Lord of All Gods

Chapter 226

Ye Liuyun pulled Wu Qingcheng and Yu\'er to run the volley formula, and stopped when the ancient demon sect couldn\'t detect it.

It was okay for him to run by himself, but with the two of them, his speed was much slower.

Fortunately, Shen Peng was also worried about the disciples around him, and he didn\'t dare to leave them alone. This area is the central area in the secret realm, and there are too many demons. Therefore, the speed at which they catch up is not too fast.

"Little brother, give that old guy to me, I want to use him to practice my hands." Lei Ming communicated with Ye Liuyun.

"Okay then, I\'ll leave it to you. But don\'t take risks and don\'t get hurt. If it doesn\'t work, I\'ll help you with a soul attack." Ye Liuyun instructed.

"Okay!" Lei Ming agreed, but secretly complacent in his heart.

Shen Peng soon caught up. When he came up, he sneered: "Are you running? Why don\'t you run away?"

Ye Liuyun also smiled and asked back: "Do you think you can kill me without that old man Huo here?"

Shen Peng curled his lips and said disdainfully: "The old man also admits that you are indeed a genius in cultivation and have the strength to fight against the ninth level of Huahai. However, the Huahai state is the Huahai state, and you will never be able to compare with our Yuandan state. Today I will kill you, a genius, and let you see the strength of a saint!"

As he said that, Lord Qi Tian rushed towards Ye Liuyun with the aura of a saint erupting from his whole body.

Ye Liuyun looked at him with a smile and didn\'t even move. But the thunder on his shoulder jumped out directly, blocking Ye Liuyun\'s front.

Her body suddenly grew bigger, blood-colored thunder and lightning shone all over her body, and she also carried an icy cold air. Just the sudden and powerful momentum alone took Shen Pengzhen back a step.

But the disciples behind him vomited blood and collapsed on the ground, never expecting a saint to appear.

Lei Ming\'s horns also directly emitted a bloody thunderbolt, rushing towards Shen Peng.

She hates guys who show off before a fight. So in general, she would kill without saying a word.

Shen Peng quickly punched out with all his strength, facing the bloody thunder and lightning.

But just this move sent him flying, not to mention his whole body was numb, his body was covered with a layer of frost, and even his true essence couldn\'t circulate smoothly.

Lei Ming continued to go up, and with one paw, he directly slapped Shen Peng into the ground, making a meatloaf. Then blood thunder erupted all over his body, blasting all the disciples of the Blood Demon Sect into ashes.

Ye Liuyun and the others also stared dumbfounded from behind. I didn\'t expect a saint to be wiped out so easily by Lei Ming!

Lei Ming waved his hand and put away their storage rings. He turned his head and saw the expressions of Ye Liuyun and the others, and immediately changed back into a human form. He said proudly, "How is it? Am I good? I\'m already at the second level of Yuandan Realm!"

Ye Liuyun raised his thumb and praised repeatedly. Then he sighed again: "Why have your realms improved? It\'s just my realm that hasn\'t moved!"

His realm, from the sixth level of Huahai to the seventh level of Huahai, was originally a hurdle. And now he has to condense his true essence in advance, so he can\'t break through so quickly.

Wu Qingcheng smiled and said: "Who made you break through so fast before! If we don\'t improve faster, we will not be able to catch up with your footsteps!"

Immediately, the few of them left here, found a safe place, and took stock of the treasures they had collected.

Time was running out, and they didn\'t have time to look for other opportunities, so they simply waited to be teleported out of the secret realm.

He took out the few things he liked and studied them one by one.

That black iron mace, called Pobing Mace, has the ability to destroy the opponent\'s weapons. So Ye Liuyun gave it to Yu\'er.

That bronze mirror, called Misty Heaven Realm, can bounce back all the opponent\'s attacks, and using it to cast illusions can have a strengthening effect, so Ye Liuyun gave the bronze mirror to Wu Qingcheng.

That silver sledgehammer, Ye Liuyun gave it to Lei Ming, and also passed on his own hammering technique to Lei Ming. Let her practice, using the sledgehammer to beat out the blood thunder and ice power.

In this way, Lei Ming can still fight in the form of a human, even if he does not turn into his own body.

After Lei Ming got the sledgehammer, he immediately started to practice, and he got started very quickly.

But Ye Liuyun took out the flying boat, and after inputting his consciousness, he also understood its purpose.

This flying boat actually has a certain ability to travel through space, and its speed is ten times faster than his current flying boat. None of the strong men in the holy realm could catch up with this flying boat.

It even has the function of preventing the detection of spiritual consciousness, and it can\'t be found even if you want to find it.

So Liu Yun immediately released the flying boat, let a few people go up, and tested it in the secret realm.

The interior of the flying boat is not very big, it can accommodate more than ten people, and there are three private rooms inside. Requires spirit stones as power.

Of course, Ye Liuyun has no shortage of spirit stones now. After installing enough spirit stones, the flying boat disappeared into the air as soon as it started, and when it reappeared, it was already thousands of miles away.

"Haha, it\'s so fast! It travels thousands of miles in an instant, and this flying boat seems to have practiced the volley technique." Ye Liuyun couldn\'t help praising it with satisfaction.

"With it, we can go back to the Ye family first and send back the resources we don\'t need."

Ye Liuyun immediately thought that he could send many unused resources back to Ye\'s family. With this flying boat, it only takes two more days to go back and forth.

"Okay, then let\'s sort it out as soon as possible."

So Ye Liuyun took them off the flying boat, released the main hall, and let them go in to sort out their belongings.

He also went in to dispose of the corpse of the demon dragon. The dragon scales are peeled off to refine armor, and the dragon bones are kept to refine weapons. Dragon tendons are also good things. Dragon meat, of course, should be roasted and eaten.

Then, he used another storage ring to put the earth dragon egg and the sword of another top-level holy weapon into it. There were also a lot of spirit stones in it, and he also cut a piece of blood spar into it.

These are all prepared for Liang Xue.

He divided the remaining blood spar into four, and each of them got a share, which was divided at that time.

Ye Liuyun also picked out some of the body training materials they needed for them and asked them to keep them by themselves.

The actions of the few of them were quick, and they quickly arranged things. Wu Qingying sorted out the two storage rings that they didn\'t need, and asked Ye Liuyun to check them again.

Ye Liuyun looked at it with his spiritual sense, and felt that it was all right, so he handed it to Yu\'er and Lei Ming, asking them to take another look to see if there was anything they wanted.

After they watched it, Ye Liuyun asked Wu Qingcheng to turn around and give Lin Xueying and Ruyue a pick.

Then he put away the hall, and Lei Ming turned back into a pet beast, lying on his shoulder, waiting to leave.

Ye Liuyun saw that there was still some time, so he took out some dragon meat, roasted it and distributed it to everyone, so that everyone could taste it.

Lei Ming is not taboo, and counts her as the one who eats the most.

It wasn\'t until they had finished eating that the formation in the secret realm sent out a response. Lei Ming immediately jumped onto Ye Liuyun\'s shoulder, and Ye Liuyun and the others were teleported back to the entrance.