Lord of All Gods

Chapter 228

Ye Liuyun took advantage of everyone drinking and eating meat to celebrate, and communicated with Qiongqi with his spiritual sense: "What state are you in now?"

"Yuan Dan Realm triple!" Qiong Qi replied.

"You improved fast enough! Faster than Lei Ming!" Ye Liuyun sighed.

Qiongqi\'s disdainful voice came: "That\'s no nonsense! I have re-cultivated and have memories of my previous life. I think this is too slow! There are too few fire sources in this area!"

"Why don\'t you go out and look for the source of the fire, and make yourself stronger first. Anyway, there are a few of them by my side, so there should be no serious danger. Besides, I have a skeleton puppet!" Ye Liuyun didn\'t want to delay Qiongqi either.

Qiongqi thought about it, and felt that Ye Liuyun\'s suggestion was good.

"Alright. Then I\'ll go find the source of the fire, recover faster, and help you more in the future."

"Well. Before you leave, leave me a large formation that can both defend and attack. I will keep it for self-defense." Ye Liuyun said.

"Okay! I\'ll get you a set of formation flags and arrange the formations well." Without delay, Qiongqi immediately picked a private room and went in to paint the formation flags.

After the array flag was ready, Qiongqi taught Ye Liuyun how to use it, and then bid farewell to everyone.

Everyone also toasted him with a glass of wine and wished him all the best. Ye Liuyun also gave Qiongqi all the crystal stones he had just looted from the City Lord\'s Mansion, so that it would not be inconvenient for him to use the spirit stones.

In the end, everyone watched Qiongqi get off the flying boat and left gracefully.

Ye Liuyun and the others returned to the Ye family again and handed over all the items to the ancestors of the Ye family. When the patriarchs and elders of the Ye family saw that Ye Liuyun had returned, they thought something had happened.

Seeing the things Ye Liuyun brought back, he was so excited that he couldn\'t even speak. Especially when he saw those false holy artifacts, he was so excited that he almost shed tears.

Then he praised Ye Liuyun, saying that Ye Liuyun is promising and he has not forgotten his family.

With these resources, it is enough for the Ye family to develop into a big family.

Afterwards, Ye Liuyun went to the King of Fortune and left behind a few pseudo-holy artifacts and some spars, and then returned directly to the Holy Martial Academy.

It\'s been a long time since he came out this time, and he doesn\'t know any changes in the academy.

There is also that Jin Wuhui match, if Jin Wuhui is there after returning home, it is time to complete it.

He has reached the late stage of the fifth level of Huahai now, and he has cultivated the Immortal Overlord Body to the point of perfection. Even if he fights the ninth level of Huahai, he is not worried at all.

Just his physical defense, Hua Hai Jiuchong\'s people couldn\'t break through it.

After Ye Liuyun returned, he separated from Lin Xueying and went back to see his master.

Seeing that his realm has reached the peak of the fifth level of Huahai, and is about to break through to the sixth level of Huahai, the Great Elder is very satisfied with his progress during this period.

"There are still two months until the Seventh Competition. During this time, you should stop running outside and concentrate on practicing in the academy. Before the Seventh Competition, the academy will also have an internal selection, which will be held in about a month. At that time There will be another secret realm open to the disciples who are selected to participate in the competition. You should try your best to fight for these!"

The Great Elder actually didn\'t expect Ye Liuyun to get any good results this time. Although he can leapfrog the battle. But in the Seven Great Competitions, saints from the Yuandan Realm participated in the battle.

He also didn\'t think that the martial arts in Huahai Realm could compete with the saints. As long as Ye Liuyun tried his best, it would be fine.

Ye Liuyun is only sixteen years old, and there will be many opportunities in the future.

"Yes!" Ye Liuyun regained his energy when he heard about the secret realm!

He now knows that there are various opportunities in every secret realm, and he cannot miss them.

Coming out of the master, Ye Liuyun took out the main hall and put Wu Qingcheng and others in it.

Ruyue built her own residence at the entrance, completely acting as the housekeeper of this cave hall.

Wu Qingcheng and the others wanted to live with Ye Liuyun. No way, Ye Liuyun expanded his residence again.

Wu Qingcheng also took out all the spirit stones obtained from the Earth Dragon Treasure, and arranged them around the residence, making the aura here more intense, enough for them to practice together.

They now have countless spirit stones. Ye Liuyun didn\'t use much of the spirit stones in his storage ring until now. It can only be used as the power of flying boats and skeleton puppets.

After they were all settled, Ye Liuyun asked the others to hurry up and practice, while he took Lei Ming and rushed to Lingyun Pavilion to see how the brothers and sisters were doing.

Ye Liuyun noticed from a distance that Tie Jun was training with many people at the station. He found that the realm of these people had improved, and he couldn\'t help but feel happy.

He smiled and greeted everyone.

"The master is back!"

"Now we don\'t have to worry!"

Everyone cheered in unison.

Ye Liuyun was taken aback, and asked, "What\'s the matter? What are you worried about?"

Tie Jun stepped forward, greeted him, and explained to him: "We went out to hunt corpse demons this time, and gained a lot of resources, and everyone\'s realm has been improved through this. But the disciples of Qingjiang Pavilion , and all returned to the academy, and finally have time to deal with us, and want to rob us of our cultivation resources. So we are selecting strong people and preparing to fight them."

"Oh, so that\'s the case! Let\'s fight then! I\'m afraid they won\'t succeed! Do they have inner disciples to take action? If so, count me in."

With his status as an inner disciple and his strength, he doesn\'t even bother to bully those outer disciples now.

"They made an agreement with us to fight in the arena three days later. They will send ten people, of which three are outer disciples and seven are inner disciples!"

Seeing him voluntarily asking to join the battle, Tie Jun felt much more relaxed.

With Ye Liuyun here, he didn\'t have to worry. Otherwise, among those inner disciples, he really couldn\'t pick a few people to fight against.

"Seven inner disciples?" Ye Liuyun said in surprise: "This Qingjiang pavilion is really shameless, and sent seven inner disciples! I have covered all seven of them, and you can deal with the three outer disciples. "

Everyone became happy when they heard the words. Ye Liuyun has become their backbone.

As long as Ye Liuyun is around, they have nothing to worry about.

So, they selected the two strongest ones, together with Tie Jun, and prepared to deal with the three outer disciples when the time came, and the others went back to practice with peace of mind.

Afterwards, Ye Liuyun gave Tie Jun a false sacred artifact, and Han Feng, Leng Yue, Qi Tianyue, and Nan Xin\'er also each had a false sacred artifact.

Seeing Ye Liuyun give away these false sacred artifacts like ordinary weapons, these people were so shocked that they forgot to say thank you.

"Did you find the treasure?" Nan Xiner asked everyone\'s thoughts in surprise.

"Hehe, I robbed some people who wanted to trouble me, and I got it from them!" Ye Liuyun explained.

He is very rich now, not only has he collected a lot of false holy artifacts, but he can\'t run out of crystals. So these things are not as valuable as giving them away.

He didn\'t take the holy artifact out. In their realm, it is a bit reluctant to use false holy artifacts. If they were given holy artifacts, not only would they not be able to display the strength of the holy artifacts, but they would also make people covet their treasures.

But even so, taking out so many false holy artifacts at once was enough to shock them! You must know that even in the branch courtyard, there is only one false sacred artifact as the treasure of the town courtyard.

But Ye Liuyun gave them five pieces at once, which shows how rich Ye Liuyun is.

These people also knew Ye Liuyun\'s character, so they were not polite, and immediately put away all the holy artifacts.

Although this kind of thing is often seen in the General Academy, many people will kill people to seize treasures because of it.