Lord of All Gods

Chapter 364

Liu Tianfeng and the disciples of Duantian Pavilion are surrounded by demon corpses.

At this time, they are no longer acting and pretending to fight, but are desperately fighting the corpse demon, trying to fight for a way out!

Ye Liuyun released both Qiongqi and Lin Feier, and leaned towards them. Only then did Liu Tianfeng see Ye Liuyun himself.

When he saw Lin Fei\'er beside Ye Liuyun, everything became clear immediately. It turned out that Ye Liuyun had been playing tricks on him. Lin Fei\'er was rescued by Ye Liuyun a long time ago.

At this time, there were not many disciples around Liu Tianfeng!

"Okay! Ye Liuyun, I admit that you are superior! But you can\'t kill me at all! I am a member protected by the alliance!" Liu Tianfeng looked at Ye Liuyun provocatively.

He also admitted that he had lost a game. But Ye Liuyun couldn\'t kill him, he still had a chance to turn defeat into victory.

As he spoke, he activated the identity token and summoned the metal puppet. And Ye Liuyun immediately activated his identity token and summoned the metal puppets.

Unexpectedly, to the surprise of the two of them, after a burst of space fluctuations, only one metal puppet rushed over and said to the two of them at the same time: "You two are both guardian members of the alliance. For the sake of fairness, you can choose to fight to the death. , I will supervise and forbid other people to intervene. The winner will be protected by the alliance."

Liu Tianfeng was stunned for a moment, but he didn\'t expect that Ye Liuyun was also a guardian member of the alliance. "Puppets can\'t be used either?"

The metal puppet immediately replied: "Both of you are not martial artists who specialize in puppets, so you can\'t use puppets."

"Okay, I agree to a fight!" Liu Tianfeng agreed immediately, and took out a sacred artifact of soul attack and hung it around his neck.

He thought that Ye Liuyun lost his puppet, and if he used the holy weapon to resist the attack of the soul, Ye Liuyun would definitely be defeated!

"I agree!"

Unexpectedly, Ye Liuyun also agreed!

"Hmph, this is the time to compete for strength, and you dare to fight. I have to say, your courage is commendable!" Liu Tianfeng\'s proud smile returned to his face again, and he said confidently.

"I just like an arrogant opponent like you!" Ye Liuyun also smiled, and pulled out the demon-slaying knife behind his back. He happened to use Liu Tianfeng to test the power of the Saber Intent Seed. Since he practiced it, he hasn\'t had a chance to fight with anyone yet!

Everyone retreated one after another, giving the two of them room to fight. Lin Fei\'er asked Qiongqi worriedly: "Master Ye doesn\'t need to attack with puppet and spirit, can he beat Liu Tianfeng who is at the ninth level of Yuan Dan?"

"I\'m not too sure about his strength, but I know he\'s not stupid! Since he dares to agree, he should be able to fight!" Qiong Qi said indifferently.

When he saw the holy weapon Liu Tianfeng took out, he knew that it couldn\'t stop Ye Liuyun\'s soul attack. But it was obvious that Ye Liuyun didn\'t want to use the soul attack to win, so he must have his own way.

Lin Feier also felt that what he said made sense. But still watching the two of them make a move nervously.

The two people in the field are gathering momentum. Liu Tianfeng\'s body surged with real energy, and the aura of Yuandan Jiuzhong was undoubtedly revealed.

Ye Liuyun, on the other hand, didn\'t have any real energy fluctuations, but the dominance in him was rising sharply. The Saber Intent seeds in the Sea of ​​Consciousness also bloomed with light, releasing all the Saber Intent in it.

Ye Liuyun\'s saber intent at this moment has surpassed the saber intent recognized by ordinary people. Far from being a martial artist in the Yuandan realm, he could use his true essence to resist.

Facing this saber intent, Liu Tianfeng was also secretly startled. Feeling his aura being slowly suppressed, he suddenly felt irresistible. Ye Liuyun\'s image also became extremely tall in his eyes, looking down on him like an emperor.

A phantom in the shape of a knife more than seventy feet long quickly condensed into shape as Ye Liuyun raised the Demon Slaying Knife.

"Death!" Ye Liuyun yelled coldly, and slashed down with a knife!

"How could this kid have such a strong saber intent! I can\'t even condense my true essence!" At this time, Liu Tianfeng was in a panic.

Seeing the knife come down, he couldn\'t prepare a decent counterattack. He knew immediately that he was going to lose.

Immediately, he begged Ye Liuyun for mercy: "I admit defeat and am willing to make compensation!"

Ye Liuyun remained unmoved and continued to cut down. "Lin Fei\'er is fine, why do you insist on killing them all? Are you not afraid of revenge from my Liu family?"

Ye Liuyun was still unmoved.

At this time, an old man with the fifth level of Tiangang appeared in Tianji and said to Ye Liuyun: "Master Ye is merciful, old man Liu Fei, the elder of Tiangang Alliance. On behalf of the Liu family, I am willing to make compensation for Liu Tianfeng!"

"You are too late!" Ye Liuyun said, and the knife finally fell.


With a scream, Liu Tianfeng was chopped into pieces on the spot and scattered in all directions!

"You... did it too badly?" Although the old man was resentful, he didn\'t dare to make a move.

He knows what it means to be guarded by the alliance. As long as he dared to make a move, the metal puppets would also attack him, and more metal puppets would come to destroy him.

"What did I do? It should be said that your Liu family was lucky, right? I remind you to pay attention, talk to me, and put away your big family\'s threats to others, it is useless to me! Liu Tianfeng\'s plan to frame me is not counted." After that, I will personally come to the door to ask for an explanation!"

Ye Liuyun put away the knife and looked at Liu Fei coldly, without any fear of his identity and realm.

At this time, his alliance token notified him again that his ranking on the holy list had already reached the twenty-ninth place.

The Duantian Pavilion disciples on the spot had been completely wiped out by the corpse demon at this moment.

Ye Liuyun released a battleship and let all the corpses board the battleship. Then ordered: "Target the Jin family, kill me, leave no one behind!"

"As a member of the alliance, you actually controlled the corpse demon to attack the human race. What should you do? I want to file a complaint against you to the alliance!" Liu Fei thought for a while, and then decided to give Ye Liuyun a hat.

"Since the Jin family doesn\'t resist the corpse demon, then I\'ll give them a chance to fight the corpse demon. Why are you Liu family in a hurry? Go ahead and complain, I\'m not afraid of threats!"

As he said that, he also sucked Liu Tianfeng\'s storage ring over, and said sarcastically, "I\'ll charge some compensation interest first!"

Then, he ignored Liu Fei, put Qiongqi and Lin Fei\'er into the storage ring again, and then used the invisibility cloak to disappear in front of Liu Fei.

Liu Fei also looked solemn, and immediately took out the sound transmission talisman, contacted the head of the Liu family, and asked him to decide how to deal with it. The lessons learned from the Jin family made him really afraid to make his own claims.

He also saw that Ye Liuyun was a fearless killer! The more you threaten him, the harder he strikes. Moreover, Ye Liuyun\'s methods were so weird that he could disappear directly in front of him and mobilize the army of corpse demons.

This is equivalent to that he can attack any big family at any time, and he doesn\'t even need to come forward himself. Although there are not many strong men in the Tiangang realm in these army of corpse demons, there are a lot of them! Killing any family will cause huge losses.

From what Ye Liuyun said just now, it seems that he still wants to claim compensation from the Liu family.

He knew how badly the Jin family suffered when Ye Liuyun sued the Jin family last time.

He didn\'t dare to hide anything, for fear that his emotions would influence the family\'s judgment. After the report, he returned directly to Liu\'s house and waited for further inquiries.