Lord of All Gods

Chapter 398

Ye Liuyun\'s domineering approach really overwhelmed some other demon cultivators. Thus, Ye Liuyun swaggered into the forbidden area with Wu Qingcheng and Lei Ming, and no one asked any more questions.

"Which sect is this? Or from the Night Demon Palace?" Some demon cultivators around asked privately, but no one could guess.

"It must be an expert from some sect. You didn\'t see that all the elders in the Tiangang realm were wiped out at once! This kind of person is not something we can afford to offend!"

"This person dares to enter the forbidden area of ​​life! Aren\'t you afraid that you won\'t be able to get out?"

The demon cultivators outside were talking a lot, but no one dared to follow in.

In the forbidden area of ​​life, there is a mist, and the whole sky is gray, feeling particularly depressing. At the same time, the wind was blowing, Ye Liuyun and the others knew that this place was not a good place as soon as they stepped in, there might be some ghosts, monsters and other foreign objects.

"You two, it\'s safer to go back to the storage ring." Ye Liuyun suggested to Wu Qingcheng and Lei Ming.

"No, I want to accompany little brother. Don\'t forget that I still have a bell, I can help you then!" Lei Ming shook the bell on his wrist.

There are still four bells on her bracelet, that is to say, the White Fox Demon King can save them four more times.

Ye Liuyun looked at Wu Qingcheng again. She also said: "Let me experience it first, I will go back if there is danger, I can\'t always rely on your protection!"

"Alright, you can only grow through experiencing danger. If you encounter danger, you will immediately move closer to me."

Ye Liuyun also felt that there were too few opportunities for them to exercise. So instead, everyone was released and let everyone experience it together. Moreover, these people have been cultivating for a long time in the Dragon Palace and Xuankong Stone, and they are on the verge of breaking through. Going out to practice for a while will help them break through the realm.

Ye Liuyun also opened the golden pupil to inquire about Su Miaoyin\'s whereabouts. But here is covered by fog, and he can\'t see too far. It seems that Miaoyin knows that there is no hope of getting out, and has already gone deep into the secret realm.

"Let\'s go! Let\'s make a foray too. Since it\'s a secret realm, we should be able to gain something."

As Ye Liuyun said, he led everyone to the depths of the secret realm.

Not far away, they heard a cat meowing at the same time. "Meow", a soft cry came, making everyone look sideways.

Suddenly, a little white cat appeared from the mist, looking at them pitifully with big eyes. Lei Ming couldn\'t help but wanted to go up to hug the little white cat, but Ye Liuyun grabbed him.

What he saw with his golden pupils was not a cute little white cat, but a bald cat-like soul, but its body was longer than ordinary cats, and it had protruding eyes and outstretched fangs. Drooling saliva, looks very scary. There are also large and large blood spots all over the body, which looks very disgusting.

Ye Liuyun immediately released the Soul Domain. And the hell snake recognized it at a glance. "Soul-eating cat! Boss, attack them with ghost fire. This soul-eating cat is a ghost from hell. It specializes in absorbing the souls of living things. Only ghost fire can deal with it."

The hell snake shouted while hiding far away.

The soul-eating cat was shrouded in Ye Liuyun\'s thunder and fire domain. The blood thunder and the Golden Crow Holy Flame seemed to have no effect on it. No matter how bombarded it was, it didn\'t hurt or itch. On the contrary, the illusion was removed, and it showed its original shape, looking at Ye Liuyun\'s soul domain.

Ye Liuyun took advantage of it\'s carelessness, and directly burned it with a ghost fire.

With a sound of "Aw", the Soul-Eating Cat let out a scream, and was instantly burned to the ground. Ye Liuyun didn\'t expect that the ghost fire would have such a good effect on the soul-eating cat.

He also felt a little pity, he still wanted to find traces of Miaoyin through soul searching.

"Boss, there must be soul-eating cats around here. They usually live in groups. Don\'t be bitten by them, or the damage to the soul will be too great. Moreover, these guys are flexible and difficult to deal with." He was very afraid of this soul-eating cat, and still reminded Ye Liuyun with lingering fear.

Ye Liuyun also immediately reminded everyone to move closer to him and surround him.

Around them, the howling of the soul-eating cat was also heard one after another, and everyone\'s hair stood on end. In the mist, the figures of soul-eating cats also kept flashing, scurrying about in the mist.

These soul-eating cats are indeed too flexible, and some of them can turn back to their bodies directly in the air. Ye Liuyun\'s several attacks failed. Unless it is close, Ye Liuyun can only kill it by covering it in the realm of spirit and soul.

In the realm of spirit and soul, Ye Liuyun is the master, and can seriously affect the speed of movement of these soul-eating cats.

And those soul-eating cats, after seeing Ye Liuyun\'s ghost fire, also showed fear. After trying to attack a few times, but seeing no effect, they all hid in the mist and stopped making any movement.

This kind of agile soul killer is even more terrifying if he hides in the dark and sneaks up. So Ye Liuyun and the others were cautious and did not dare to relax their vigilance for a moment.

Just as Ye Liuyun and the others were moving forward slowly, Ye Liuyun suddenly heard the sound of a flute. Moreover, the sound of the flute is very rapid, as if it is fighting with something, and the meaning of attack is very obvious.

"It should be Su Miaoyin who is fighting. It\'s great that she\'s fine!"

Thinking of this, Ye Liuyun immediately let out a long roar, first told Su Miaoyin to hold on, and then led everyone to speed up and rush towards her.

As soon as they accelerated, those soul-eating cats pounced on them again. Ye Liuyun directly unfolded the Soul Domain and led the crowd forward. He would directly kill any soul-eating cats that dared to step into the realm of the soul.

"Meow, human beings, and the few monsters you brought with you, this is not the place for you to come, go back quickly."

A voice suddenly came into Ye Liuyun\'s sea of ​​consciousness, warning Ye Liuyun and the others. Sounds like one of the Soul Eater cats.

"Let that woman go, and we\'re leaving." Ye Liuyun said on his lips, but he was speeding up under his feet.

"This is the forbidden place of life, the entrance to hell, and the living cannot enter. Don\'t you all want to die? Don\'t stop now!"

Ye Liuyun was secretly happy when he heard this, it seems that this Soul Eater has nothing to do with him, otherwise it wouldn\'t be such a threat to him. If he could be killed, he would have done it directly, why would he talk nonsense with him.

"Is this the entrance to hell?" Ye Liuyun immediately asked the Hell Snake for confirmation. At the same time, he bargained with the soul-eating cat: "If you let him go, we will leave."

"I\'m not sure, I can\'t see it yet. I won\'t know until I see it." The hell snake was also a little puzzled.

"It\'s not that we don\'t want to let her go, it\'s that the woman doesn\'t want to leave." The Soul-Eating Cat said helplessly.

"I\'ll go and persuade her, you take me there." Ye Liuyun guessed that Miaoyin was afraid to go out because she was afraid of being surrounded by demon cultivators outside.

At this time, a huge soul-eating cat also appeared in front of Ye Liuyun. "You mean what you say. Come with me."

Saying so, it turned around and barked, and then led Ye Liuyun towards the direction of the sound of the flute.