Lord of All Gods

Chapter 394

Ye Liuyun retreated another distance to avoid the corpse monsters looking for him, avoiding conflict with them and attracting stronger opponents.

But he didn\'t leave. He must get rid of those traitors. Now it\'s not just his own problem. Putting these people back may cause damage to the alliance\'s defense.

Ye Liuyun watched for a whole day and night before his spiritual sense found the traces of several people again, but there were only three people left, and he didn\'t know what happened to the others.

Ye Liuyun waited for them to leave the corpse demon base camp for a certain distance, and then started to do it. He directly used the golden pupil to release the thunder and fire field, and pulled the souls of several people into it.

He didn\'t dare to push himself against the three strong men in the Tiangang realm, instead of rushing up to fight, he directly launched a soul attack. You can also conduct a soul search by the way to learn about some information about the corpse demons and their experiences.

It turned out that after these people were captured, they were taken to a foreign race for interrogation. In order to intimidate them, the foreign race killed all the others on the spot, leaving only the three of them.

The three of them not only explained Ye Liuyun\'s situation, but also talked about the strength of the alliance that they knew. The reason why the foreign race let them back is that they accepted the transformation of the foreign race, and the true essence in their bodies was infected with the devilish energy of the foreign race.

They came back this time to inquire about news and find Ye Liuyun\'s whereabouts. That foreign race was obviously very interested in Ye Liuyun\'s original power. Even if they cannot be absorbed, they can be used as energy to drive the altar.

He also received another message that Qu Chenfeng was trying to trick him.

"It seems that I really shouldn\'t let you go!" Ye Liuyun realized at this time that some people don\'t know how to be grateful, and they only have jealousy and greed in their hearts.

Ye Liuyun was determined to kill a few people this time. No matter how much they begged, they never let them go. He directly devoured the souls of these three people, then rushed over to use the Golden Crow Holy Flame to completely burn the corpses, collected their storage rings, and returned directly to the border.

"Qu Chenfeng, watch how I deal with you!"

Ye Liuyun was in a hurry to deal with Qu Chenfeng. But after going back and looking around, there was no sign of Qu Chenfeng.

It turned out that after waiting for so long, Qu Chenfeng felt that things might change. Otherwise, if there are so many people in the Tiangang realm, if they want to clean up Ye Liuyun, they should have come back long ago.

He and the metal puppet checked the information of several Tiangang powerhouses, and they died. The members of the alliance all have the consciousness to stay in the alliance. Once a person dies, the alliance will receive a message.

So he immediately ran away through the teleportation array. He didn\'t dare to go back to the alliance, fearing that Ye Liuyun would find him and teleport him to a random place, so he hid himself.

But this guy is too despicable, and he doesn\'t want Ye Liuyun to live in peace if he can\'t get it. Before he escaped, he leaked the news that Ye Liuyun had the power of the secret realm.

"You are Ye Liuyun?"

Ye Liuyun was depressed because he couldn\'t find Qu Chenfeng, when suddenly two strong men from the Tiangang realm surrounded him, and at the same time released the coercion of the Tiangang realm to prevent him from escaping.

"What?" Ye Liuyun raised his eyebrows and became vigilant. The posture of these two people was obviously about to attack him.

"I heard that you obtained the original power in the secret territory of the alliance. We will not do anything to you, but just want to use it to improve yourself. What do you think?" The two strong men smiled smirk and turned to Ye Liuyun.

Ye Liuyun was taken aback for a moment, but then he figured it out, Qu Chenfeng must have leaked the news.

"Qu Chenfeng, you despicable and shameless villain!"

Ye Liuyun cursed secretly in his heart, but he couldn\'t find anyone, and it was useless to be angry. What\'s more, there are two strong men in the first level of Tiangang in front of them.

"What if I don\'t borrow it?" Ye Liuyun asked coldly.

"Then we\'ll take it ourselves! Don\'t toast and refuse to eat fine wine!" A strong man threatened.

"Hehe, I am not afraid of threats!"

As he said that, Ye Liuyun directly launched a soul attack, devouring the souls of the two of them.

Now he can see clearly the faces of these martial artists. Since they are greedy, it is useless to say anything to them. They will only be honest if they scare these people with their strength.

But he also knew that this was just the beginning, and more greedy people would come to him in the future. Although this kind of person deserves to die, but now is the time to fight against the corpse demon, he doesn\'t want these people to die in his hands.

So he rushed to the teleportation array immediately, preparing to teleport back to the alliance, first to avoid the limelight.

However, other people do not have this big picture view like him. They just want to seize the original power and improve their own strength. No consideration of the current situation at all.

In order to prevent Ye Liuyun from escaping, they had already arranged someone to wait at the teleportation array, waiting for him to be caught.

Before Ye Liuyun could reach the teleportation point, more than a dozen Tiangang experts blocked his way, which startled him.

"Lying on the grass! So many people? Avoid the limelight first!"

Seeing that something was wrong, Ye Liuyun turned around and ran away. Wuxiu of the eight Tiangang realms followed closely behind.

"For some resources, as for, these people are really poor and crazy! Qu Chenfeng, don\'t let me catch you!"

While running, he secretly cursed Qu Chenfeng as a scourge in his heart.

Ye Liuyun didn\'t dare to run to Shengwu Academy, for fear of causing trouble to the academy, he had no choice but to run out of the city. Seeing a mountain range in the distance, he plunged into it. I want to lure them over and eliminate them one by one.

Those people behind also chased directly. And there are still people, constantly flying out of the city, rushing to this side.

With so many strong men chasing after a junior in the Yuandan realm, they all thought that Ye Liuyun was doomed, and that the original power would definitely be captured. So they all want to find Ye Liuyun first and take the original power as their own.

As soon as Ye Liuyun entered the mountains, he disappeared into the void and accelerated to distance himself from these people, making them lose their target. So these people fell into the trap and divided into four groups to search for Ye Liuyun, who happened to be able to be defeated by Ye Liuyun one by one.

In order to avoid large movements. Ye Liuyun used his soul attack directly to kill these people respectively, and then put the corpses into the storage ring to serve those corpse-eating insects.

Ye Liuyun also met a few alliance elders who followed. After his spirit domain enveloped them, these elders realized how powerful Ye Liuyun was.

Some of them immediately changed their words: "Ye Liuyun, we just came here to see what happened, and we are not targeting you! During this great war, you wantonly killing alliance members is an act of abetting evil..."

"Not bad! You have to consider the consequences when you do things. Otherwise, we will sue the alliance and cancel your membership."

These people wanted to kidnap Ye Liuyun through morality, but he just laughed it off.

No matter what they said, he would kill all those who chased him, regardless of the origin of the sect, without leaving any behind.

"Hmph, if you want to kill people and seize treasures, it doesn\'t matter if you have the ability!" Ye Liuyun snorted disdainfully, and went straight back to the border.

Unexpectedly, after he went back, he was actually stopped outside the city by an elder of the fifth level of the Tiangang Alliance and some members of the Tiangang Realm of the Alliance.

"Ye Liuyun, you innocently killed a large number of members of the Tiangang realm of the alliance, causing a huge loss to the alliance\'s combat power. Now, on behalf of the alliance, I issue a hunting order for you." The elder said coldly.

"Who are you? You have the right to issue a kill order against me? You don\'t even ask why, and you\'re going to punish me?" Ye Liuyun was a little puzzled. But when he saw the smug smiles of the people behind the elder, he immediately understood.

"It seems that these people think it\'s impossible to force it, so they want to play dirty!"