Lord of All Gods

Chapter 382

Ye Liuyun rushed to the border, and after walking for half a day, he received a notice from the alliance telling him to rush back to receive the alliance\'s reward first.

And this notice was a message sent by the dean himself to Ye Liuyun.

Ye Liuyun realized that the reward this time seemed unusual, so he did not delay and immediately returned to the alliance through the teleportation disk.

As soon as he returned to the alliance\'s teleportation hall, the metal puppet took him through the teleportation array to another hall.

Ye Liuyun released his spiritual sense, but found that the entire hall was blocked, and his spiritual sense could not detect the situation outside. There are only a dozen alliance members in the temple.

Only one of them is at the ninth level of Yuandan, and most of the others are at the first and second level of Tiangang.

Immediately, the dean himself appeared in the hall.

"Leader!" The elders of the Tiangang realm saluted together, and Ye Liuyun followed suit, while another member of Yuandan Jiuzhong obviously didn\'t know him, but he followed suit.

"There\'s no need to be too polite. Members of the Yuan Dan Realm may not know me. My name is Cheng Yi, and I am the leader of the Northern Territory Alliance."

Then, Cheng Yi went straight to the point, explaining the reason for summoning them.

"You are all excellent alliance members who ranked in the top ten in our last mission in the Northern Territory. The reason why you are still asked to receive any rewards at this time is because of the alien race and corpse demons. It is not behind your imagination as simple as that.

As for the large-scale attack of these corpse demons in front of you, the alliance can handle it, so you don\'t need to worry about it. What you have to do is to increase your strength as soon as possible. Therefore, the alliance decided to honor the rewards given to you in advance, allowing you to enter the Xuanyuan Secret Realm to practice. "

Hearing this, the members of the Tiangang Realm were obviously very excited.

Ye Liuyun and another member of Yuandan Jiuzhong were puzzled.

"Xuanyuan secret realm? Where is that?"

Cheng Yi smiled and explained to them: "This secret realm is a bit special. There are some indigenous demons and human races in it, and the real yuan cannot be used in the secret realm, so the death rate is very high. But those who can come out, the realm can at least be improved by a certain amount." Two or three times. So you have to think carefully now!"

"Can\'t use real yuan? And the natives?"

Ye Liuyun was a little curious. He didn\'t think about it at all, and agreed directly. His physical body is much stronger than ordinary people. Without real yuan, he has an advantage.

Moreover, there will be some opportunities in any secret realm, not to mention the opportunities provided by the alliance, which will definitely not be bad. Ye Liuyun didn\'t want to miss this opportunity.

Everyone else has to give it a try, after all, the opportunity is rare. In martial arts practice, it is very common to take risks in order to improve one\'s cultivation.

"Okay. Since you all want to try it, I can open the secret passage for you now. You will be teleported back in a month. Good luck to you!"

Immediately, Cheng Yi activated a formation, and Ye Liuyun felt dizzy for a while. When the dizziness disappeared, Ye Liuyun felt that his feet were empty, and he fell directly from the air.

In a panic, he hastily operated the True Yuan Yukong. But he found that his true energy can still be used!

"Huh? Isn\'t it impossible to use real yuan? How can I still use it?"

Ye Liuyun looked at the situation in the secret realm from the air, the trees, mountains and rivers were very similar to the outside. But he found that although there is no spiritual energy here, the profound energy is particularly abundant.

"Haha, it turned out to be Xuan Qi! It seems that my Xuan Yuan Qi Refining Art can be used better here!"

Ye Liuyun was overjoyed, and then landed on the ground, releasing everyone. But everyone else felt that their true energy could not be used. Even the skeleton puppets are restricted.

"It doesn\'t matter, my true essence is still usable and can protect you. Thunder, White Tiger and Stone Ape should not be weak here. Let\'s try to find a beast first."

Ye Liuyun\'s spiritual sense found a grizzly bear. After looking at it with the golden pupil, he found that the grizzly bear also had no realm, it was just an ordinary beast.

He rushed over with several ferocious beasts, but as soon as the stone ape appeared, he scared the grizzly away. The stone ape\'s height is close to fifty feet, and with three heads and six arms, it has a great advantage in this secret realm. It can completely crush Lei Ming and Baihu by strength alone.

Lei Ming raised his nose, and said to Ye Liuyun: "There is a strong scent of flowers in the dense forest, I don\'t know what it is!"

"Let\'s go and have a look!" Ye Liuyun immediately led the crowd to the depths of the dense forest.

As they walked deeper, they saw more and more flowers. Gradually, they walked out of the dense forest, and their eyes were filled with colorful flowers everywhere. At the end of the sea of ​​flowers, there is a stone castle.


All of them were attracted by the sight in front of them. Especially the few women, who were all attracted by the sea of ​​flowers in front of them, completely forgot to be alert to danger!

Ye Liuyun\'s spiritual sense and Jin Tong observed with all their strength, and they did not find any problems. The Myriad God Order did not move, nor was it an illusion. It\'s just that he can\'t see through the castle, and doesn\'t know if there is any danger inside.

The women couldn\'t control it anymore, everyone went to pick a large bouquet of flowers and wanted to plant them in the Dragon Palace, but Ye Liuyun stopped them.

"We\'ll talk about it after we\'ve inspected the castle. Make sure there\'s nothing wrong when we leave, and we\'ll pick some to take away."

Afterwards, he led the crowd to the castle cautiously. The women are only focused on picking flowers along the way, and they don\'t know what to keep in their hands at the end! Fortunately, Baihu and Shiyuan knew how to be alert to their surroundings.

Suddenly, the gate of the castle opened strangely and automatically. Ye Liuyun\'s spiritual sense and golden pupils probed over, but he couldn\'t see anyone. He just felt that the inside was gloomy and not a good place.

"Be careful, the castle is gloomy and dangerous!"

After Ye Liuyun\'s reminder, these women became more sober. But the excitement still hasn\'t passed, and he still hasn\'t fully recovered.

"Why don\'t we move the castle and the sea of ​​flowers to the Dragon Palace? It should fit!" Lei Ming suggested.

"Let\'s go back and renovate the residence, and then bring these flowers back to plant, and the effect will be similar."

Several women chatted non-stop...

Seeing their condition, Ye Liuyun wanted them to return to the storage ring, but she was afraid of disturbing their interest, and afraid that they would miss the opportunity.

"Forget it, let\'s take them with me, I just need to pay more attention!"

He thought for a while, then led everyone into the castle, but still ordered: "Don\'t disperse, follow me!"

After they entered the castle, the gate of the castle closed automatically again.

Ye Liuyun was a little strange. He didn\'t find any fluctuations in his consciousness. "Looks like it should be an organ!"

After the gate of the castle was closed, the atmosphere inside became even more eerie. In the originally empty castle, a woman\'s cries and screams suddenly came out.

Ye Liuyun was also surprised that the women around her should have shown expressions of fear, but at this moment they didn\'t care at all, and instead yelled. Even Baihu and Shiyuan\'s eyes gradually turned red, and they began to become irritable.

Ye Liuyun was at a loss for a moment. In his sea of ​​consciousness, the Myriad God Order finally responded. But it is not to defend against the attack of the soul, but to squeeze out a kind of gas in his body.

"No, this flower is poisonous! But why didn\'t I feel it before?"

Ye Liuyun didn\'t have time to think about it at this moment, and directly attacked their souls with his soul. Neither he nor the soul of the hell snake was affected. And the spirits of the two of them are strong enough, so when they were not awake, the sneak attack succeeded in an instant. Several people and demons passed out on the ground. Ye Liuyun immediately threw the flowers aside and put them into the storage ring.