Lord of All Gods

Chapter 392

While Ye Liuyun and others were practicing, many monsters in the secret realm felt the weakening of their original power.

As if they were in danger, they all became restless.

In a swamp in the northeast corner of the secret realm, a giant crocodile emerged from the mud, soared into the air, and rushed straight to the location of the original power.

It has been cultivated for thousands of years, and it has the realm of Yuandan Nine Layers. He is the veritable overlord in this secret realm. Not only is it the highest realm, but it is also covered in sturdy crocodile skin, which makes it almost impossible for people to break through its defense.

The giants don\'t even know it exists. That\'s because anyone who has seen this giant crocodile has already been eaten by him.

Now that the original power of the secret realm has changed drastically, it has affected its cultivation, so it must rush over to see what happened.

And it\'s smarter too. Just in case, it not only went by itself, but also dragged two fierce beasts, a mastiff of the sixth level of Yuandan and a wild bull of the seventh level of Yuandan along the way, and rushed there together.

Before they arrived at the station, Ye Liuyun\'s consciousness spotted the giant crocodile from a distance, and immediately jumped out of the cave to fight. Lei Ming and the others also wanted to follow out, but were stopped by Ye Liuyun.

"Stay here and look at the crystal ball. Qu Chenfeng and others are nearby. Don\'t let them take the opportunity to steal the crystal ball. Then our work will be in vain."

In fact, Ye Liuyun\'s spiritual sense had already discovered Qu Chenfeng and others, but seeing that they didn\'t make any moves, he didn\'t bother to pay attention to them.

After the giant crocodile arrived with two ferocious beasts, it found that an outsider had occupied the original power, and immediately let out a roar.

"Foreign humans, where are the giants here?" On the way the giant crocodile came, it was found that the giants of the Jiamuni tribe were gone. Unexpectedly, when they arrived here, the members of the Hassan tribe were also gone. So it asked right away.

"Whether they\'re here or not has anything to do with you?" Ye Liuyun asked back.

"Hmph. No matter what, if you dare to move the original power here, we will not let you go!" Seeing that he didn\'t say anything, the mastiff next to him didn\'t bother to ask. After killing the human in front of him, he couldn\'t find the reason. Late.

"However, I haven\'t tasted the taste of alien humans for a long time!" The fierce beast bull licked his lips, so greedy that his saliva was about to flow out.

Although the giant crocodile felt strange, it didn\'t stop the two of them from provoking. It wants to let them try this human\'s strength first. The sudden disappearance of the giant made him suspect that it was the work of this alien human.

"I\'m afraid this person has some skills. Maybe his real energy can be used here. Otherwise, why don\'t you run away when you see us." It quietly guessed in its heart.

I have to say that this giant crocodile\'s intelligence is really high, and it really guessed it. In order to compete for food, the mastiff and the bull rushed up together, but Ye Liuyun directly released them from the Tiangang domain and engulfed them.

As soon as he entered, he was bombarded by the blood thunder and the Golden Crow holy fire, and lost half his life directly.

Ye Liuyun was able to release the Tiangang domain, whether it was Qu Chenfeng and other alliance members who were observing from a distance, or the giant crocodile on the opposite side, they were all taken aback.

Especially that giant crocodile, secretly rejoicing in his heart. "Fortunately, I didn\'t make a move immediately, otherwise I would be the one who was unlucky." Thinking of this, it turned around and wanted to slip away.

Ye Liuyun assessed the distance, and directly used the Tiangang domain to cover it too.

"My lord, please spare me! I just came to see what happened to the giants, and they didn\'t attack you!" The giant crocodile immediately pleaded for mercy.

"Really? So what? I just want to kill you!" Ye Liuyun raised the corner of his mouth, and didn\'t bother to waste words with them, so he wanted to kill them directly.

"Wait, wait, I\'m willing to surrender to you and recognize you as master!" The giant crocodile had no choice but to take second place, and in order to survive, it had no choice but to accept its fate. Unexpectedly, Tang Tang, the overlord in a secret realm, would be so mixed up that he would be forced to admit his master after a face-to-face encounter.

It felt wronged. But in the face of absolute strength, he has no choice.

Unexpectedly, Ye Liuyun didn\'t pay attention to it at all. In terms of realm, the monsters around him were a little worse than this giant crocodile, but not too bad. In terms of defense, it is not as good as Thunder and Stone Ape.

So Ye Liuyun didn\'t answer it anymore and continued to attack. The three ferocious beasts didn\'t have much effort, and they were all burned to ashes by the Golden Crow Holy Fire. Their Yuan Dan was kept by Ye Liuyun and handed over to Lei Ming and others to devour and absorb it directly.

At the same time, Ye Liuyun\'s golden pupil also glanced at Qu Chenfeng as a warning.

Qu Chenfeng and others were shocked by his glance. They didn\'t expect Ye Liuyun to find them. So they immediately turned around and ran away, not daring to monitor Ye Liuyun any more.

However, the idea of ​​getting rid of Ye Liuyun and seizing the original power was already deeply ingrained at this time.

It wasn\'t until after walking a long way that Qu Chenfeng said to the others: "That kid\'s Tiangang domain has just been formed, and there are still many flaws. Everyone is in the real Tiangang realm, so don\'t worry about him. When we go out, he will have no advantage and can easily kill him."

"That\'s right! At that time, we will share the original power equally. Otherwise, wouldn\'t it be a waste of time for us to come in this time." Several other people also agreed unanimously.

However, they did not dare to monitor Ye Liuyun anymore. I had no choice but to look for other opportunities in the secret realm while there were still a few days left.

Ye Liuyun practiced quietly with everyone for a few days. His true essence has also become more solidified, and his realm has been raised to the late stage of the seventh level of Yuan Dan.

What pleased him the most was that he further strengthened his Tiangang domain, and consolidated many loopholes with real energy, and he also tried to use his Tiangang domain to overlap with the thunder and fire domain of the soul, combining the two domains. Combine into one to strengthen the attack.

The combined two domains can not only attack the opponent\'s physical body, but also attack the opponent\'s soul at the same time.

"Haha, this trick can be used as a trump card to catch the opponent by surprise!" Ye Liuyun was thinking secretly, and was constantly trying to speed up the release of the two domains at the same time.

Others, because they just broke through the realm, did not improve again, but the quality and quantity of the true essence have also been greatly improved, but they have not reached the standard for another breakthrough.

Lei Ming has reached the eighth level of Yuandan, and at this time she is also following Ye Liuyun\'s example, trying to condense her Tiangang domain. Her domain has two attributes of blood thunder and ice power. Ye Liuyun helped her give her a nice name, blood thunder and ice field.

Lei Ming returned to Xuankong Stone and practiced for twenty days, and finally cultivated his Tiangang domain to the same level as Ye Liuyun, but her domain did not have the function of soul attack.

Ye Liuyun then suggested that she refine the Soul-Suppressing Pagoda and try it out. After a try, she succeeded. Therefore, Lei Ming\'s Tiangang domain also has a certain function of soul suppression.

Moreover, her Tiangang domain attribute just complements Ye Liuyun\'s. Ye Liuyun\'s is fire attribute, while Lei Ming\'s is ice attribute.

As for the others, Ye Liuyun asked them to wait until Tiangang Yae to try again. The real energy is not enough to stare, and it is useless to try. Even if it is condensed and formed, it is vulnerable. Not only is it useless in battle, but it will be easily defeated by the opponent, wasting true energy.