Long Live the Lord

Chapter 672

"Well, every time we transport goods, we have to have a large number of escorts. These horse bandits are also very smart. They usually choose small caravans."

Mu Han seems to have been used to it, said the tone relaxed.

Zhao Fengnian nodded slightly. This area was the junction of the Three Kingdoms and a fracture of the vast mountains.

Since there were soldiers guarding this side of the empire before, these horse bandits still knew how to restrain them.

But now the empire is in chaos. The endless grassland doesn't care about it. The free city-state only manages its own territory.

As a result, this area has become a place where horse bandits and bandits are rampant.

But now Zhao Fengnian has no mind to take care of it. The situation here is too complicated. If you can't do it well, you will get yourself into trouble.

As for whether it will affect the merchants who deal with the territory, Zhao Fengnian will not worry about this.

Now yongfengling products are only sold to all parts of the mainland through two channels, one is the Tianxiang chamber of Commerce in the free city state, and the other is the Cangying tribe of Muhan and his father.

"Well, over the hillside in front of you, you will reach the endless grassland. Now it's just the right time. Maybe you can see the beautiful scenery that you haven't seen before In Zhao Fengnian's meditation, Mu Han's voice suddenly rings out.

The spring of endless grassland came earlier than yongfengling. Therefore, at this time, the temperature of endless grassland in the daytime has reached more than ten degrees above zero, and it also has the appearance of five or six degrees above zero at night.

Zhao Fengnian looked up and saw a hillside not far ahead. The hillside had a little green.

Let this silent winter's world have more vitality.

"Oh? Have you reached the endless grassland? I really need to have a good look at what kind of beautiful scenery Mu elder brother admires so much. "

After Zhao Fengnian finished speaking, he took back his sight, jumped directly off the carriage and ran fast toward the hillside.

Li Xuanwu has been in front of Zhao Fengnian's carriage to control the beast horse. He watched Zhao Fengnian run out and jumped down to chase Zhao Fengnian's back.

At this time, Muhan also wants to jump out of the car to chase down, but Muhan knows that his speed is not as fast as the spirit beast horse.

So he sighed helplessly and sat down at the position where Li Xuanwu was before, and controlled the spirit beast horse to speed up.

Zhao Fengnian actually saw no one around. He was bored to the extreme by staying in the car for a day.

I plan to go out and let out the wind. At the same time, I will test how fast I am now.

However, Zhao Fengnian, who ran out, slowed down the speed, because there was no comparison between them.

So Zhao Fengnian waited for Li Xuanwu to catch up with him and compete with him.

Li Xuanwu entered the spirit control realm earlier than Zhao Fengnian for a period of time. There was no difference in their overall accomplishments. So now Li Xuanwu is the best person to verify his speed.

"Come on, let's compare. Can you see the hillside? After a while, I call out to start, and we will speed up together to see who gets to the destination first. How about it? "

Seeing Li Xuanwu catching up, Zhao Fengnian ran to Li Xuanwu's side and suggested.

Li Xuanwu is a playful and playful person. I heard that Zhao Fengnian proposed a competition, and he was interested in it.

However, Zhao Fengnian is the leader of a country. If he wins, will Zhao Fengnian feel bad about his face?

"That Shall we not compare it? " Li Xuanwu said hesitantly.

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