Lord of All Gods

Chapter 377

Even with the addition of the sword market domain, Shao Gang can exert a power similar to that of the Tiangang realm, but his sword still can\'t stop Ye Liuyun\'s domineering strike.

Ye Liuyun\'s knife directly chopped Shao Gang into the air, breaking the super holy sword. What shocked Shao Gang the most was that the Sword Market domain he had condensed so hard was completely smashed to pieces by Ye Liuyun.

Seeing his Sword Market domain collapse little by little, and finally turned into nothingness, Shao Gang was bleeding from distress at this moment. It took him more than half a year to condense it, and even Ye Liuyun couldn\'t hold it back!

"It turns out that all the rumors are false! This Ye Liuyun did not betray the alliance, let alone be as bad as others said! I misbelieved the rumors!"

Shao Gang finally realized his stupidity.

But at this moment, facing Ye Liuyun with a cold face, he was very calm. Since you made a mistake, you should bear the consequences. So he didn\'t resist either. Instead, he stood up and straightened his clothes, calmly waiting for Ye Liuyun to make a move.

Ye Liuyun looked at him, and felt that his expression didn\'t look like that kind of greedy and shameless person. So his hand that raised the knife never came down.

"Hey! Forget it, they are all members of the alliance, so it\'s okay to kill one less!" Ye Liuyun thought for a while, and was about to let him go.

"Hand over your storage ring as compensation." Although Ye Liuyun spared his life, he would not let him go so easily. He has to suffer a big loss, to hit his haughty mentality, and to prevent him from taking action directly when he sees anything in the future.

Shao Gang was also taken aback. His first reaction was that Ye Liuyun was insulting him. But when he saw Ye Liuyun\'s expression, he didn\'t feel like it. So he still threw the storage ring to Ye Liuyun.

"Anyway, I\'m going to die, so it\'s useless to keep these extraneous things!" He comforted himself.

Ye Liuyun took the storage ring and threw Shao Gang\'s alliance identity token back to him. Then he turned around and walked away with a few people around him without saying a word.

Only Shao Gang was left holding the identity token, and stood there alone.

"He didn\'t kill me!"

Immediately, he received the message from the token. His position has dropped from the seventh place in the holy list to the eighth place in the holy list.

Ye Liuyun, on the other hand, received the message that he was already ranked seventh on the holy list.

Ye Liuyun was happy, and immediately told Liang Xue the news through the sound transmission talisman.

Liang Xue was also extremely happy, and a cheerful voice came: "I\'ll inform my father right away!" Back then, his father had put forward conditions for Ye Liuyun. Only when Ye Liuyun won the top ten places in the holy list, would Liang Xue marry him.

Even Liang Xue didn\'t expect Ye Liuyun to meet this requirement so quickly.

Then, she said to Ye Liuyun a little shyly: "Then you come and pick me up after the mission of the alliance is completed!"

Then she covered it up again. "What I mean is, Qingcheng and the others have followed you to improve quickly. I am only at the second level of Yuandan now. I think it will be faster to practice with you."

"Okay!" Ye Liuyun didn\'t think too much about it, so he readily agreed. "Hurry up and refine the god-level blood essence and five-element qi that I sent you, don\'t worry, I still have a lot here! Try to raise your realm by one level before I go to pick you up!"

"Okay!" Liang Xue happily agreed. Then I went to my father to discuss it.

Ye Liuyun also felt that Liang Xue would be by her side in the future, so her mood immediately improved. Immediately stopped to celebrate with everyone barbecue.

Wu Qingcheng also told Yuer and Ruyue Liangxue that they were coming. Several women made preparations for Liang Xue\'s residence, ready to welcome her.

As soon as they grilled the meat, Ye Liuyun said to a distant direction: "You have been following us for a long time! Haven\'t shown up yet?"

At this moment, everyone chopped towards the direction Ye Liuyun was looking at, only to find that a small dot was gradually enlarged, and a figure appeared.

Seeing that he was discovered, the man simply stopped hiding and came directly from the sky.

"When we let the corpse demon attack Liu Yuanning and Fan Hai, this person was already there. I don\'t know what the purpose is, but he has been following us." Ye Liuyun used his spiritual sense to secretly remind everyone to be careful.

"Brother Ye, little brother Tian Meng has been respected for a long time!" The man had a loud voice and shouted from a distance.

When Ye Liuyun saw this person\'s image, he almost burst out laughing.

This man has stubble on his face and a strong body, the image of a stout man. But judging by their age, they should be in their thirties, and it\'s too funny to call themselves the younger brother. Even Wu Qingcheng, Lei Ming and the others covered their mouths and laughed.

"Tian Meng? The one who ranks eighth on the holy list?" He didn\'t know much about the people on the holy list, but he had already asked the puppet about the top ten names. The purpose is to challenge them after encountering them.

"That\'s right, it\'s me, but now I\'m ranked ninth! Hahaha, Brother Ye, we are really destined to meet in this kind of place!" Tian Meng shouted again in a loud voice.

"Uncle, how old are you? Call me brother?" Ye Liuyun finally couldn\'t help laughing, and asked Tian Meng directly.

Tian Meng scratched his head in embarrassment. "I\'m only twenty-two years old, but my appearance is a little anxious, I look like I\'m in my thirties!"

When he mentioned his age, Ye Liuyun and the others all stared wide-eyed, looking at him in disbelief. But no trace of twenty-two years old can be seen.

"You\'re older than me at twenty-two!" In the end, it was Ye Liuyun who resolved the embarrassment.

"Why are you following us? Are you here to trouble me?" Ye Liuyun asked.

"Originally, I also believed the rumors, so I came here to take a look, and wanted to observe you first. I understood it and knew that you were not a traitor, so I wanted to fight with you and make a move. Unfortunately, Shao Gang took the lead. See you After your ability, I will know that I am not your opponent."

Tian Meng didn\'t hide anything, he just said what he had.

"Then why are you still following us?" Ye Liuyun asked.

"I\'m hungry! I wanted to leave at first, so I came here to take a look when I smelled the scent. I didn\'t expect you to find me so far away." Tian Meng smiled embarrassedly, but his eyes were on the barbecue in Ye Liuyun\'s hand, Harazi is about to flow out.

Ye Liuyun recalled that Tian Meng had separated from them for a while, but then abducted them back. Probably smelled the aroma of barbecue.

"Tian Meng, just because he knew to observe me in advance, shows that he is smarter than Shao Gang. Moreover, he has seen us kill many members of the alliance, and he dared to come directly to make friends, which shows that he released Shao Gang from Ye Liuyun. In the incident, I can see that I am not a bloodthirsty person! This person looks like a big bastard, but he is actually a shrewd person. If he is not harboring evil intentions, he can be handed over."

Thinking of this, Ye Liuyun didn\'t mean to underestimate Tian Meng, nor was he confused by his appearance. Instead, he politely invited him to sit down, as his brother, and gave Tian Meng a piece of barbecue.