Lord of All Gods

Chapter 366

Ye Liuyun encouraged Lin Fei\'er and said: "There is no distinction between good and evil in the exercises in this world. I believe that no matter what exercises you practice, you can stick to your heart. Your will is strong enough!"

"Really? That\'s great! It made me worry for a long time! It\'s exactly what Mo Crow said. He also said that you will support me!" Lin Fei\'er said happily.

Ye Liuyun smiled, and then ordered the corpse demons to come out of the battleship one by one and jump into the bronze tripod. After the battle of the Jin family, more than half of the army of corpse demons has been consumed. But for the rest, it took nearly a day to jump into the copper tripod.

During this period, after Qiongqi bid farewell to everyone, he left alone. Before leaving, he also asked Ye Liuyun to step up his practice.

After Lin Fei\'er put all the corpses into the bronze cauldron, she handed over her token and teleportation disk to Ye Liuyun, and said goodbye to him.

"Ah? Why are you leaving? Where are you going? Are you not going back to the alliance?"

Ye Liuyun was a little confused, and he didn\'t object to her practicing the exercises, so why did she have to leave?

"If I follow you, it will only drag you down, and I won\'t get exercise, and you won\'t put me in danger at all. So I made up my mind. I decided to go out and experience it alone! I I don\'t want to go back to the alliance anymore, I don\'t think the alliance is suitable for me!" Lin Fei\'er said firmly.

Ye Liuyun was also stunned, not knowing what to say for a while!

"You don\'t have to worry about me! If you hadn\'t come to save me this time, I thought I was going to die! So I also looked away and stopped being afraid. I want to improve my strength as soon as possible so that I can protect myself and you in the future! "

Lin Fei\'er blushed and lowered her head, but she still said what she wanted to say.

"Since you have made your decision, then I will not stop you! I also hope that you will become stronger! However, you must take these spars and my sound transmission talisman. If you have anything, you can come to me anytime." Ye Liuyun said Then, he gave her another sound transmission talisman, and the one billion high-grade crystals she just got. He also gave her an extra spiritual sword.

Surprisingly, Lin Fei\'er did not refuse, and put away all of them. Then he threw himself into Ye Liuyun\'s arms, hugged Ye Liuyun tightly, and ran away without looking back.

"Sister Lin also likes little brother?" Lei Ming asked belatedly.

But Wu Qingcheng said to the dazed Ye Liuyun: "You put too much pressure on her! And she is a strong woman, the more she likes you, the less she will let you protect her!"

Lei Ming shook his head incomprehensibly: "I like my little brother, so I still want to leave? Anyway, I won\'t leave my little brother!"

After speaking, she grabbed another piece of barbecue and gnawed on it.

Ye Liuyun didn\'t mean that to Lin Fei\'er at all, so he smiled awkwardly, and then joked with Lei Ming: "I see you! You can\'t do without barbecue!" and made everyone laugh.

Just as everyone was laughing, Ye Liuyun\'s alliance token suddenly vibrated.

"Alliance Mission: Joint Five Regions, Destroy the Alien Altar in the Eastern Region! The location is in the Eastern Region, and you can reach the assembly point through the teleportation hall."

Ye Liuyun looked at the mission, and murmured: "This is the first time I have received an alliance mission. It is to destroy the altar. It is worthy of the alliance! Experts from the five domains should all go!"

Immediately, he excitedly greeted everyone to return to the Dragon Palace, and he returned to the alliance first, and then arrived at the eastern assembly point through the teleportation hall.

"So many people!" Ye Liuyun was stunned by the scene in front of him as soon as he stepped out of the teleportation formation. It can be described as a sea of ​​people here.

"Have all the members of the five domains come?" Ye Liuyun walked out of the teleportation array and asked a metal puppet next to him.

"Yes. Do you need a map of the Eastern Territory? Just a Yuandan crystal core. It has the location of the altar marked on it." The metal puppet recommended to him.

"Okay then. Can I act alone?" Ye Liuyun asked after receiving the map after handing over the crystal core.

"Yes. Individuals complete the task alone, and the alliance will have great rewards!" The puppet replied.

"What reward?"

"Reward a chance to explore the Five Realms Secret Realm."

"There is such a reward!" Ye Liuyun secretly decided, and immediately set off to destroy the altar.

However, when he studied the map carefully, he froze. "So many altars! What is this alien race doing?"

There are more than twenty altar locations marked on the map! This is beyond common sense.

Ye Liuyun was thinking about it, but the young people in front stopped him.

"Yuan Dan Wuzhong? Are you from the Northern Territory again? The people who came to the Northern Territory this time are really low-level!" A young man sarcastically said.

Ye Liuyun looked up and saw five young people opposite, four males and one female, all of Yuan Dan eighth or ninth level.

"Boy, I\'ll give you a chance to join our Eastern Region team. We are familiar with the environment here so that you won\'t die here." Another man said aloud.

"No need! I\'m used to being alone!" Ye Liuyun didn\'t say much. He didn\'t want to cause trouble as soon as he came.

Seeing his decisiveness, the woman on the opposite side looked him upright, and said, "The situation in the Eastern Region is different from that in your Northern Region. The corpse demons here are of a high level, and you cannot deal with them!"

"Thank you for letting me know!" Ye Liuyun said, then bypassed a few people and walked directly outside the assembly point.

"I don\'t know what\'s good, how dare you refuse Senior Sister He Yue\'s invitation?" A disciple stretched out his hand and was about to grab Ye Liuyun.

"Feng Jie, forget it! They are all members of the alliance, don\'t do anything, or others will say that we are bullying others. If he doesn\'t want to join us, let him die!"

The woman named He Yue stopped the fellow Feng Jie who was about to make a move.

But beside him was an eagle-eyed man named Feng Wuhen, who had always doted on He Yue, his junior sister. When he saw her being rejected, he let out a cold "hum", and a divine consciousness attack rushed towards Ye Liuyun\'s consciousness sea. "Let me teach you a lesson so that you won\'t be blinded by...well..."

"Senior Brother Feng, you..." He Yue felt that Feng Wuhen had launched a mind-soul attack, and wanted to blame him for being too impulsive, but suddenly saw him say "uh" with blood spilling from the corner of his mouth. "What\'s wrong?" she asked in surprise.

"This kid\'s soul is very strong!" The eagle-eyed man suffered a loss, wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, and looked at Ye Liuyun with hatred.

But Ye Liuyun warned without looking back: "If you mess with me again, just kill me!" Then he walked away.

"You are so crazy!" Feng Jie wanted to make another move, but this time he was stopped by Feng Wuhen.

"Don\'t make a move, you are not his opponent!" Feng Wuhen dissuaded.

"What? I\'m no match for this kid? How is this possible? He\'s only at the fifth level of Yuandan!" Feng Jie muttered dissatisfied.

"He\'s a soul cultivator!" Feng Wuhen\'s words finally dispelled Feng Jie\'s idea of ​​doing it.

"Senior Brother Feng, soul cultivators are useless against corpse demons! Then isn\'t this kid going to die?" He Yue asked.

Feng Wuhen smiled sinisterly: "That\'s right. That\'s why I won\'t let you do it. Let\'s go, let\'s follow and see how he was killed by the corpse demon!"

But when they followed outside the assembly point, they could no longer find Ye Liuyun. Ye Liuyun had long since disappeared into the void, traveling hundreds of miles away.

"This person is really weird! Let\'s forget it, and go about our own business first!" He Yue suggested.

They couldn\'t find anyone, so they had to give up temporarily.