Lord of All Gods

Chapter 362

Mo Ya found Ye Liuyun, came forward without thinking, and said, "Something happened to Lin Fei\'er!"

Ye Liuyun frowned when he heard this. "Didn\'t she go to practice with you? What happened?"

"We were chased and killed by people from Duantian Pavilion, saying that she practiced evil skills." Mo Ya said anxiously: "That\'s not all. According to my guess, the reason why they let me back is probably a trap for you, causing you You go and save Lin Feier."

"What\'s going on? Please explain clearly!" Ye Liuyun calmed down and understood what happened in detail.

Mo Ya and Lin Fei\'er went to the central region to practice hunting corpses, and everything went well.

Not long ago, Wu Xiu came over to provoke, and then the two sides fought. After the opponent was defeated and left, he released the news that Lin Fei\'er practiced evil skills. Then there were members of the Duantian Pavilion of the Alliance, who came to besiege the two of them, saying that they wanted to clean up the scum for the Alliance. After breaking up the two of them, they all went after Lin Fei\'er.

Mo Ya had no choice but to come back to Ye Liuyun for help. But he felt that there was a taste of conspiracy in it. Otherwise, with the strength of Duantian Pavilion, how could he be allowed to come back by himself.

"It must be an excuse to make a move on purpose. The purpose is to lure me to save her!" Ye Liuyun said with certainty.

"It\'s true to lure you, but the technique Lin Fei\'er practiced is indeed a magic technique!" Mo Ya said with certainty: "I fought with her, and I saw her make many moves, so I can\'t make a mistake. "

"What? When did she practice magic?" Ye Liuyun was also stunned. He didn\'t remember that Lin Fei\'er had practiced magic skills!

"Do you remember that when we destroyed the corpse altar on the northern border, we got a kung fu and a bronze tripod? She told me that it was the kung fu that she practiced, and that bronze tripod could help her practice that kung fu. " Mo Crow said.

"Ah? I exchanged resources for her, and I didn\'t tell her to practice!" It\'s too late for Ye Liuyun to regret it now.

he asked next. "No matter what kind of exercise it is, it cannot let the people of Duantian Pavilion succeed. The alliance has no restrictions on what kind of exercise they can practice, so why should they meddle in their own business! Where is she now?"

"I have coordinates that can be teleported to the place where I am separated from him." Mo Ya then asked: "But you go by yourself? They may have arranged many experts there."

Ye Liuyun wanted to come to the coordinates, but he didn\'t have time to explain to him, so he told Mo Ya not to follow, and went back to practice, so he rushed directly to the teleportation hall.

On the way, he briefly told Qiongqi and asked him to do a favor before leaving. Then it was directly teleported to the location where Mo Ya and Lin Fei\'er were separated.

Immediately, Ye Liuyun put on the invisibility cloak, followed the traces of the fight, and chased after him.

"Don\'t worry! Since they want to lure you into the bait, Lin Feier won\'t die if you don\'t arrive!" Qiongqi comforted him.

Ye Liuyun was on the road, looking for the sense of the spiritual mark she left on Lin Fei\'er. He remembered that the last time they went south together, Ye Liuyun specially left a divine sense mark on her in order to prevent them from getting separated.

As he was walking, he stopped. Because he sensed his divine sense mark, he moved quickly not far away, and that direction was not the direction indicated by the fighting marks.

Ye Liuyun didn\'t hesitate, and directly disappeared into the void, turned and chased after him.

But what made him strange was that he clearly felt the movement of the mark of spiritual consciousness, but he only found three disciples of the Jin family who were at the ninth level of Yuandan, running in the costumes of the Jin family.

Ye Liuyun couldn\'t figure it out, so he didn\'t bother to think about it, and directly used his golden pupils to attack across the air and search for souls.

After searching, Ye Liuyun was overjoyed, rushed over, grabbed a storage ring, and released Lin Fei\'er inside.

It turns out that this person\'s storage ring can also hold living things. For a while, Ye Liuyun ignored this point. Lin Fei\'er was almost missed.

At this time, Lin Fei\'er\'s realm had been sealed, and she was tied up after being knocked out.

Ye Liuyun released Qiongqi, wanting him to help break the seal of the realm, but unexpectedly, the person who set the seal was higher than Qiongqi\'s realm. So Ye Liuyun had no choice but to take out the skeleton puppet again, and then opened Lin Feier\'s seal.

Lin Feier also woke up immediately. Seeing Ye Liuyun, his eyes turned red and he almost cried.

"It\'s okay, it\'s okay! You\'ll be safe when you see me! Tell me what\'s going on, and I\'ll avenge you!" Ye Liuyun hurriedly comforted her.

"You didn\'t fall into their trap?" Lin Feier paused for a while, looked at the three people lying beside her, and asked in surprise, "Then how did you find me?"

"When we came out together last time, I was afraid that I would get separated from you, so I left a mark of divine sense on you. I came here because I sensed the mark of divine sense on you. When I saw these three people, I Searched directly for the soul, only to find that you were contained in the storage ring, and rescued you." Ye Liuyun explained.

"Thank God! That\'s great!" Only then did Lin Fei\'er understand that Ye Liuyun didn\'t fall into the trap of these people and saved herself. Immediately, he told Ye Liuyun everything he knew.

"After Mo Ya left, Duantian Pavilion sent many Yuandan Jiuzhong members to round up me, and I couldn\'t escape at all. After I was caught, I realized that this was a trap set by Liu Tianfeng, the owner of Duantian Pavilion. The Jin family has elders from the Tiangang realm to cooperate with him. They asked another woman from the Tiangang realm to wear an anti-detection treasure to pretend to be me. They planned to let her sneak attack you when you were in a panic to save me. , Let’s besiege you together! What other treasures such as skyscraper blood nets have been arranged to deal with your puppets.”

"Where are they going to send you?" Ye Liuyun asked.

"These three are also disciples of the Duantian Pavilion. They are planning to bring me to the Jin family. If this plan fails, the ancestors of the Jin family will use me as a threat to force you to show up. If the first If the trap is successful, then I will be sent to Liu Tianfeng..."

Speaking of this, Lin Fei\'er also gritted her teeth. "This Liu Tianfeng is simply too vicious, you must not let him go in the future!"

"These people really took great pains to kill me! Why wait? If I don\'t go, I\'ve let them down. Let\'s kill them now!"

As Ye Liuyun said, he was about to leave. Lin Fei\'er hastily pulled him back. "No, they are too well prepared, you go directly now, it\'s too dangerous!"

But Ye Liuyun smiled: "When did you see me do something stupid? Don\'t worry, I won\'t go by myself! Isn\'t there still an army of corpse demons available! Don\'t they want to rely on more people to defeat me? I also rely on more people Bully them!"

Lin Fei\'er also thought of Ye Liuyun\'s ability to summon corpse demons, so she felt relieved.

You advance my storage ring, I hide my body, so as not to be discovered by them.

Therefore, Lin Feier and Qiongqi were both taken into storage rings by Ye Liuyun. Then, Ye Liuyun hid in the void again, turned back and rushed in the direction of the corpse demon, and asked the hell snake to summon the army of corpse demons.

Ye Liuyun arranged the formation for the army of corpse demons to attack, and prepared to wipe out all the people who set up an ambush this time.