Lord of All Gods

Chapter 381

After Liang Yue finished speaking, he drank tea leisurely. He knew that it would be difficult for Ye Liuyun to make a decision, and he would have to struggle a lot.

Ye Liuyun did fall into silence.

"If Liang Xue and I leave, isn\'t that equivalent to betraying the entire Five Realms! What about my family, master, and friends? No, I definitely can\'t leave them behind. But this opportunity is another opportunity for Liang Xue." It’s good. Not only do you not have to worry about your safety, but you can also go to a better sect to practice. It’s just that we have to separate again!”

Thinking of this, Ye Liuyun made a decisive decision.

"I\'ll stay. Let Xue\'er go to Lingxi Palace!"

He will not delay Liang Xue\'s future because of his children\'s affair.

Liang Yue was also taken aback for a moment, he didn\'t expect Ye Liuyun to make a decision so quickly. And this decision was exactly as he had planned.

If Ye Liuyun irresponsibly abandons Wuyu and his family, it means that Ye Liuyun is greedy for life and afraid of death, and will abandon Liang Xue when he encounters danger in the future. If Ye Liuyun insisted on keeping Liang Xue, it could only show that Ye Liuyun was selfish and did not consider Liang Xue\'s safety and future.

And if Ye Liuyun chooses to stay and let Liang Xue go to Lingxi Palace, that will be his most satisfactory answer. In fact, no matter how Ye Liuyun chooses, he always arranges it like this.

His people had already contacted Lingxi Palace, preparing to send Liang Xue in, but there was nothing wrong with Ye Liuyun.

Liang Yue nodded, very satisfied with Ye Liuyun.

"Good boy, I read you right! You are already Liang Xue\'s fiancé. If you can survive this catastrophe, you can marry Liang Xue directly! not worried!"

"Huh? Isn\'t father-in-law going with Liang Xue? With the strength of Wanbao Pavilion, I\'m afraid it can\'t stop the attack of foreign races. If you go with me, you can take care of Xue\'er." Ye Liuyun thought he would go with Liang Xue take refuge.

"Haha, you kid look down on me too much! You can stay in the southern region to fight, don\'t tell me I\'m going to run away, old man?"

Liang Yue laughed and stood up, patted Ye Liuyun on the shoulder and said: "Don\'t worry, the people over there are all people who have followed my Liang family for many years, and they are very reliable. And I will send a few reliable elders to follow. Xueer, you don\'t have to worry at all."

Ye Liuyun also nodded and said nothing more. He was a little disappointed, he thought that he could be with Liang Xue in the future, but unexpectedly, he would be separated again.

Then Liang Yue discussed with him the time and route for Liang Xue to leave.

The original plan was to send Liang Xue away today and take the fastest flying boat in Wanbao Pavilion. In order to avoid the outbreak of war, the road is not safe.

However, Ye Liuyun suggested that Liang Xue and her escorts be put into the main hall, and he would take the teleportation array through the alliance to directly teleport to the southern border of the Southern Territory. This not only saves a lot of time, but also makes it safer.

Of course Liang Yue agreed, and also promised to let Liang Xue and Ye Liuyun reunite for one more day, and then leave tomorrow.

When Liang Xue prepared the food and drink, the two of them took turns persuading Liang Xue.

Finally, Liang Yue said: "If you stay, it will increase the burden on Liu Yun. He has to fight and take care of you, which will slow him down! And I promised him, and I will hand you over to him completely." , you just wait for him to marry you in Lingxi Palace!"

Liang Yue used threats and lures, Liang Xue reluctantly agreed.

"Don\'t worry, I\'ll be fine! I will pick you up in person!" Ye Liuyun comforted her.

"Yes. I will always wait for you!" Liang Xue nodded in agreement.

At this time, Liang Yue found an excuse to leave, leaving time for the two of them.

Ye Liuyun first handed over the resources he brought to Liang Xue. "These god-level blood essences are enough for you to use for a while. Even if I give you the demon dragon, you can use some for him to enhance his bloodline strength."

Liang Xue immediately released the demon dragon. That guy\'s body size is not much smaller than Lei Ming\'s, and his realm has already reached the first level of Yuan Dan.

What Ye Liuyun didn\'t expect was that it still remembered Ye Liuyun. After seeing him, he leaned closer to him, smelled it again, flicked his big tail, and showed his favor to Ye Liuyun.

Ye Liuyun gave it two drops of blood essence, but it still knew how to bow its head in thanks.

Ye Liuyun patted it on the head with a smile, leaving a mark of spiritual consciousness on it. Then Liang Xue put it away.

Liang Xue said again: "You also gave me an Iron Armored Rhinoceros, which is already at the third level of Yuandan, and it is not of much use to me. You can keep it by your side, it can be regarded as an extra helper."

"Okay!" Ye Liuyun also directly put the Iron Armored Rhino into the storage ring. He also took out a pile of spirit stones and high-grade crystal stones, two long swords of the spirit rank and a piece of blue armor, and handed them to Liang Xue. "This is a spirit-level armor made of Tiangang sixth-layer alien scale armor. You keep it for self-defense! There are four sets left for Qingcheng and the others."

Liang Xue said with a smile: "You have prepared all the resources I need for my cultivation! I don\'t have any other needs."

Ye Liuyun stretched out his hand and scratched the bridge of Liang Xue\'s nose, and said with a smile, "You\'re being polite with me? From now on, you\'ll be mine!"

Liang Xue\'s face turned red, but then a pair of red lips came together again. Ye Liuyun also missed the feeling of kissing Liang Xue very much, and immediately went up to meet her.

The breathing of the two of them became more and more rapid, and their embrace became tighter and tighter.

"If something happens to me, wouldn\'t it delay Xue\'er\'s life!" The thought flashed in Ye Liuyun\'s mind, and he immediately stopped rationally.

On the other hand, Liang Xue mustered up her courage and whispered in his ear: "You want me tonight, right? If you make a mistake, I will be your woman too!"

Ye Liuyun was moved in his heart, but he didn\'t express what was in his heart. He just comforted Liang Xue and said, "You still don\'t know my skills? Even if I can\'t fight, I can outrun those alien races. Just wait for me to go Pick you up!"

"Then you swear, you must pick me up!" Liang Xue said while hugging him. Most likely, if Ye Liuyun didn\'t agree, she would not let go.

Ye Liuyun smiled. "Okay! I swear, I will definitely pick you up alive! Are you satisfied now?"

Only then did Liang Xue loosen her arms in satisfaction, and leaned gently in his arms.

But before they whispered a few words, Ye Liuyun\'s alliance token issued a mission.

"All disciples of the Northern Territory Alliance, gather at the border of the Northern Territory barbarians."

"Is it about to start?" Ye Liuyun thought of this, immediately notified Liang Yue, and immediately sent Liang Xue off. Fortunately, the personnel were all there, so Ye Liuyun directly packed them into the main hall, shrunk them down and put them into the storage ring, and directly returned to the Northern Alliance with the teleportation array. After that, they used the teleportation array to send them to the southern border of the Southern Territory.

After saying goodbye to Liang Xueyi, he immediately returned to the alliance, passed through the teleportation array, and came to the Holy Martial Academy.

Shengwu Academy has also received a notice from the Five-Region Alliance, and is also preparing all personnel to go to the border for reinforcements.

Ye Liuyun found Lin Xueying, Qi Tianyue, Nan Xiner, Leng Yue, and Liu Shengnan, and gave each of them a set of black armor. "This is the spiritual-level armor refined from the alien scale armor of the sixth layer of Tiangang. You should keep it for self-defense. See you at the border. I will go back to the Ye family first."

Then, Ye Liuyun rushed to the Ye family non-stop, and handed over the red armor and the earliest blue armor replaced by the people around him to the ancestors of the Ye family for distribution.

He also took a lot of holy artifacts, super holy artifacts, heaven-rank pills that he eliminated, and many resources that he didn\'t need, and kept them. Then, he rushed to the border.