Lord of All Gods

Chapter 396

On the top of the distant mountains, there are several figures standing under the trees. These people were all dressed in black robes, and their faces could not be seen clearly. Judging by their attire, they should all be demon cultivators.

When the breeze blew, the black robe of the person standing at the front fluttered, revealing a corner of the skirt. It looks like it should be a woman.

"Notify the aliens in the Northern Territory, summon the corpse demons, and prepare to attack!" The voice ordered coldly.

"Yes!" A man in black behind her immediately bowed to accept the order and went down to make arrangements.

If Ye Liuyun was here, he should be able to hear that this is Lin Fei\'er who entered the magic way and then disappeared.

At this time, Lin Fei\'er whispered: "Are you leaving? Should you be going outside the five domains? There is no room for you here! I don\'t know when we will see each other again?"

After Ye Liuyun walked far away, he released the flying boat and rushed to the south of the Five Regions. On the flying boat, he released Wu Qingcheng, Lei Ming and others, and explained to them what happened.

He also asked Ruyue if he wanted to follow her. Kisaragi wanted to follow Ye Liuyun without hesitation.

On the way, Ye Liuyun went to Wanbao Pavilion to buy some black cloaks to cover himself and everyone else. And constantly change the way forward, so as not to be watched by others.

The steward of Wanbao Pavilion recognized Ye Liuyun and conveyed Liang Yue\'s message so that Ye Liuyun could live in Shuiyue Tower with peace of mind.

Liang Yue also knew about Ye Liuyun\'s affairs, so he specifically told all the owners of Shuiyue Tower not to disclose Ye Liuyun\'s information. It also notified all the pavilion masters and landlords of Wanbao Pavilion and Shuiyue Tower to strictly keep the secrets.

Ye Liuyun thanked him, but did not live in Shuiyue Tower, so as not to cause trouble to Liang Yue. He only occasionally inquired about news when he passed Wanbao Pavilion or Shuiyue Tower.

After Cheng Yi, the leader of the Northern Territory, heard the news of Ye Liuyun\'s departure, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth. He also guessed that Ye Liuyun was going to venture outside. After all, the stage of the five domains was too small for Ye Liuyun.

"This kid actually left on his own. There\'s no need for me to arrange it. That\'s fine! He avoided the impending disaster in the Five Regions!" Cheng Yi sighed.

He just destroyed all of Ye Liuyun\'s identity tokens, so as not to let other people in the northern region find Ye Liuyun through their spiritual consciousness.

As for how to deal with Ye Liuyun, he simply ignored it, but let

And the elders, because Ye Liuyun killed many members of the alliance, did not investigate, directly convicted Ye Liuyun, and wanted Ye Liuyun in the five domains.

Ye Liuyun got the news from Wanbao Pavilion. Ye Liuyun was not surprised by this result.

If he is wanted, he is wanted, anyway, the five domains will not send top experts to hunt him down at such a time. As for those ordinary elders, he didn\'t care.

He doesn\'t even care about those below the Tiangang realm. He can handle it with his own strength alone.

What he is more concerned about is the news of the full-scale war between the five domains and the corpse demon. I don\'t know how the final outcome will be. So he stopped instead, and lived in the local Shuiyue Building in the Southern Region in a low-key manner, waiting for further news.

Not long after, news of the war came. Unexpectedly, the news this time shocked him.

The Alliance of Five Domains and the Corpse Demon launched a battle, and both sides suffered heavy casualties. Most of the alien races and corpse demons were wiped out, but from nowhere, a Night Demon Temple appeared.

This Dark Night Demon Palace not only integrated several larger Demon Cultivation Sects, but also integrated many Demon Races, and even took the opportunity to severely damage the Five-Region Alliance. It seems that their layout is no longer a day or two.

In desperation, the Five Domain Alliance had no choice but to give in. And the corpse demon has almost been wiped out. It is not the task of the Five Realms Alliance to eliminate the demon cultivators. So the Five Domain Alliance retired directly.

At present, the Night Demon Palace is the new overlord of the five regions. Sects are being cleaned up one by one. All sects, dynasties, and families that do not submit to the Night Demon Palace will be massacred.

Ye Liuyun hurriedly asked Shuiyuelou to find out the latest news about Ye Family, Tianyun Dynasty and Shengwu Academy.

Not long after, the news came. But upon hearing the news, Ye Liuyun couldn\'t sit still. Immediately set off to rush back to Shengwu Academy.

The content of the news is that the Tianyun Dynasty and Shengwu Academy have surrendered to the Night Demon Palace.

Then, Qu Chenfeng also took refuge in the Night Demon Palace. I don\'t know how this guy joined, and he became a small boss by relying on his beard and flattery, just in time to manage the Shengwu Academy and the Tianyun Dynasty.

Ye Liuyun was worried that he would attack his family and teachers and friends, and was extremely anxious. He brought the people around him, all masked in black robes, as soon as he came out of Shuiyue Tower, he went straight to the outside of the city.

Just when they were about to leave the city, a man in black walked up to them, dressed similarly to them, also covering his face.

But Ye Liuyun recognized at a glance that this person was the envoy who brought him into the alliance back then.

"Could it be that he came to hunt me down?" Ye Liuyun\'s heart moved, and he stopped immediately, ready to go.

He can now feel that the realm of receiving envoys is actually at the seventh level of Tiangang. He can barely fight through the soul attack.

But he really didn\'t want to be an enemy of the person who had introduced him to the alliance.

"Don\'t be nervous, I\'m not here to hunt you down!"

The envoy discovered the fluctuation of his true essence, and immediately sent him a sound transmission.

Then he continued to send a voice transmission to Ye Liuyun: "The leader asked me to inform you that the Ye family and the academy are all fine, so you don\'t need to go back. The alliance will protect their safety."

"Leader? Aren\'t you chasing me?" Ye Liuyun was a little dazed, not sure if what the envoy said was true or not.

"Chasing and killing you is not an order from the lord." The envoy did not explain this matter, but continued: "The lords of the alliance have long been aware of the actions behind the Night Demon Palace. This time The appearance of alien races and corpse demons is also controlled by them behind the scenes. In fact, if you don\'t leave early, leader Cheng Yi will also send you out of the Five Realms at this time."

"But that Qu Chenfeng from the Night Demon Palace is a traitor to the Alliance and has a grudge against me! I\'m afraid he will take revenge on my family and friends." Ye Liuyun couldn\'t care less about accepting the envoy\'s words at this moment, he was just worried Safety of family and friends.

"The lord asked me to come, but he won\'t let you go back. That traitor is just a small leader, and can only serve as a surveillance role. If you don\'t go back, your family will be fine. Tianyun Dynasty and Shengwu Academy, both I have already surrendered to the Night Demon Palace, and I did not make a fearless resistance."

"Now they are all considered members of the Night Demon Palace, and they will not be slaughtered. If you go back and kill Qu Chenfeng, it will put them in a dilemma. Now the entire five domains have been controlled by the Night Demon Palace, you There is no way to take that many people away safely."

He was afraid that Ye Liuyun would be worried, so he added: "The Alliance has secretly sent someone to monitor Qu Chenfeng. If he acts excessively, he will be killed immediately, so you don\'t have to worry."

Ye Liuyun felt a little relieved after hearing this.