Lord of All Gods

Chapter 363

Jin Lei and the others had prepared an ambush at this moment, quietly waiting for Ye Liuyun to appear.

A woman, with loose hair and blood all over her body, couldn\'t see her face clearly at all. Moreover, his mouth was also gagged with cloth strips and tied to a stake, pretending to be Lin Fei\'er.

She is the maid next to Jin Lei, at the second level of Tiangang. But at this moment, the treasure that is used to block the probe cannot see the breath fluctuation at all.

Liu Tianfeng, on the other hand, brought some Duantian Pavilion disciples with them, armed with weapons, and surrounded the stakes, looking heavily guarded. The other strong men in the Tiangang realm and the ninth level of Yuandan all carried treasures that concealed their aura and lay in ambush under the surrounding ground.

Ye Liuyun\'s sky-spanning golden pupils could see the whole situation clearly from a distance.

At this time, an army of nearly 100,000 corpse demons has gathered around this area.

Ye Liuyun was not in a hurry to let the army of corpse demons rush over first, but used the golden pupils across the sky to kill the Wuxiu who were ambush underground one by one.

These Wu Xius lay in ambush underground well, but suddenly their spiritual consciousness was pulled into the Thunder Fire Domain and wiped out, one by one, they were all quietly buried underground forever.

"Since you like to be buried in the ground so much, then I\'ll make it happen for you!" The corners of Ye Liuyun\'s mouth slightly raised, and he continued to strike.

After he killed more than thirty martial artists, Liu Tianfeng realized that something was wrong. Some people\'s consciousness fluctuated, but he suddenly couldn\'t feel it.

He hurriedly contacted several people with his spiritual sense, but found that there was no movement.

He then drew out his long sword and pointed at the throat of the woman pretending to be Lin Fei\'er. "Ye Liuyun, I know you\'ve arrived! If you don\'t show up, I\'ll kill this woman with a sword!"

When he said this, the people who were lying in ambush also got ready one after another.

Unexpectedly, he yelled for a long time, but Ye Liuyun was unmoved in the slightest. However, there are fewer and fewer people who have spiritual connections with him.

He frowned, and then said cruelly: "Ye Liuyun, do you think I really dare not kill her?" As he said, he pierced the woman\'s right chest with his sword.

"See? This is what happens if you don\'t show up!"

Although he said so, his spiritual consciousness was constantly communicating with the woman and Jin Lei. "I can\'t help it, I have to wrong you a bit, and use a bitter trick!"

In the distance, Ye Liuyun just smiled and continued to kill. There were quite a few people ambushing him, there were at least a hundred people at the ninth level of Yuandan and above, and it seemed that Duantian Pavilion was all mobilized. Ye Liuyun had only killed nearly half of them at this moment.

Soon, news came of Ye Liuyun\'s alliance token: "ranked 69th in the holy list, ranked 61st in the holy list, ranked 53rd in the holy list."

Ye Liuyun\'s ranking has been improving. "It seems that many people in the ambush circle inside are elite disciples of the Duantian Pavilion!"

Ye Liuyun laughed secretly while killing.

Liu Tianfeng had already stabbed the woman a few times, but Ye Liuyun still did not appear. Sweat also broke out on his forehead. I didn\'t expect Ye Liuyun to be so calm.

After some discussion, he said loudly again: "Ye Liuyun, if you don\'t come out again, this woman\'s innocence may be lost!"

As he spoke, he picked up the tip of his sword and pulled off a piece of clothing from the woman\'s shoulders, revealing her snow-white skin. "How is it? Do you still need me to continue?" The woman also shook her head and struggled desperately!

"The acting is quite similar! If I don\'t know, it\'s really easy to be fooled. You continue to perform, I\'m not in a hurry!" Ye Liuyun said softly, curled his lips and smiled, and continued to kill the people who ambush him.

He was nearly three hundred miles away from Liu Tianfeng, and Liu Tianfeng couldn\'t hear him at all when he spoke softly.

At this moment Liu Tianfeng was also confused. Gritting his teeth, he became cruel. "Ye Liuyun, don\'t regret it! As he said that, he stretched out his claws and grabbed the woman\'s clothes."

Ye Liuyun didn\'t even look at it this time. He had almost killed the ambush man, and at the moment he was letting the Hell Snake control the Corpse Demon to attack.

A large group of corpse demons were also hiding three hundred miles away, and after hearing the order, they began to rush towards the center. When such a large number of corpses move, even the ground trembles.

Liu Tianfeng and the others sensed that the ground was shaking before they saw the corpse demon. Liu Tianfeng also stopped the performance immediately, and dispersed his consciousness to investigate.

When they saw the corpse demon rushing past, their faces became serious. Most of these corpse demons are not as high as them, so they are not too worried, but if this happens, their plans will change.

Liu Tianfeng thought for a while, and then sent a voice transmission to Jin Lei: "These demon corpses must have been recruited by Ye Liuyun. We will pretend to be defeated and retreat for a while, and leave your maid behind, and let her sneak attack Ye Liuyun!"

"What if it wasn\'t brought by Ye Liuyun? Would you like to untie the rope that was helping her first? That way, if the corpse demon wants to kill her, she can resist!" Jin Lei said.

Liu Tianfeng disagreed. "Isn\'t that revealing? Ye Liuyun must have arrived and is watching us from a distance now! Otherwise, why would I insult Lin Fei\'er, and he would be attacked by the corpse demon! Do you want to kill Ye Liuyun?"

"Okay! Just listen to you!" After speaking, Jin Lei communicated with the maid and told her to wait to attack Ye Liuyun.

Soon, the army of corpse demons arrived. The people they hid underground also showed up one after another. When they came out, they realized that out of the hundreds of people who were ambushing, only twenty came out!

Both Jin Lei and Liu Tianfeng secretly scolded Ye Liuyun for being cunning. But at this time, it cannot be shown. You have to pretend to fight with the corpse demon, and then retreat while fighting.

But they also found that there was indeed no corpse demon to attack the bound "Lin Fei\'er", so they were relieved and retreated further and further away.

After they retreated far away, several corpse demons with eight or nine levels of Yuan Dan suddenly rushed towards the tied woman, and they stretched out their claws together to attack. The woman was bound, and before she could resist, several corpse demons clawed into her body, her heart and Yuan Dan were crushed, and she died tragically on the spot. Torn to shreds directly by the corpse demon!

This woman is at least a strong man in the Tiangang realm, but she died the most wronged one. She was killed by the corpse demon without even a moment of resistance!

"Ah!" Seeing this, Jin Lei screamed and charged back. He is really reluctant to part with this maid who has been with him for many years.

But Liu Tianfeng hurriedly stopped him. "Quick retreat, Ye Liuyun saw through the plan!"

"Go away!" Jin Lei cursed: "Your shit plan, no one caught it, and killed my maid!"

Jin Lei was so angry that he was dizzy at this moment! With one palm, Liu Tianfeng was slapped flying, and rushed towards the corpse demons who killed the maid.

But Ye Liuyun found that he had rushed back, and immediately launched a soul attack. Although his cross-air attack will be weaker at a longer distance, but Jin Lei\'s realm is not high, at least it is not a problem to hold him back.

"The head of the Jin family! We finally met, and it\'s time for you to pay the price!" Ye Liuyun\'s spirit, facing Jin Lei\'s spirit, slashed down.

"I didn\'t expect that I, Jin Lei, would fall into your hands many times!" Jin Lei also completely surrendered at this time, without even resisting.

"It\'s not just you! Your Jin family will have to pay the price!" Ye Liuyun\'s icy voice made Jin Lei feel cold when he heard it! Until now, he didn\'t know what a terrible killing god he had offended.

At this time, other corpse demons also took the opportunity to pounce on him and tear his body apart.

"Withdraw! Withdraw!" Seeing Jin Lei\'s death, the members of the Jin family couldn\'t care less about the disciples of the Duantian Pavilion, so they turned around and ran away.

Ye Liuyun didn\'t stop them either. They have a few martial artists in the Tiangang realm, and they can\'t stop them for a while! His target is mainly Liu Tianfeng.