Lord of All Gods

Chapter 227

As soon as Ye Liuyun came out, he let go of his spiritual sense and looked for other people and Liang Xue.

The first thing he discovered was that Lin Xueying and Shi Yuan came out first. Lin Xueying\'s realm has not improved, but she is obviously very happy, and it seems that she has gained a lot.

Then Baihu and Ruyue also came out, and with them, everyone from Shuiyue Sect.

But the relationship between the two parties seems not to be harmonious, and some swords are on the verge of breaking out, and the elder of Shuiyuezong seems to be injured.

Ye Liuyun hurried over to ask. It turned out that Shuiyuezong had found a place suitable for them to practice their exercises. After Ruyue went there, the elders of Shuiyuezong actually wanted to drive Ruyue away.

So the white tiger wounded the elder. And besides Liang Xue, everyone else was driven away by the white tiger.

In desperation, Liang Xue had no choice but to intercede for all her colleagues. In the end, they reached an agreement, and the people of Shuiyuezong exchanged exercises for cultivation resources.

In this way, members of the Water Moon Sect can practice, and Ruyue can also obtain the more advanced exercises of the Water Moon Sect, the best of both worlds.

It\'s just that the people of Shuiyuezong secretly hate Baihu in their hearts, but they dare not say it out.

Ye Liuyun and Liang Xue met each other, explained to each other, and then didn\'t mention it again.

Ye Liuyun gave Liang Xue the storage ring she had prepared.

"I remember I promised to catch you a beast before, but I have never met a suitable one. There is an egg of a demon dragon in it. You drip a little blood on the egg, and then imprint it with a soul brand, and it will grow After coming out, I will directly recognize you as the master!"

Liang Xue used her spiritual sense to poke into the ring to have a look, and found that there were many good things inside. Then he asked in surprise: "Why did you give me so many good things? No, I will keep this egg, and you can keep the rest for yourself!"

Ye Liuyun smiled slightly: "I\'m rich now. I have enough of these things myself, so don\'t worry!"

After he said that, Liang Xue put the things away.

Then Liang Xue reluctantly bid him farewell, and left with the people of Shui Yuezong.

As for the Mo Crow of the Ancient Demon Sect, after he came out, he immediately followed his fellow disciples, and they all went back to improve their strength and prepare for the next seven sect competitions.

Qiongqi was the last batch to come out. You can tell from his mental state that he has gained a lot this time.

The two of them looked at each other with a knowing smile, and prepared to release the flying boat to leave here.

Unexpectedly, the young master Pei who was looking for trouble before going in, brought his subordinates to look for trouble again!

Moreover, the one who walked in the front this time was actually the old man of Huahai Jiuzhong.

"Stop, you want to leave after hurting my young master?" the old man shouted.


Ye Liuyun and the others looked at this group of people like idiots when they heard the sound.

"Since you don\'t want us to leave, it\'s just right. I still have something missing when I go home, so let your city lord\'s mansion come out! Stone ape and white tiger, keep the old one and the young one, and kill the others!" Ye Liuyun said coldly. said.

Immediately, the stone ape and white tiger didn\'t even change the image of the body, and directly released the momentum, beating the elder of Huahai Jiuzhong and the young master Pei into useless people, and the others were directly killed by them. Then he took back their storage rings and handed them to Wu Qingcheng.

Young master Pei and the old man only now knew that there were actually two saints beside Ye Liuyun.

They regret it now, they not only put themselves in it, but also implicated the City Lord\'s Mansion. What Ye Liuyun said just now obviously did not want to let them go.

After that, Baihu and Shiyuan carried one each, and asked them to lead the way to the city lord\'s mansion.

When they arrived, they threw the two of them in from a distance. Young Master Pei was thrown to death directly, and the old man was also broken by the fall.

"Where is the city lord, come out and answer!" Baihu roared, shaking the whole city lord\'s mansion humming and trembling.

"It seems that Baihu has also improved in the secret realm!" Ye Liuyun thought to himself.

In the city lord\'s mansion, the city lord had already run out tremblingly. Seeing the tragic death of his own son and the dismissal of the elder, he immediately thought that they might have offended someone they couldn\'t afford in the secret realm.

"I\'ll give you a quarter of an hour to hand over the storage rings and all the belongings of all the people in your mansion. If you waste a little time, we will flatten your whole mansion." Bai Hu shouted.

"As for the reason, you can go back and ask that old guy yourself! I don\'t have time to tell you now. What are you still doing? Wait for me to get it myself?"

Once his aura is released, no one dares to resist. The city lord ordered people to hand over all the storage rings, and went to the treasure house to move out all the things.

The saint\'s consciousness was extremely powerful, but he didn\'t dare to keep it at all, and then handed over his storage ring.

Baihu gave all the rings to Wu Qingcheng.

Ye Liuyun immediately released the flying boat and let everyone get on the flying boat. Immediately, the flying boat disappeared before everyone\'s eyes, and when it reappeared, it had already appeared thousands of miles away.

"Hahaha! These idiots! They dared to make trouble for us, so they\'ve lost a lot of money! No wonder their surname is Pei, it\'s not good to have that surname!" Baihu laughed as soon as he got on the flying boat.

Ye Liuyun also smiled for a while, and then gave a general account of what happened to him, and then gave the white tiger the metallic spar, crystal marrow, golden spirit demon, and the golden gun that he had obtained.

Bai Hu was naturally grateful. When Ye Liuyun subdued it back then, he said that he would compensate it in the future, but Ye Liuyun did not expect that he would really honor it.

Then Ye Liuyun took out three more weapons and gave them to Shi Yuan, a long knife, a sword, and a gun.

He explained to the stone ape: "In the future, when you fight, hold a stick in three hands, and another three hands, and hold a holy weapon in each hand, so that you can stab, chop, chop, and smash, and your combat skills will be more comprehensive. Other weapons , you keep it for yourself, just as a spare."

Then, he took out another holy artifact, the cattail fan, and handed it to Qiongqi. "There is nothing suitable for you, this one suits you well, let\'s fan the flames for you!"

Qiongqi really liked the cattail fan, so he put it away without being polite, and opened his palm, a dark red flame appeared in his palm, and handed it to Ye Liuyun.

"These are what I brought back for you, the Devil Emperor\'s Holy Fire. Although it\'s not too powerful, it can also raise your Golden Crow Holy Fire to another level. These are enough for you to absorb, so I didn\'t bring too many."

Ye Liuyun also accepted it directly and began to absorb and refine it.

She also asked about Lin Xueying\'s situation. Lin Xueying found some spring water that can enhance the power of the soul, and the power of her soul and the stone ape has improved a lot.

Ruyue\'s realm has been raised to the fifth level of true essence. Originally thought that he had improved enough, but compared with Yu\'er and Wu Qingcheng, he became a little anxious again.

"What\'s the rush! It\'s useless to be anxious about things like cultivation. Qingcheng will keep all the resources given to you for you! Go back and ask her for it, and you will make a breakthrough soon!" Ye Liuyun comforted her.

Kisaragi quickly thanked.

Immediately, Wu Qingcheng gave her a storage ring. She also prepared a gift for Lin Xueying. Everyone has gifts, how can she be left alone.

Everyone expressed their thanks one after another! And everyone has gained something, so they are all in a good mood, and immediately they grilled the ground dragon meat.