Lord of All Gods

Chapter 365

After Ye Liuyun left, he took his flying boat and rushed to Jin\'s house ahead of the army of corpse demons to monitor the movement of Jin\'s house.

At this time, all members of the Jin family were on alert, and they were still transferring people from the branch. It seemed that they were preparing to go to war.

The three ancestors of the Jin family, one in the light and two in the dark, are all ready to join the battle.

"Can you block one?" Ye Liuyun asked Qiongqi.

"Barely block it for a quarter of an hour!" Qiongqi reckoned.

"That\'s enough! I\'ll deal with the one in the face, you pick one, and give the rest to the skeleton puppets." Ye Liuyun began to assign tasks.

"When will we do it?" Qiongqi asked.

"Let\'s go back and call Lei Ming and the others first. Then we\'ll have time to come back. Let them fight first. We\'ll start after they\'ve exhausted the corpse demons."

After all, he left the coordinates with the teleportation disk, and then returned to the alliance with Qiongqi first, then went to Shengwu Academy, picked up Lei Ming and the others, and then returned to the original place.

At this time, the army of corpse demons had already begun to attack the Jin family.

The ancestor of the Jin family on the bright side was the one who protected Jin Peng from being injured, but that injury did not affect his performance. Ye Liuyun was afraid of being discovered by him, so he was more than 500 miles away from the Jin family, and took a flying boat in the air to circle around the Jin family to observe.

At the same time, holding the Wukong Stone in his hand, he was trying to improve his ability to attack through the air.

After the corpse demons attacked the Jin family from all directions and everyone in the Jin family participated in the battle, Ye Liuyun asked Wu Qingcheng and others to drive the flying boat away from here.

He left the flying boat and approached the Jin family. After approaching with the invisibility cloak, he suddenly attacked the old man. At the same time, the skeleton puppet and Qiongqi also attacked the Jin family from two other directions.

The other two ancestors of the Jin family immediately came out to fight one by one. They were also curious why the other old man didn\'t move, but the battle was tense at this time, so they couldn\'t care less.

The other one, the soul at this time has been pulled into the field of thunder and fire by Ye Liuyun. He was fighting with Ye Liuyun\'s two spirits and the black python one by one, and they were fighting hard.

It is really not easy for Ye Liuyun to kill him as soon as possible. The spirit of the old man is much stronger than any of them alone.

Ye Liuyun\'s two spirits were both wielding knives and slashing from afar. His blade intent seed allowed him to smooth out his weakness. Under the cover of holy fire and blood thunder, the hell snake attacked nearby.

On Qiongqi\'s side, they directly set up formations, and trapped their opponents in the formations, making them at a stalemate. The puppet had the upper hand, but the opponent released the power of the domain, and the skeleton puppet couldn\'t directly kill him for a while.

Ye Liuyun and the old man\'s spirit fought for half an hour in the field of thunder and fire, and the old man finally couldn\'t hold on anymore. Ye Liuyun and Hades were both exhausted. Fortunately, the old man\'s soul power will be replenished to them, and they are not at a loss!

On Ye Liuyun\'s side, he was the fastest to kill an ancestor. Immediately, he went to support Qiongqi. As soon as Ye Liuyun joined, the old man would lose quickly. It was soon swallowed by Ye Liuyun again.

But at this moment, Ye Liuyun could no longer use the power of his soul. Qiongqi went to help the skeleton puppet and killed the last ancestor of the Jin family.

Ye Liuyun himself and the soul of the snake were very tired. He took a Concentration Pill, asked Wu Qingcheng to drive the flying boat over, and went straight back to the Xuankong Stone to restore the power of his soul.

Qiongqi took the skeleton puppet and Lei Ming to kill the remaining strong men in the Jin family. Others are all looking for suitable opponents to fight.

Soon, the fighting strength of the Jin family became weaker and weaker. In the end, the army of corpse demons completely wiped out the Jin family without their taking any action.

Lei Ming led the crowd to clean up the battlefield. The army of corpse demons all retreated to the battleship to stand by.

When Ye Liuyun recovered and came out again, Lei Ming and the others had finished cleaning the battlefield and came back with a lot of storage rings and corpse crystal cores.

And Lin Fei\'er put the corpses of those corpse demons and the crystal nuclei that Lei Ming and the others didn\'t want into her bronze tripod.

"Sister Lin, your cauldron is so good at filling it! You can\'t even fill it with so much!" Lei Ming became curious.

"This copper cauldron can directly refine these corpses, so it can\'t be filled, and it will be refined as soon as it is filled!" Lin Fei\'er explained to her.

"Go! Take you to rob the Jin family\'s property!"

Ye Liuyun and the others began to rob the Jin family\'s properties in the central region again.

The entire Central Region was once again stirred up.

"The Jin family, one of the four major families, was completely annihilated because it had trouble with Ye Liuyun!"

"A big family, the Jin family, just disappeared?"

Some people didn\'t believe it at first, but when it was confirmed, they were completely shocked.

The name "Ye Liuyun" was repeatedly mentioned again.

His deeds also spread. Annihilation of the dynasty, destruction of the aristocratic family, one by one deeds, have been passed down as miraculous. In short, Ye Liuyun has become a murderous god, and he must not be messed with. This guy will exterminate the whole family at every turn!

And when Ye Liuyun swaggered towards the Liu family with the battleship, the Liu family sent people to welcome them out early, and directly took out one billion high-grade crystals to compensate Ye Liuyun.

It seems that after discussion, they also decided to compromise. After all, the news that the Jin family was completely wiped out was too shocking. The strength of their Liu family is similar to that of the Jin family.

Ye Liuyun also didn\'t want to fight to the death with the Liu family, after all, the Liu family had indeed ordered their disciples not to make enemies with Ye Liuyun. This time it was Liu Tianfeng\'s own cleverness. So he also accepted the spar very politely, which can be regarded as a temporary reconciliation with the Liu family.

After the news spread, no one dared to think about Ye Liuyun\'s spar anymore. Who dares to single out a ruthless person from a big family, who would dare to snatch his spar.

After settling the affairs of the Jin and Liu families, Ye Liuyun and the others found a place to have a barbecue to celebrate. At this time, Ye Liuyun chatted with Lin Feier about her exercises.

"I heard from Mo Crow that you practiced magic skills, what\'s going on?" Ye Liuyun asked curiously.

Lin Fei\'er seemed to know that he wanted to ask, so he demonstrated directly. He slapped it with one palm, and a palm print as black as ink came out of the sky, and it was clattered down. That power and influence can compete with the strength of ordinary five-layer Yuandan.

"It\'s really powerful!" Ye Liuyun exclaimed. The power of this palm, Lin Fei\'er definitely couldn\'t hit it before.

"I was also curious about this magic skill. I took a look at it. But when I found out the operation circuit of this skill, I remembered it immediately. And after I used it, my strength has greatly improved. Even when I practice, it is faster !" Lin Fei\'er nervously explained to Ye Liuyun, for fear that Ye Liuyun would dislike her practicing magic skills.

Then she took out the bronze cauldron and said: "And this cauldron can refine various things such as corpses and beasts, and then transform them into the magic energy I need, just like spar can replenish true essence."

Ye Liuyun opened the tripod and looked at it, but couldn\'t see anything, so he returned it to her.

Then he pointed to the battleship and said, "I\'ve given you all the corpse demons there, and I\'ll let them enter your bronze tripod for you to refine and improve."

"Ah? You don\'t dislike me practicing magic?" Lin Fei\'er seemed a little surprised.