Lord of All Gods

Chapter 391

After Ye Liuyun bid farewell to these giant spirit clansmen, he stood outside the cave far away, using his spiritual sense to detect the movements of the near-empty pagoda.

The near-empty tower also began to buzz, first absorbing the power of the surrounding spar. Soon, those crystal stones gradually turned into powder, and all the energy was absorbed into the tower.

Then, it was the crystal ball of the original power placed at the entrance of the cave, and the energy was also sucked far away by the near-empty tower.

"Looking at this posture, I am afraid that there is not much energy left for me!"

Ye Liuyun was a little speechless, it seemed that he had lost a lot this time, and was deceived by a weapon spirit.

However, he still didn\'t stop the pagoda from absorbing energy. After all, it was related to whether these giant spirit clansmen could return to their homeland.

He just concentrated on watching, don\'t let the pagoda absorb all the original power, and immediately cause the secret realm to collapse.

However, although the near-empty tower absorbed very fiercely, it stopped suddenly and stopped absorbing. Then there was a strong spatial fluctuation. Ye Liuyun\'s spiritual sense also discovered that these giant spirit tribe members were all pulled into the formation and gradually disappeared. Disappeared together, and the nearly empty tower.

The cave was empty, only the original power crystal ball at the entrance of the cave remained, and about three-quarters of the energy was left in it.

Ye Liuyun didn\'t immediately put away the crystal ball of the original power. There are still five or six days before they leave the secret realm. If the original power is taken away too early, the secret realm will collapse immediately.

He was just a little dazed. For a while, I felt a little envious of these giant spirits, and could go back to their own clan in an instant. It would be great if he also had this ability and could go to his parents and aunt in an instant!

He was out of his mind for a while, and then released all the people around him, letting them practice here with him.

Lei Ming and Bai Hu have almost recovered from their injuries. As soon as Lei Ming came out, he clung to Ye Liuyun and kept coquettishly admitting his mistake.

Ye Liuyun has nothing to do with her, he doesn\'t want to talk about her, and he is afraid that she will cause even bigger troubles in the future.

"Do you know how much trouble you have caused yourself? Fortunately, the elder didn\'t want to kill you this time, but wanted to subdue you. Otherwise, I would not be in time to save you."

"I know I was wrong, little brother, don\'t be angry! I promise to be obedient in the future, and I will never make my own opinions again. I have already learned a lesson, so please forgive me!"

Ye Liuyun almost laughed out loud when he heard that. This is obviously what Wu Qingcheng taught her to say. Otherwise, Lei Ming would definitely not be able to think of such a word as "making a claim".

She glanced at Wu Qingcheng. Wu Qingcheng also knew that he saw it, so she just covered her mouth and smiled.

Ye Liuyun also softened his heart. He also felt that these monsters followed him and were greatly restricted.

"I also know that you are not free to follow me. But it is too dangerous around me now. When I find a safe place, I can let you leave. If you leave now, you will be caught! Don\'t Be anxious, first work hard to improve your realm, and prepare for going out on your own in the future."

Hearing this, Lei Ming burst into tears. "Little brother, do you dislike me? I know I was wrong, and I will never be disobedient again. Don\'t let me go, please. I just want to be with you all the time!"

Baihu and Shiyuan also bowed their heads and admitted their mistake. They got used to following Ye Liuyun. And the improvement of cultivation base is also fast! Ye Liuyun never treated them the way he treated his servants. He always thought of them when there were good things, and they were reluctant to leave.

"Silly girl. I didn\'t say now. I mean, I will let you go when there is a suitable place in the future. Don\'t you want to go out and venture out on your own?" Ye Liuyun was not in a hurry to coax Lei Ming this time, but told the truth, otherwise Lei Ming is too dependent on her, and if she is really allowed to leave, she will not leave. It is better to let her be mentally prepared in advance.

"No, if I don\'t leave, I will always follow you." Lei Ming cried and argued.

Ye Liuyun had no choice but to give up for the time being, and hugged Lei Ming in his arms to comfort her. "Okay, okay, you can talk about it later. Baihu and Shiyuan, you too, you can leave at any time when the environment is right."

Immediately, he looked at the three women Yuer, Ruyue and Wu Qingcheng.

"I\'m your woman, I won\'t leave!" Wu Qingcheng said immediately.

Yu\'er also said: "I want to be the master\'s maid for the rest of my life. Don\'t leave the master!"

Ruyue also followed suit and said: "Ruyue is willing to serve Master for the rest of her life!" When she was in Shuiyue Tower, she had already seen that without strength, she would be bullied wherever she went. She didn\'t want to go back to that kind of life again.

"Okay, okay, let\'s not talk about this. Hurry up and practice!" Ye Liuyun knew that he would not be able to explain them for a while. We can only wait for them to be stronger in the future. Especially Yu\'er and Ruyue, they probably won\'t be with her forever. Perhaps it would be more appropriate to persuade them when they meet the right person.

Others quickly adjusted their emotions and went to practice. There was only Lei Ming, crying very sadly, Ye Liuyun coaxed him for a long time, but he couldn\'t coax him well. Not even barbecue could tempt her anymore.

"Could it be that I said too seriously?"

Helpless, Ye Liuyun finally kissed her on the face a few times before she burst into tears and finally stopped crying. Finally, after eating some barbecue, Lei Ming\'s mood stabilized.

A group of them circled around the crystal ball of the source power and began to practice. At the same time, some of the collected spring water was also poured out, while absorbing the spiritual energy in the spring water, and at the same time absorbing the profound energy in the original power, and at the same time strengthened and strengthened the true essence.

Ye Liuyun\'s realm was quickly raised to the middle stage of the seventh level of Yuan Dan. He felt that the degree of solidification of his true essence was almost the same as that of a strong man in the Tiangang realm. You can consider condensing your own Tiangang domain.

Many cultivation geniuses have already begun to condense their Tiangang domain when they were at the ninth level of Yuandan. Although not perfect, it is basically usable.

He also wanted to try to see if he could condense it.

So he condensed the Tiangang domain in the same way as his own soul domain.

He first used his true essence to condense a miniature version of Tiangang Domain, which was only the size of a palm, but its shape was similar to that of the Soul Domain, and it also contained the power of Blood Thunder and Golden Crow Sacred Flame.

Usually, the Tiangang domain of the strong in the Tiangang realm will increase their combat power by at least 50%. As for Ye Liuyun, the Blood Thunder and the Golden Crow Sacred Flame alone are not comparable to ordinary people, so the power will be stronger, which is equivalent to having an extra helper in a fight, at least doubling his combat power.

Next, try to expand this field. But when he expanded his domain to a radius of ten miles, it was difficult to continue to expand. The main reason is that he doesn\'t have enough true essence. Moreover, there are still many loopholes and weaknesses in his field. The opponent can escape easily.

Even so, Ye Liuyun was very satisfied with the result of this attempt. In fact, the range of ten miles is enough most of the time. What he has to do now is to continuously strengthen this Tiangang field. Make it extremely strong whether it is attacked from the inside or collided from the outside.