Lord of All Gods

Chapter 375

The news that Ye Liuyun broke another altar once again spread throughout the Five Realms Alliance. And his position was immediately exposed.

All of a sudden, many people and teams rushed to the altar that had just been destroyed, searching for Ye Liuyun\'s whereabouts.

Ye Liuyun didn\'t go too far at the moment, but mixed with a group of corpses, letting the hell snake control the corpses as a defensive barrier. And he is absorbing those two powerful soul powers with peace of mind to increase the strength of his soul.

His two souls are still improving at the same time, and there is no distinction between primary and secondary. He would rather improve slowly, but also have both offense and defense. Although there is a Myriad God Order guarding the Sea of ​​Consciousness, it is not my own strength after all.

At the same time, he also took out some crystal nuclei of the Tiangang realm to absorb.

"Since the altar here is more dangerous, then hurry up and improve your realm first."

When Ye Liuyun thought of this, his cultivation of realm also accelerated.

But before he had practiced for a long time, his spiritual sense discovered that more than two hundred alliance members were rushing here. And listening to their conversation, it seems that they came to find themselves.

"Call all the corpse demons and attack those members of the alliance!" Ye Liuyun gave the hell snake an order.

So the Hell Snake summoned all the corpse demons within a radius of five hundred miles, and attacked those alliance disciples.

"Hmph! Since you are not doing serious work, then I will find something for you to do!" Ye Liuyun smiled slightly and continued to practice himself.

The first group of alliance members who rushed over had a good time killing corpse demons at first. But slowly I couldn\'t bear it anymore. There are too many corpses. In a radius of 500 miles, especially around the city, there are nearly 50,000 corpses. These corpses swarmed up regardless of the cost, which made these alliance members feel pressured and gradually trapped in the center.

Now even if they don\'t want to fight the corpse demon, they can\'t do it! They were originally two teams, one team was led by a young disciple from Zhongyu, and the other team was led by a genius from Nanyu.

The two teams originally had to compete, whoever defeated Ye Liuyun first, did not expect to be trapped by the army of corpse demons. In the end, the two teams had no choice but to get together and break out. But there are so many corpse demons, the more they kill, the less they kill.

Soon, people with lower realms lost their lives one after another, and more than half of the two teams lost. Fortunately, the two leaders were both at the peak of Yuandan Ninth Layer, so they basically didn\'t encounter any opponents, and they were able to protect some people. But the corpse demons on all sides still rushed up bravely, and people around them were constantly being dragged away by the corpse demons.

The Hell Snake took the opportunity to absorb the corpse demon\'s spirit and strengthen itself, and did not intervene in their battle. Now he can only summon some corpse demons below the Tiangang realm. The corpse demon in the Tiangang realm, the hell snake can\'t summon it yet.

Ye Liuyun was also cultivating while absorbing the souls of those alliance members. His soul has grown a lot now. His own two souls are now in the fifth level of Zhan Tiangang\'s martial arts, and they are not a problem. Even if you meet a martial artist at the sixth level of Tiangang, you can deal with it for a while.

When there were more than 30 people left among the two hundred people, someone finally couldn\'t hold on anymore.

"Senior Brother Liu, hurry up and summon the metal puppets, we\'re all exhausted! If this continues, we\'ll all be here!" A Central Domain disciple shouted at one of their leader men.

The man frowned. Unexpectedly, before Ye Liuyun found it, more than half of the people he brought had already died.

He didn\'t care about the lives of these people. But if everyone died and he went back, it would be hard to explain.

So he looked at another man in the team leader and asked, "Fan Hai, let\'s summon the guardians of the alliance and rescue everyone, what do you think?"

"Then what about these crystal nuclei?" Fan Hai asked, pointing at the dead demon\'s corpse beside him.

They didn\'t have time to dig out those crystal nuclei!

Obviously, Fan Hai also cared more about the interests, and didn\'t care about the lives of these people at all.

"You two share the crystal nucleus equally, we don\'t want any more!" One of the disciples couldn\'t hold it anymore. Although he secretly scolded these two people for profit-seeking in his heart, saving his life was more important at the moment, so he couldn\'t care less about getting crystal nuclei.

Immediately, Fan Hai and Liu Yuanning looked at the others. The others could only nod helplessly in agreement.

In this way, the two men turned to the alliance\'s metal golem for help. The alliance dispatched four puppets of Tiangang Triple Layer and began to exterminate the remaining corpse demons. Due to the large difference in realm, these puppets can kill a bunch of corpse demons with one palm. Moreover, these puppets are tireless and can fight endlessly without saving energy at all.

Fan Hai and Liu Yuanning collected the crystal cores of the Yuan Dan realm behind. They also couldn\'t collect the crystal nuclei of the Huahai Realm. So I told everyone to share some with them, and asked everyone to help collect.

These people are also helpless, and a little gain is better than nothing. So they all acted and began to collect crystal nuclei.

Seeing the actions of these people with his spiritual sense, Ye Liuyun couldn\'t help smiling contemptuously. "Hmph, it\'s just a waste of time! Don\'t worry, you can\'t take any of these crystal nuclei away!"

When the metal puppets were about to wipe out those corpse demons, Ye Liuyun released Lei Ming, Bai Hu, Shi Yuan, Wu Qingcheng and others.

"It\'s time for us to rob the loot!" Ye Liuyun told them what happened, and led them to Fan Hai, Liu Yuanning and others.

When they arrived, it happened that Fan Hai, Liu Yuanning and others had just collected all the crystal nuclei. Metal golems have also returned to the Alliance.

"Ye Liuyun?"

When Fan Hai and Liu Yuanning saw that it was Ye Liuyun who came, they couldn\'t help being overjoyed. After this period of rest, they have almost recovered. As for other people not fully recovering, it has no effect at all.

And seeing Ye Liuyun releasing the aura of the sixth level of Yuandan without any concealment, the two of them felt more at ease!

"Haha, it really didn\'t take much effort to come here! You couldn\'t find it everywhere, but you brought it to your door yourself!" Fan Hai laughed loudly.

Liu Yuanning also said immediately: "Ye Liuyun, we sacrificed many alliance members in order to find you. You must bear this loss."

"That\'s right! If you don\'t have enough money to compensate us, then the beauty behind you will be mine!" Fan Hai laughed wickedly again.

"Trash!" Ye Liuyun\'s golden pupil looked directly, and a blood thunder and the Golden Crow\'s sacred fire, crossing the barrier of space, blasted in front of Fan Hai in an instant.

Fan Hai didn\'t have time to make a move, so he could only mobilize his whole body to protect his body. But the blood thunder directly blasted out a hole in his protective essence, and afterward, the Golden Crow Holy Fire burned directly on Fan Hai\'s body. And no matter how Fan Hai beat him, he couldn\'t extinguish the flame. Even his true essence could only slightly suppress the speed of the flame\'s spread, but it couldn\'t completely extinguish it.

Fan Hai screamed and kept cursing: "Ye Liuyun, how dare you attack me! I was careless just now! If we have the ability, we will fight head-on!"

"You kind of rubbish, you don\'t deserve to fight with me at all!"

Ye Liuyun ignored him, but looked at Liu Yuanning.

As soon as Liu Yuanning saw Ye Liuyun looking over, his whole body immediately surged with real energy, his aura rose, and he was ready to strike. He had seen how powerful Ye Liuyun\'s golden pupils were, so he didn\'t dare to be careless.

However, Ye Liuyun smiled contemptuously, drew out the Demon Slayer Knife, his whole body soared with dominance, and slashed down directly with the knife.