Lord of All Gods

Chapter 390

Ye Liuyun felt that this suggestion was a good deal, otherwise his trip would have been in vain. But he still asked curiously: "What kind of race are the giant spirits? Where did they come from?"

It\'s always good to know more about the situation, and maybe you can use this information in the future.

"The giant spirits don\'t belong to this domain. I don\'t know exactly where they are. Anyway, I can\'t get there after decades. But you can go back in an instant through this near-empty tower. There are giant spirits in this tower. coordinate of."

The tool spirit explained to him. Afraid that he would be greedy, he added: "There is only one coordinate of the giant spirit clan in this tower, and it only has the function of teleporting back to the giant spirit clan. from."

The Qi spirit pointed to the corpse lying in the coffin. That means the man brought him out.

Ye Liuyun didn\'t ask any more questions. As for what happened to the giant spirit tribe, it has nothing to do with him. It is impossible for his parents and aunt to survive in the domain of the giant spirit clan.

So Ye Liuyun agreed to the weapon spirit, first put away the pagoda, turned around and returned to the Haqiong Clan\'s residence. There are no more treasures here, and there is no point in staying any longer.

After returning to the station, Ye Liuyun handed the pagoda directly to the patriarch, and asked him to communicate with Qi Ling about returning to the giant spirit clan.

Not long after, the patriarch ran over to him, first thanked him, and then said to Ye Liuyun: "I have already understood what happened. We are all descendants of the giant spirit clan. Back then, our giant spirit clan Due to the civil strife, our ancestors took some people to escape to this secret place to settle down, in order to avoid being chased and killed at that time. After so long, we also want to go back, so we plan to use the pagoda to return to the giant spirit clan.

But activating the pagoda also requires energy, let\'s find out the original power of this secret realm together? Qi Ling near the empty tower said that it doesn\'t take much energy. What he promised you will definitely be fulfilled. "

"Okay!" Ye Liuyun also agreed in one gulp. Even if he can get a part of the original power, it is better than taking away some crystals, so he is not at a loss. And if he could help these simple giant spirit clansmen go home, he was still very willing to help others.

Therefore, the patriarch also arranged for the people to prepare for the evacuation. All the people, old and young, went to the Hassan camp and waited for the transmission of the pagoda.

In order to avoid dangers along the way, Ye Liuyun has to take on the heavy responsibility of protecting them along the way. Their group migration was indeed targeted by many ferocious beasts. Ye Liuyun was so busy that he never had a moment\'s idle time. The whole team finished saving the front and back.

After finally returning to the Hassan tribe\'s residence, Ye Liuyun\'s spiritual sense found from a distance that several members of the alliance, taking advantage of the fact that there was no one in the residence, had already touched in and found the cave where the original power was. It\'s just that they don\'t have real energy, and they are digging spar bit by bit with weapons, trying to dig out the original power.

When these people noticed the movement and wanted to run away, they were already blocked in the cave led by Ha Qiong. These people who can\'t use their true essence have almost no resistance in front of these giants, and they are directly captured.

Ye Liuyun suddenly discovered that among the five captured alliance members, one was actually a member of the Yuan Dan Nine Layers from the Northern Territory like him.

Ye Liuyun suddenly thought of Tian Meng. "I don\'t know if Tian Meng has come in."

Those members of the alliance were already scared out of their wits at this moment. When they saw Ye Liuyun, although they wondered why Ye Liuyun seemed to be respected by these indigenous people, they immediately asked Ye Liuyun for help.

"Master Ye, do you still remember me? I am from the Northern Territory just like you! My name is Qu Chenfeng, please let these giants let us go. We thought that the original power had been given up by them, so we dared The purpose of digging is not to take their treasures!"

Ye Liuyun was also a little moved when he heard this. After all, anyone would fall in love with a treasure that no one is guarding. What\'s more, Qu Chenfeng\'s attitude is also very good, and he doesn\'t want to cause more killings.

The patriarch secretly reminded Ye Liuyun: "Friend Ye, are you not worried that he will leak the things here after he goes out? Once the power of origin is taken away, they will guess that you took the power of origin, maybe Then it will bring you trouble."

Ye Liuyun thought about it, and finally asked the patriarch to let them go.

Of course, the patriarch would not refuse Ye Liuyun\'s request. He had already reminded Ye Liuyun, and it was considered as the utmost benevolence. And he also felt that Ye Liuyun was stronger than these people, so he shouldn\'t be afraid of them.

The five alliance members took their lives and ran out of the Hassan camp in a hurry. After going out, Qu Chenfeng\'s eyes were immediately filled with vicious haze, and his whole face changed instantly. There is no longer the appearance of crying and begging just now.

In fact, they have long been eyeing the original power here. It\'s just that when the Hassan tribe is there, they can\'t do anything. Ye Liuyun killed those members of the Southern Territory, and then moved away with the Hassan tribe. They all saw it from a distance.

They wanted to take this opportunity to take away the original power. In order to tap the original power, they didn\'t have time to practice at all, and they didn\'t bother to come and take some crystals away. Everything is in vain now, and these days are equivalent to being busy for nothing. And almost got killed by these stupid big guys.

He was naturally resentful. But Ye Liuyun, who was supposed to save him, became the target of his jealousy.

"Why is that kid\'s true energy unrestricted, and why those giants listen to him. I want to see what they want to do when they come back."

So he told everyone that Ye Liuyun might also have come here with the original power this time. They couldn\'t do anything to Ye Liuyun here, but when they got out, they wouldn\'t be afraid of him. So they all unanimously decided to wait nearby and watch from a distance. As long as Ye Liuyun took away the original power, the first thing they would do after they go out was to snatch the original power.

Ye Liuyun himself didn\'t expect that his moment of kindness would actually bring him trouble.

At this moment, Ye Liuyun just invoked his true energy and blasted away the spar, revealing a huge gray crystal ball inside.

"This is the power of the source." Ye Liuyun could clearly feel the profound energy contained in it.

A group of giant spirit clansmen have never seen this thing before. They just know they\'re one step closer to getting home.

Afterwards, Ye Liuyun helped the patriarch, and according to Qi Ling\'s request, arranged the nearly empty pagoda in the cave, allowing all the giant spirit clan members to enter the cave. Ye Liuyun, on the other hand, controlled the original power outside the cave. In this way, the near-empty tower will first absorb the energy of the surrounding spars, and then absorb the energy of the original power, leaving more energy for Ye Liuyun.

"Friend Ye, take care!" Ha Qiong had a particularly good impression of Ye Liuyun, and was very grateful for Ye Liuyun\'s help to them.

"Take care too!" Before parting, Ye Liuyun gave Ha Qiong an ax that was a false sacred weapon. He also felt that Ha Qiong was a kind and righteous man. It\'s a pity that we have to part soon, otherwise we could really make friends.