Lord of All Gods

Chapter 388

Just as Ye Liuyun and the others were concentrating on their cultivation, the patriarch of the Hassan clan approached Ye Liuyun directly.

"Thank you friend Ye for helping us integrate the human races in the secret territory. It will be safer for us to move here." The patriarch of the Hassan tribe thanked Ye Liuyun earnestly.

Ye Liuyun\'s practice was interrupted, but he was too embarrassed to treat the patriarch coldly, so he had to deal with him politely.

The patriarch also knew that he had disturbed Ye Liuyun\'s cultivation, so he said embarrassedly: "I\'m sorry to disturb Ye Liuyun\'s cultivation. In order to express our gratitude, there is something I want to tell you, which may be of some help to you."

Ye Liuyun also became curious when he heard the words: "The patriarch just speaks bluntly."

Afterwards, the patriarch slowly said: "We have an ancestor\'s tomb here. There is a pagoda in the tomb that can enter and exit this secret realm. But nearly a hundred years ago, a strange bug appeared in the tomb, eating people, No one from us has ever gone in, and even for burial, we can only build another cemetery, separate from our ancestors."

"The patriarch wants me to help you take out that pagoda?" Ye Liuyun asked.

"That\'s not necessary. Because no one who has used that tower has ever returned. I have no interest in that tower. I just want to ask, if you are interested in that tower, you can take it away , By the way, help us clean up the bugs, so that we can also be buried with our ancestors in the future."

"What other functions does that pagoda have?" Ye Liuyun wanted to know more comprehensively.

But other information, the patriarch did not know. Ye Liuyun went out and asked other people, even the Jiamuni people knew about this legend, but they didn\'t know the specifics.

Ye Liuyun was a little hesitant, wondering if it was worth taking the risk for a tower. But then I thought, since I\'m here, I might as well go and have a look, maybe I\'ll find something else.

Therefore, Ye Liuyun resolutely stopped practicing, and rushed to the direction of the tomb provided by the patriarch.

The tomb is located in the northwest corner of the entire secret realm, and tall tombstones can be seen from a distance. The entire cemetery is underground and made of huge stones. But there were no ferocious beasts around, and the entire cemetery was silent without a single sound. It can be seen that there are indeed some dangerous things here.

Ye Liuyun\'s golden pupils were opened, and he searched carefully, but found no danger outside, so he opened the mechanism of the underground tomb directly according to the method taught to him by the patriarch.

The ground cracked and a stone door appeared. As the stone door opened, a foul smell came.

"Huh? Why is there such a strong rotten smell?" Ye Liuyun first scanned the tomb with his divine sense, but found nothing unusual. There are tombs sealed with huge stones on all sides, and they are usually kept in good condition, so they don\'t have such a big smell.

Ye Liuyun had never smelled such a strong smell in Wanzang Mound before.

"It seems that there is something weird in it!"

He walked slowly into the tomb along the stone steps. The tomb was pitch black, but his golden pupils could see everything clearly.

Due to the tallness of the local aborigines, the corridors in the tomb are also very spacious. Each stone brick that forms the tomb is half the height of a person.

Not far away, Ye Liuyun saw a skeleton with only bones and clothes left on his body. And judging by the newness and oldness of the clothes, this person should have died not long ago. Moreover, the size of the skeleton is the same as that of a normal person, not like an aboriginal.

"Could it be someone from the alliance?" Ye Liuyun immediately checked the storage ring of this person, and found the identity token of the alliance.

"Sure enough, it seems that people from the Alliance came here not long ago. But what is the cause of death?"

Judging from the appearance of the skeleton, there is no sign of injury. But there was no flesh and blood left on the skeleton.

Ye Liuyun was thinking about it when he suddenly felt that the ground in the distance was shaking. After he took a closer look, he realized that it wasn\'t the ground that was shaking, but a layer of small bugs on the ground, wriggling towards him against the ground.

"Corpse insect!" Ye Liuyun\'s golden pupil looked carefully, and was startled. I didn\'t expect that there was such a thing in this secret realm. These bugs are also dark gray, very close to the color of rocks.

A worm no bigger than a fingernail, with two protruding front teeth used to cut through the skin of the corpse, and a big belly. This kind of bug usually doesn\'t attack living things, it just bites through the corpse and burrows into it to eat the flesh and blood.

However, the swarms of corpse-eating insects are now attacking living creatures, it seems that they are here to dominate. The swarms of corpse-eating insects will make people feel scalp tingling, even if they are the size of a local, they can be eaten by these insects in an instant.

Ye Liuyun didn\'t dare to be careless, and immediately activated the Zhenyuan Body Protector, wrapping his whole body with the Golden Crow Holy Fire.

"It seems that the culprit is this thing. The members of the alliance can\'t use the real yuan, so they can\'t defend against these bugs."

Thinking of this, Ye Liuyun felt relieved a lot.

These corpse-eating insects don\'t have much intelligence either. After the ones that rushed forward were burned by Ye Liuyun\'s Golden Crow Holy Fire, the corpse-eating insects behind were still crawling towards him.

Gradually, the walls on all sides were also covered with corpse-eating insects. People rushed towards Ye Liuyun from all directions.

Ye Liuyun didn\'t care, instead, he accelerated his progress. His true energy is abundant, if it is only used to defend against this kind of bug, it will not be exhausted for a month or two.

These bugs couldn\'t stop his progress at all. Before they even got close to the Golden Crow Holy Flame, they were already scorched by the flame\'s temperature. On top of Ye Liuyun\'s head, corpse-eating insects kept falling from above.

With Ye Liuyun\'s spiritual sense, he discovered that these corpse-eating insects crawled out of the coffins in the tomb.

"Why are there so many? What do they usually eat?" Ye Liuyun had doubts in his heart, and kept walking, and finally came to a coffin. The lid of the coffin has been opened, and inside are some old-looking skeletons, all of which are covered with corpse-eating insects.

At this time, there were more and more corpse-eating insects around Ye Liuyun. These corpse-eating insects unexpectedly gathered together slowly, with the head and tail biting together, forming a corpse-eating insect that was bigger than Ye Liuyun, and rushed towards Ye Liuyun.

"Huh? Someone controls this thing?" Ye Liuyun immediately realized that the corpse-eating insects here are not simple. Not only will it take the initiative to attack living creatures, but it is also intelligent, otherwise it would not have thought of forming a larger form to fight against people. It\'s just that they don\'t know what kind of creatures control these corpse bugs.

For Ye Liuyun, even if these corpse-eating insects gathered together, they would not be able to threaten him. This thing doesn\'t have a cultivation level, just relying on its quantity and size, it can\'t break his body-protecting essence at all.

Moreover, Ye Liuyun\'s Golden Crow Holy Flame is too powerful, even if these corpse-eating insects are combined into a larger size, they can\'t get close to him at all.

Ye Liuyun was about to continue walking in, when suddenly, the skeleton in the coffin suddenly stood up.

Ye Liuyun was taken aback, but after a closer look, he realized that it was not a zombie. It\'s still the ghouls playing tricks. The bug propped up the huge skeleton through its numbers. Flesh, bone links, etc. are all filled by corpse worms. It\'s just that this kind of skeleton still has no realm, but its strength and sturdiness are stronger than the big bugs that are simply composed of corpse bugs.