Lord of All Gods

Chapter 383

Ye Liuyun didn\'t know how to detoxify them.

His Myriad God Order can only save himself, but it cannot help him save others. Let these people continue to go crazy, I am afraid it will be difficult to control them.

So he can only temporarily control their spirits in this way, lest the situation continue to deteriorate.

"We must quickly find a way to cure this poison."

Ye Liuyun picked up all the flowers they dropped. I sniffed it carefully, and found nothing unusual. At this time, the Hell Snake suddenly said: "This may be the ecstasy flower. I have heard of it before, but I have never seen it. I only guessed it when I heard the cry of the ghost. This kind of flower cannot be smelled alone. It will have any stimulating effect on the soul, only after hearing the cry of the ghost and being stimulated, the poison will be released, causing the soul to lose."

"Oh? If it\'s the ecstasy flower, how do you detoxify it?" Ye Liuyun didn\'t expect the Hell Snake to help.

"It seems that a kind of soul-cleaning water is needed. The soul-cleaning water is usually underground, and the voices of those ghosts are also transmitted from the underground. Maybe they will be together. I don\'t feel the existence of any ghosts in the castle. "Hell Hades told him with certainty.

Ye Liuyun also felt it carefully, the cry was indeed coming from underground.

So he didn\'t hesitate anymore, and rushed in the direction where the call came from. After a while, he identified the source of five or six voices. But he searched for them one by one, only to find that they all came from the stone wall of the castle.

"How can I find these ghosts? The power of my golden pupils can\'t penetrate the spiritual defense here. Is it possible that I want to tear down this castle?" Ye Liuyun asked the Hades suspiciously.

The Hell Snake thought for a while, and then said: "It may not be possible to find them after dismantling them. They are all in the form of spirits, and they are not restricted by this material thing. They can change positions at any time."

Ye Liuyun felt the people in the storage ring, and saw that although they were in a coma and the effects of the toxin had slowed down, their condition was still deteriorating.

Now his heart is more anxious. Immediately, he drew out the demon-slaying knife and slashed at a stone wall.

There was a loud "boom". Where the stone wall was, everything was crushed into fly ash, and a large pit appeared underground.

But this castle obviously has a deep foundation,

When Ye Liuyun was frowning, suddenly there were ghosts laughing in the castle. Those ghosts wanted to use this method to strengthen the spread of the ecstasy flower toxin. But Ye Liuyun\'s Myriad God Order had already helped him expel the toxins, and their stimulation was destined to be ineffective.

Ye Liuyun also knew that this would not work. Then he forced himself to calm down and find a way.

The sounds from all around continued to disturb him. Suddenly, he found that there were intermittent voices of mocking or screaming coming from everywhere, except for a corner of the castle, an inconspicuous small woodshed, where no sound had ever been heard. So Ye Liuyun slashed at the surrounding stone walls a few more times, causing ghosts to scream.

In the end, he confirmed that only the woodshed had never heard a sound. He discussed it with Hell Snake, and Hell Snake also suggested Ye Liuyun to take a look, anyway, there is no other way now.

But when Ye Liuyun walked straight towards the small woodshed, the ghosts gave feedback. There was a sudden silence for a while, and then suddenly he began to growl.

The corner of Ye Liuyun\'s mouth twitched slightly. "It seems that the spiritual intelligence of these ghosts is not high!"

"Boss, don\'t be careless! I know these ghosts, maybe this is a trap, and I deliberately lured you in!" Hell Snake immediately reminded Ye Liuyun.

Ye Liuyun was taken aback, if it was a trap, then these ghosts were too intelligent, and what they did was almost flawless. If you are so angry with the ridicule of these ghosts that you continue to chop, you will be too tired to fight back. If you enter the firewood room, you will directly enter the trap set by them. No matter what you do, there are no good results!

Thinking of this, he said, "Thank you for your reminder, and this possibility is not ruled out! But we have no other choice, so we have to follow their instructions first to see if there are any clues."

Ye Liuyun herself was not too worried. Now that he can use his true essence, he can use the power of Buddha\'s light. Moreover, his divine soul is already very powerful, and he still has the order of the gods, so he doesn\'t worry about dealing with these ghosts at all. What he has to be careful about is formations or organs.

The firewood house in front of me is also made of stone, only the door is made of wood, and the outside is covered with iron sheets.

Ye Liuyun pushed open the door.

With a "squeak", the door opened in response, but it was not locked. And when Ye Liuyun pushed open the door, the surrounding voices also fell silent!

Ye Liuyun\'s golden pupil looked in, and found that this was a storage room filled with all kinds of sundries, but it was spotless, and it didn\'t look like it had been unoccupied for a long time. Next to the sundries, there is a two-foot-wide staircase extending downward.

Although his spiritual sense couldn\'t detect very far, and the golden pupil could only penetrate one wall, he still walked in resolutely and descended the steps.

After turning a few turns along the steps, Ye Liuyun found that behind the wall in front, there were traps everywhere. Both sides of the wall were covered with poisonous arrows, and even the steps under his feet were lined with spears. If someone without real energy comes in, basically there will be no return.

Ye Liuyun didn\'t use his body to carry it, just a simple body shield with real energy, which easily blocked the arrows of these mechanisms.

As he went down, the power of the mechanism became stronger. After walking a little further, Ye Liuyun suddenly stopped. The front walls can be joined together. He was a little unsure if he could stand it.

At this time, a voice from the ground sounded: "What\'s the matter? Don\'t dare to leave? I have soul-purifying water here, which can detoxify your friend. You can go back, and those organs can\'t stop you. But your friends can\'t stop you." Hopeless!"

Ye Liuyun smiled slightly when he heard the words, and released the hell snake directly. Once you\'ve found your goal, the rest is much easier. Hell Snake was enough to deal with the wave of consciousness he felt just now. But he was not careless, and he also disappeared into the space, running towards the voice that spoke.

As for the wall in front, he didn\'t feel Ye Liuyun\'s presence at all, he had already passed through it.

The hell snake also locked on the target, and the opponent\'s realm was only about the third level of Tiangang.

"Hell Snake!" The ghost on the other side was also shocked when he saw him. But he soon calmed down.

"So what? If you come to my territory, even the Hell Snake will become my puppet."

After finishing speaking, he greeted a large number of ghosts and rushed towards the hell snake. These ghosts are the same as the leader\'s ghost, they can\'t see their faces clearly, they are all black shadows. The only difference is the size of the body, the bigger the body, the stronger the strength.

Ye Liuyun also rushed over at this time, and directly released his Thunder Fire Domain, enveloping the Hell Snake and all the ghosts in it. With the assistance of blood thunder and holy fire, the hell snake got rid of other ghosts in an instant. Ye Liuyun\'s golden-armored soul also jumped out, together with the hell snake, and rushed towards the leading ghost.