Lord of All Gods

Chapter 380

Facing the corpse demon who suddenly withdrew, everyone was also stunned.

"What\'s going on?" Ye Liuyun asked Hell Snake.

Hell Snake replied. "Boss, I didn\'t do it. There are people stronger than me who are controlling these corpses and gathering in the center of the Eastern Territory, as if they are going to launch a large-scale attack."

Ye Liuyun frowned, and immediately took out his alliance token, notified the metal puppet of the change here, and reminded the alliance to pay attention.

Immediately, he also explained the situation to Miaoyin and the others, and persuaded: "Miss Miaoyin, the situation has changed suddenly, you should stop practicing, go back quickly, and notify the sect to take precautions, just in case!"

Su Miaoyin also knew that the matter was serious, so she didn\'t dare to delay, and returned with Ye Liuyun and the others. Sure enough, no corpse was found along the way.

They separated before returning to the Alliance rally point. Ye Liuyun, on the other hand, returned to the alliance assembly point to wait for news from the alliance.

After Ye Liuyun sent the news back to the alliance, the alliance also attached great importance to it, and immediately sent many elders to investigate. It was found that the situation was true, and the corpse demons were indeed gathering.

At the same time, the elders who stayed in other areas to observe the movements of the corpse demons also reported to the alliance one after another, and the corpse demons from all over the place were gathering.

The leader of the five domains of the alliance immediately decided to disclose the information and issued an urgent task. All disciples immediately returned to their respective alliances, and summoned all the elders in the Tiangang realm to return to the alliance to stand by. At the same time, call on all sects and families in the domain to prepare for defense.

For a time, the entire Five Regions were shrouded in the atmosphere of a great war.

Ye Liuyun notified Shengwu Academy, Lingyun Pavilion, Ye Family and Tianyun King respectively in advance with the sound transmission talisman to let them prepare in advance. King Tianyun immediately dispatched troops, and Shengwu College, Lingyun Pavilion and Ye Family also retracted their disciples and properties from outside, and made preparations for battle. Even Qi Tianyue notified the Qi Tian Dynasty after receiving the news, and made corresponding arrangements.

At the same time, he also contacted Liang Xue and told her about the movements and strength of the corpse demon. He also suggested: "Water Moon Sect may not be able to stop this force. Shall I go and take you over? At least it\'s safer to be by my side. I can place you in the alliance space."

"Okay, then wait for my news, and I will tell my father to make Wanbao Pavilion and Shuiyue Tower ready." Liang Xue agreed, and went to inform her father!

Ye Liuyun immediately returned to the Northern Alliance, and looked up the coordinates closest to Liang Xue, ready to teleport there at any time to pick Liang Xue up.

He also took the time to inform Qiongqi and Long Ximeng. Anyway, he notified everyone he could think of. If the large-scale attack of the corpse demons is led by the evil creatures of the alien race, it is equivalent to a full-scale invasion of the alien race, and everyone will be affected.

It doesn\'t matter to Qiongqi, he is not in the five domains now, even if the corpse demon can fight over, it will take a lot of time.

Long Ximeng wasn\'t too worried. After all, the strength of the Sea Clan was no worse than that of the Corpse Demons, and they still had an advantage in the sea. The corpse demon must first attack the five domains, and then the sea domain. But she still thanked Ye Liuyun for thinking of her.

Ye Liuyun himself was not idle, but emptied out all the halls he had used before, and prepared to put some people in it and take them away if the battle went unfavorable. He even went to Wanbao Pavilion and began to store food, clothes and other supplies.

Most of the crystal nucleus in his hand and some seized materials have been exchanged with the alliance for cultivation resources and another airship of the spirit rank. A small part he kept for backup and energy to drive the airship.

He also handed over the foreign scale armor he got to the alliance to refine it into spiritual-level armor. It is much more cost-effective to let the alliance refine it than to refine it himself. He doesn\'t have enough refining skills, and he can\'t guarantee that he can refine armor of the spiritual level.

Afterwards, he began to refine medicine pills.

With his previous level of alchemy, he could only refine low-grade elixir of the holy rank. This time, he wanted to refine some more Shengyuan pills and healing pills for recovering his true essence.

After several attempts, he refined 30 pills in one furnace, 10% of them reached the top grade of the holy rank, 70% of them reached the middle rank of the holy rank, and 20% of them reached the lower rank of the holy rank. He himself was very satisfied with this effect.

But just when he was ready to pick up Liang Xue, news came from Liang Xue.

"Liuyun, come here quickly, my father is also here, and he said he has something to discuss with you!"

"Okay. I just want to pick you up!" Ye Liuyun didn\'t think much, thinking that his father-in-law wanted to discuss marrying Liang Xue with him, and immediately set off for Shuiyue Palace.

Through the teleportation array, he came to the teleportation point closest to Shuiyuezong, and then took a flying boat to go there. In less than two hours, he arrived at Shuiyue Palace.

Liang Xue had already been waiting in front of the palace gate, and when she saw Ye Liuyun, she threw herself into his arms. During the days when they were separated, apart from practicing, she missed Ye Liuyun most of the time. Now that I saw it, I was naturally reluctant to leave Ye Liuyun\'s embrace.

After a while, she took Ye Liuyun\'s hand and walked towards her residence in Shuiyue Palace.

Everyone in Shuiyue Palace knew Ye Liuyun\'s name, and even more so, the fact that Ye Liuyun went to Wanbao Pavilion to snatch a marriage. Seeing Ye Liuyun himself this time, all the disciples on the road talked a lot. But Liang Xue\'s face was flushed with embarrassment, she held Ye Liuyun\'s hand, but never let go.

"See, this is the real beauty of a man and woman!"

"This pair of golden boy and jade girl is really a perfect match!"

Liang Xue and Ye Liuyun heard it in their ears, but they were secretly happy in their hearts, and they held their hands even tighter!

Seeing the two of them coming in holding hands, Liang Yue greeted Ye Liuyun warmly.

"Xue\'er, go and prepare some food and drinks for us, I\'ll chat with Liu Yun for a while." Liang Yue excused Liang Xue away. Liang Xue didn\'t think much about it, so she went straight to get busy.

Liang Yue asked Ye Liuyun: "Liuyun, do you think the Five Realms Alliance can stop this attack with the strength of a foreign race?"

In fact, Ye Liuyun had already considered this issue. So I opened my mouth and said directly: "It\'s hard to say. The alien races I met alone already have the realm of the sixth level of Tiangang. As for whether there are more powerful ones, I don\'t know. Besides, there are many accomplices of demon cultivators. I don\'t know the high-end combat power of the alliance either.

But even if they can win, this battle will be very tragic, and many people may die. That\'s why I want to take Liang Xue to my side, at least it\'s much safer in my place than in Shuiyue Palace or Wanbao Pavilion. "

Liang Yue also said with a serious face: "Yes, I think so too. I have a suggestion, you should listen to it first."

"Father-in-law, please tell me." Ye Liuyun said respectfully.

Liang Yue went on to say: "I\'m in the area south of the five domains, and I\'ve already arranged for a backup. There is also a chamber of commerce we opened there. It\'s just not as big as Wanbao Pavilion. But after many years of operation, it can be regarded as a A relatively well-known faction. Being able to contact the local big sect, Lingxi Palace, its strength is far from comparable to the sect here. I can send both you and Liang Xue into that sect. What do you think?"