Lord of All Gods

Chapter 395

Ye Liuyun secretly thought about where he should go after killing these people!

Now the entire five domains are under the control of the alliance. If this elder really has this right, then he will have no place in the Five Realms in the future. And he might also implicate those friends of Ye Family and Lingyun Pavilion.

"Forget it, this alliance doesn\'t have much cohesion. I\'ll take the opportunity to venture outside the five regions! It can be regarded as a visit to the outside world."

Ye Liuyun was thinking about it, but the elder on the opposite side urged: "Ye Liuyun, I am representing the alliance now, and I request you to be arrested without a fight and accept investigation. As for the cause of the matter, the senior management of the alliance will make a decision."

"Sooner or later, I have to go out. This time, I will go out on my own. But before I go, I have to get rid of those who framed me! Especially this elder, his trick is too poisonous. It\'s just an investigation. If I If I get caught without a fight, I will be at their mercy. If I resist, the crime will be confirmed. At least I will be charged with resisting the alliance investigation! Jiang is still old and hot!"

Thinking of this, his eyes sharpened. The killing intent on his body was also released. He must kill this black-hearted elder.

"Investigation? In the hands of people like you, what good results can there be! Don\'t say something against your will in a high-sounding manner. If you want to win the treasure, just come here!"

The elder smiled slightly. Ye Liuyun guessed right, no matter what choice he made, the original power would fall into his hands. It\'s just that it would take some effort to fight Ye Liuyun. However, for the power of the source, it is not impossible to move around.

"Hmph, you still dare to release killing intent on this elder? I think you are really tired of your life! This elder will get rid of you as a scourge for the alliance today!"

But he didn\'t expect that Ye Liuyun could do it faster than him. Before he could make a move, Ye Liuyun\'s golden pupils directly displayed the Thunder and Fire Domain. He went directly to kill his soul.

After the elder\'s soul was dragged into the field of thunder and fire, he was also taken aback. Ye Liuyun\'s soul power far exceeded his expectations. "Ye Liuyun, do you want to rebel?"

"It\'s useless to talk more. What\'s going on, you know it in your heart! You want to cheat me? You have to pay the price! Die!"

The blood thunder, the golden crow holy fire, the ghost fire, the sword intent, the snake tail of the hell snake, all attacks fell on the elder together, and instantly scattered his spirit.

The people who were watching the excitement on the side just saw the elder fall from the air just for a moment. Before they could react, their souls were also pulled into the thunder and fire domain, and they all fell from the sky one by one!

The movement here alarmed the people in the city. Not knowing why, many people rushed towards Ye Liuyun. Ye Liuyun couldn\'t distinguish so many, and killed everyone who attacked him.

Soon, corpses fell to the ground outside the city.

Ye Liuyun\'s golden pupils flickered and his face was expressionless.

"It seems that this time we will completely break with the alliance!" In his heart, he was also very unwilling. Although the people in the alliance have different thoughts, they still want to protect this land in general.

He looked at the corpse of Wu Xiu in the Tiangang realm in front of him, and he was helpless.

The tree wants to be quiet but the wind doesn\'t stop!

Ye Liuyun sighed in his heart, but he was merciless in his strikes.

The elders of the fifth level of Tiangang, another alliance in the city, were also alarmed and drove out with more people.

At this time, King Tianyun, the Great Elder of Shengwu Academy and others also rushed over. Everyone felt that the scene in front of them was incredible.

"Ye Liuyun, why did you kill so many members of the alliance? Do you want to betray the alliance?" The elder had seen Ye Liuyun\'s portrait before, and found it inconceivable.

Only then did Ye Liuyun tell the story.

Hearing this, the King of Fortune, the Great Elder, and others all came to understand one after another. They all knew that Ye Liuyun was wronged. With Ye Liuyun\'s behavior, it is impossible to betray the alliance at this time and help the corpse demon beat his own people.

After the elder heard the words, he didn\'t comment, but said: "Seeing what happened, it still needs to be investigated by the alliance. Now, you must be arrested without a fight!"

"No need!" Ye Liuyun said, throwing his alliance token to the elder.

"Elder, please tell President Cheng Yi that I, Ye Liuyun, are very grateful for the cultivation of the alliance. But the alliance is in a state of disunity, good and bad are mixed, and I don\'t want to stay any longer. I have already explained what happened. Believe it or not. As for the investigation, I do not accept!"

Then, Ye Liuyun used his spiritual sense to send voice farewells to friends such as King Tianyun, Ye Family Head, Master, Tie Jun and so on. As for the information about going outside the five domains, he only told his master.

"Go! It\'s good to go out. Don\'t worry about your friends and family, I will take care of them. The alliance will not make things difficult for them."

The Great Elder looked at Ye Liuyun, but he was proud of this disciple. Dare to compete with the alliance, but also go out of the five domains, he thinks Ye Liuyun has a future!

Ye Liuyun gave him a last salute, and waved goodbye to the others.

Then he looked at the alliance elder. "If you don\'t do it, I\'m leaving!"

The elder also wanted to keep Ye Liuyun. But seeing the corpses in front of him, he didn\'t dare to move rashly. He didn\'t know Ye Liuyun well, but he did know the elder of the fifth level of Tiangang who died.

He was about the same strength as that elder, and Ye Liuyun might be able to kill him as well. He also didn\'t want to send more people to die.

So he had no choice but to say: "I will report the matter to the alliance truthfully. As for how the alliance handles it, it is up to the top management to make the decision!"

Seeing that he didn\'t want to do anything, Ye Liuyun also breathed a sigh of relief. He also didn\'t want to fight with his own people.

He immediately turned around and walked away.

Everyone present was watching him off.

Lin Xueying, Nan Xiner, Qi Tianyue and others all had tears in their eyes. They all knew that Ye Liuyun was wronged. They all sent sound transmissions to Ye Liuyun\'s spiritual sense and asked him where he was going. But Ye Liuyun didn\'t respond to them.

He didn\'t want them to know, so as not to cause trouble for them.

The King of Fortune, the head of the Ye family, and others all had melancholy and helpless faces.

Only the Great Elder had radiance in his eyes. He knew that his apprentice, when he returned in the future, would definitely become the master of this field.

Tie Jun, Hao Chengfeng and others looked envious. With so many elders in the Tiangang realm of the alliance, none of them dared to make a move in front of Ye Liuyun. Although Ye Liuyun\'s figure was getting further and further away, in their eyes, he was getting taller and taller, and he had already become the target of their pursuit.

Tie Jun sent a voice transmission to Ye Liuyun: "I will definitely make Lingyun Pavilion bigger and wait for your return."

"Good brother! Don\'t force yourself when you can\'t do it!" Ye Liuyun only replied Tie Jun\'s words, and then disappeared far away in front of everyone.