to Moyinfang if you don\'t exceed the realm of Tiangang."

The owner paused for a moment: "Don\'t worry about the Magic Music Workshop. Once we surrender, the Night Demon Palace won\'t do anything to us. Remember, you are the only hope for the Magic Music Workshop. Get out of here immediately, don\'t delay , lest the Night Demon Palace send people to hunt and kill you."

When Su Miaoyin heard that she was asking herself to ask for help, she agreed. Immediately leave the magic sound workshop and rush to the south.

As soon as Su Miaoyin left, Moyinfang also surrendered to the Dark Night Demon Palace. However, it was announced to the public that Su Miaoyin defected to Moyinfang and disappeared. So the Night Demon Palace immediately issued a hunting order to arrest her everywhere.

But Su Miaoyin didn\'t have Ye Liuyun\'s fast-moving flying boat, so it didn\'t take long for her to be spotted by some demon cultivators, and she was hunted down.

Ye Liuyun detoured to the east and found that many sects here had already taken refuge in the Night Demon Palace. So be cautious along the way. But in the last few days, he found that many demon cultivators gathered at the border here.

"Could it be that I was discovered?"

He secretly suspected in his heart. So he made a bold decision to abandon the boat and go on foot, go down to catch a few demon cultivators, and search the soul to find out the situation.

After he searched the souls of several demon cultivators, he realized that these demon cultivators had come to the border to intercept the escaped sect disciples. Many sects also coincided with Moyinfang, and sent the most promising disciples to outer domains to avoid being poisoned by the Night Demon Palace.

As for Ye Liuyun himself, he was already considered by the Night Demon Palace to have fled abroad, and now no one pays attention to him.

Ye Liuyun also learned about Su Miaoyin. Not far from his location, there is a secret realm of death called the forbidden area of ​​life by the people of the Eastern Region. It is said that none of the people who went in came out alive, even the strong Tiangang was no exception. And Su Miaoyin, just being chased to nowhere, ran in.

Ye Liuyun rushed over immediately, fortunately he was not far away, and maybe he could save Su Miaoyin in time. They are all fleeing outside, and they can be saved if they can. What\'s more, Su Miaoyin is not bad, he can be regarded as half a friend, and he can\'t bear to see death.

In order to paralyze the demon cultivators everywhere, Ye Liuyun didn\'t hide at all, and directly released Wu Qingcheng and Lei Ming, making Lei Ming take human form. The three of them were all dressed in black robes, pretending to be demon cultivators, one master and two servants, rushing to the forbidden area of ​​life.

Outside the forbidden area of ​​life, dozens of demon cultivators blocked the entrance to prevent Su Miaoyin from escaping. When some guards on the periphery saw Ye Liuyun approaching blatantly, no one stepped forward to check.

Usually, many demon cultivators are moody and will kill people at every turn, so they are not willing to provoke other demon cultivators unless they have to. Moreover, Ye Liuyun brought two maids with him, who could be seen as demon cultivators with status. The people guarding the periphery were not of high status, so naturally they did not dare to make a sound to stop them.

Ye Liuyun just grasped their mentality, so he dared to walk in ostentatiously.

But when they reached the defense line inside, some strong men from the Tiangang realm came out to investigate. "Who is it? Which sect are you from? What are you doing here?"

"Hmph, a bunch of trash, with so many people, they can\'t catch a single woman!" Ye Liuyun sneered sarcastically in a hoarse voice.

As for the strong Tiangang who spoke first, he directly devoured his soul with his soul attack, and his body fell from the air.