Lord of All Gods

Chapter 376

Ye Liuyun\'s saber intent was far beyond what Liu Yuanning could bear.

At this moment, he was also terrified. "This kid is really capable. It\'s not like the rumors outside, relying entirely on puppets! The look just now, and the saber intent of this knife are all his real strength, not external force."

But it\'s too late for him to feel sorry now. He knew that he couldn\'t stop Ye Liuyun\'s knife, so he had to ask the metal puppet for help again.

Unexpectedly, the metal puppet did not appear at all this time. On the other side, Fan Hai also summoned a metal puppet to help extinguish the Golden Crow Holy Flame.

Unexpectedly, after the puppet came out, it said directly to Fan Hai: "Both sides in the battle are members of the Alliance Guardian, we cannot participate in your battle. You can solve it yourself!"

"What? He\'s also a guardian member of the alliance?" Fan Hai exclaimed.

This is beyond his comprehension. He has never met someone at the sixth level of Yuan Dan, who can be protected by the alliance. But what the metal puppet said was absolutely impossible to lie to him.

At this time, Liu Yuanning was completely panicked!

"Ye Liuyun, if you have something to say, stop first. We only came to deal with you after we believed the rumors!" Liu Yuanning shouted anxiously.

But at this time, Ye Liuyun\'s knife had already hit the top of his head.


Ye Liuyun showed no mercy, and chopped Liu Yuanning into flying ash with one knife.

The others were all stunned by Ye Liuyun\'s strength.

"Liu Yuanning is ranked eleventh on the holy list, and he can\'t even stop him!"

"Damn it, we\'ve all been tricked! Who said he can only fight with puppets!"

At this moment, Fan Hai was so shocked that he even temporarily forgot the flames on his body. He couldn\'t stop this knife.

He swallowed, and immediately begged Ye Liuyun for mercy: "Ye Liuyun, I admit my mistake, my mouth was too smelly just now! Tell me, I will give you any compensation you need!"

Ye Liuyun smiled, shook his head and said slowly: "It\'s just a dead person, I will take whatever I need!"

After all, Ye Liuyun directly launched a soul attack, pulling his soul into the field of thunder and fire to destroy it.

Immediately with a move, he put away the storage rings and weapons of the two of them. Then, he waved to the people behind him.


Several monsters and Wu Qingcheng immediately made their moves and rushed towards the opposite person. Ye Liuyun used the Soul Domain to envelop them all, but instead of attacking, he asked his own people to practice.

Lei Ming can now easily eliminate the Wuxiu of the Ninth Layer of Yuan Dan. With that respectable bone spear, Baihu can also fight Yuandan Jiuzhong. Both Shi Yuan and Wu Qingcheng can fight against the seven or eight levels of Yuan Dan\'s martial arts. So the strength of these four people can be considered very strong.

At the same time, Ye Liuyun\'s alliance identity token also notified him that he had defeated Liu Yuanning, who was ranked eleventh on the holy list, and Fan Hai, who was ranked thirteenth. His ranking on the holy list has also been raised to eleventh again.

But at this moment, Ye Liuyun was staring into the distance, and a coercion similar to a strong man from Tiangang was quickly approaching here.

When that person saw Ye Liuyun, they had already killed all the alliance members and were collecting storage rings.

"Ye Liuyun, you are indeed a traitor to the alliance!"

He shouted loudly from far away, and then he shot directly, shooting five sword lights with one sword, and shot at Ye Liuyun, Wu Qingcheng and others respectively.

"Defend with weapons!" Ye Liuyun reminded the others. But he himself slashed back with a knife.

And Wu Qingcheng used the Confused Heaven Realm to block the attack. Several other monsters also took out their weapons one after another, blocking the sword light.

"Another idiot who came to die! Then I will trouble you a little more and send you on your way!"

Saying that, Ye Liuyun found the metal puppet and ordered directly: "Be a witness for me, I want to challenge him!"

At this time, the man also used all his strength to take Ye Liuyun\'s knife. He didn\'t expect Ye Liuyun\'s sword intent to be so powerful. If he hadn\'t blocked it with a sword before, he really couldn\'t stop Ye Liuyun\'s sword.

Immediately afterwards, he saw Ye Liuyun summoning a metal puppet again, and he was stunned.

He asked the metal puppet: "Isn\'t Ye Liuyun a traitor to the alliance? I saw with my own eyes that his men killed those alliance members just now."

The metal puppet also replied: "That\'s why they challenged Ye Liuyun first. Shao Gang, Ye Liuyun has challenged you now. If you don\'t take up the fight, Ye Liuyun will have to give up your seventh place on the holy list. And from When you reach the tenth ranking, you will move down one place."

"This is a misunderstanding! I heard that Ye Liuyun was a traitor, and I saw members of the murder alliance, so I took action!" Shao Gang gave Ye Liuyun a fistful in apologetic way.

But Ye Liuyun asked back: "Misunderstanding? How about I cut you a few times and then say it was a misunderstanding? You didn\'t figure it out, so you just wanted to kill us! If we couldn\'t stop us, wouldn\'t we have been killed by now? "

Shao Gang frowned upon hearing this: "Aren\'t you all fine now? Why are you still messing around?"

He is ranked seventh in the holy list, and few people dare to talk to him like that. It was already very good that he could apologize to Ye Liuyun, but Ye Liuyun didn\'t expect that he didn\'t appreciate it!

"Troubleshooting? Looks like you\'re an arrogant idiot again! I\'ll let you see the reality clearly today and pay for your mistakes!" Ye Liuyun said coldly, walking towards Shao Gang with a knife.

"Do you think I\'m afraid of you?" Hearing this, Shao Gang also became angry. "I just don\'t want the alliance to lose a member in vain. However, I don\'t need to keep you, a person like you who doesn\'t kill corpse demons, but comes here to fight against his own people!"

"Hahaha! I\'m not going to kill the Corpse Demon? Did you destroy the three altars? Do you still have the face to accuse me? I\'m afraid you are just like this group of idiots who came here to trouble me? Stop talking nonsense, Just based on your words, I will kill you today!"

As Ye Liuyun said, he directly raised his knife to gather momentum.

Shao Gang thought Ye Liuyun was right at first, but it seems that these people really took the initiative to trouble Ye Liuyun. In fact, he came here to see Ye Liuyun\'s strength, but he didn\'t want to fight Ye Liuyun to the death.

But after all, he is used to being arrogant, so he won\'t explain it to Ye Liuyun.

"Let you see my sword market domain!"

Shao Gang also stopped talking, and directly released his Tiangang domain, covering Ye Liuyun in it.

He had just experienced Duo Ye Liuyun\'s knife, and he didn\'t dare to be careless, so he released the domain he was comprehending.

The top ten people on the holy list are all geniuses in cultivation. They are basically already very close to the Tiangang realm, so they are already comprehending the power of the domain in advance.

Although Shao Gang\'s domain is not yet stable, has many flaws, and its strength has not reached the real Tiangang realm, its attack ability is far stronger than the ordinary Yuandan Jiuzhong\'s attack. Since he was young, in this field, Shao Gang\'s attack can get a bonus, and he can directly display the power similar to the Tiangang realm.

Ye Liuyun\'s golden pupils glanced, and he immediately saw the clue.

"Hehe, Tiangang domain? See how I can break you with one blow!"

After all, his aura has climbed to a fixed point, and with that powerful and domineering artistic conception, the entire field was trembling.

And as the knife fell, the vibration became more intense.

"Not good! This kid is going to destroy the domain I have built with great difficulty!"

Facing Ye Liuyun\'s knife, his expression became serious. Immediately, with the bonus of the domain, he slashed with all his strength. He is also a person who has condensed sword intent, but his sword intent is far behind Ye Liuyun\'s blade intent seed.