Lord of All Gods

Chapter 389

Ye Liuyun directly released the Golden Crow Sacred Flame with his golden pupils, and the skeleton controlled by the Corpse Worm was burned to ashes by the Golden Crow Sacred Fire before it even got close to Ye Liuyun.

At the same time, the Golden Crow holy fire around Ye Liuyun also suddenly burned towards the surrounding coffins, and those corpse-eating insects who were trying to control the skeletons to stand up were instantly turned into flying ash by the impact of the flames. There was a burnt smell in the entire tomb.


Accompanied by a voice, although not loud, but very harsh voice came. Ye Liuyun heard this cry clearly, and was sure that it was a sonic attack, a form of soul attack.

"It seems that there must be intelligent creatures in this tomb. Maybe it is controlling these corpse-eating insects."

Ye Liuyun immediately stopped staying any longer. His spiritual sense has also inquired into this tomb, and there is no treasure at all, let alone the pagoda that the patriarch said, so he can only continue walking to the depths of the tomb.

Even with Ye Liuyun\'s consciousness, he couldn\'t find the source of the cry just now.

"It seems that the worm\'s soul is not weak, and it\'s not that easy to deal with." He secretly increased his caution.

Next, swarms of corpse-eating insects still rushed in, and they couldn\'t hurt him either. Ye Liuyun passed through several tombs in a row, but couldn\'t find the pagoda, and the funerary objects of the aborigines didn\'t have anything he could appreciate.

He also controls the Golden Crow Sacred Flame, and wipes out the corpse-eating insects in every tomb, which can be regarded as helping the natives solve a problem.

It didn\'t take long for Ye Liuyun to come to the last and largest tomb. There is only one coffin in the entire huge space. Here, Ye Liuyun finally saw the screaming corpse insect.

It\'s just that this corpse-eating insect turned out to be a dead body, hiding in the sea of ​​consciousness of an alliance member, relying on its powerful spirit to control the body of this alliance member, and even call part of his true energy to integrate into his own profound energy among.

According to the newness and oldness of the attire of this alliance member, it can also be seen that they came in the same batch as Ye Liuyun and the others. It\'s just that his soul has been destroyed at this moment. It seems that the flesh body is specially reserved by the corpse-eating insects, waiting to deal with outsiders like them.

Ye Liuyun\'s golden pupils have already seen that this corpse-eating insect is in the realm of Tiangang itself, and what it absorbs is the profound energy here, and supplemented with the true essence of the alliance members, so Ye Liuyun should not be his opponent based on the realm alone .

But Ye Liuyun\'s physical body was also unparalleled in defense. So he wanted to give it a try, to see if he could compete with the strong in the Tiangang realm. The quality of his true energy is higher, but the perfect combination with profound energy is much stronger than that simply put together by the corpse worm.

Moreover, the corpse-eating insects controlled the human body, and their movements were obviously not smooth, and they were very stiff. So after Ye Liuyun\'s assessment, he felt that it was still possible for him to defeat it. If it doesn\'t work, use the soul attack again. Although the corpse worm\'s soul was powerful, it was still much weaker than Ye Liuyun\'s soul.

When the two of them fought with each other in the first move, Ye Liuyun unleashed the Thunder Fire Batian Fist and fought the corpse worm head-on with all his strength. Moreover, only by using the strongest move of the Batian Shenquan, can he possibly beat a strong man in the Tiangang realm.

Ye Liuyun\'s current Tyrant God Fist, after incorporating the power of blood and physical body, together with the profound energy of his true essence, blood thunder and golden crow holy fire, is enough to tear apart all obstacles, even the void, with one punch. They were all directly torn open by him.

Although the corpse-eating insect was in the Tiangang realm, it also let out a "squeak". It didn\'t expect Ye Liuyun\'s punch to be so strong. Immediately released its corpse insect field.

However, as soon as the Corpse Worm\'s Tiangang domain was released, it was directly pierced by Ye Liuyun, and the Golden Crow Holy Flame continued to expand the wound.

The countless corpse-eating insects in the field were all burned to ashes by the flames on Ye Liuyun\'s body. At this moment, Ye Liuyun was like a flame giant, reflecting the world red.

And after this punch passed through the corpse worm field, it also directly hit the members of the alliance. In fact, the power of this punch at this time has been consumed by the corpse field, and it is no longer a threat. But the corpse-eating insect was not proficient in controlling the physical body, and it didn\'t dodge the punch, nor could it use its true essence to protect its body. Therefore, with Ye Liuyun\'s fist, the Golden Crow\'s sacred fire directly burned the body. The corpse-eating worms immediately jumped out of the man\'s sea of ​​consciousness, trying to escape back into the coffin.

"Try my field again!"

Ye Liuyun didn\'t wait for him to go back, and immediately released his soul domain, regardless of whether the corpse worm was injured or not, he directly pulled his soul into it, and dealt with it together with the hell snake.

But before the fight started, the corpse worm surrendered directly.

"This guy is really smart!" Ye Liuyun sighed in his heart, but didn\'t think about killing him directly. Instead, first imprint it with a soul brand, so that you can communicate with it and understand the information here.

After Ye Liuyun planted the soul brand, the corpse-eating insect became more honest.

It told Ye Liuyun that there is indeed such a golden pagoda here. It was brought here by the Black Tower. It\'s just that it was still young at the time and didn\'t know where it was brought from.

It also doesn\'t know how the tower is used. It tried to refine the tower, but found that it couldn\'t refine it at all. It only knows that the tower seems to have a spirit, and does not accept it.

This corpse-eating insect is male and female, therefore, these corpse-eating insects are also reproduced by it. There was no air in here, so there was plenty of food in the past, but now it is almost eaten by them. They can\'t get out, so they are relying on devouring each other to satisfy their hunger.

It also begged Ye Liuyun to take out the rest of the corpse insects.

Ye Liuyun thought about it and thought it was feasible. This army of corpse-eating bugs should be able to clean up the battle scene very quickly. Moreover, this corpse worm is still in the Tiangang realm, if it is quietly released to attack the enemy, it should still be useful.

Therefore, Ye Liuyun asked him to gather all the corpse-eating insects left in the tomb, and put them all into the storage ring he used to cover up. The advantage of this corpse bug is that it does not need air and cannot be suffocated to death. Put them in there, just right.

He had two rings on his hand. One is used as a cover, and the other is his real storage ring that he can make invisible.

After that, he went to find the pagoda. The pagoda is inside the coffin. Inside the coffin was a huge corpse, which looked much bigger than ordinary aborigines.

He took a closer look at the pagoda, and found that the pagoda was golden in color and divided into nine floors. It looked pretty good.

And just when Ye Liuyun wanted to communicate with the pagoda with his spiritual consciousness, a weapon spirit appeared in the pagoda and communicated with Ye Liuyun\'s spiritual consciousness.

"Hey, aren\'t you a member of the giant spirit clan?" the tool spirit asked.

"Giant spirit clan?" Ye Liuyun was also confused by his question. "Are you talking about the natives of the Hassan and Jamuni tribes?"

"Oh, it seems that you are a foreigner. You are not from the Djinn clan. You can\'t refine it at all without using this tower. But if you can take me to the Djinn clan, I will take them out of here. I can How about rewarding you with the power of origin here?" the spirit of the weapon suggested.