Long Live the Lord

Chapter 673

"No, don't worry. We'll have a friendly match. It's not important to win or lose, but to be happy."

Knowing what Li Xuanwu was worried about, Zhao Fengnian could not help adding fuel to his story.

Li Xuanwu really let Zhao Fengnian talk about this time. He was so active and funny that he spent half a day in Zhao Fengnian's carriage and was bored to see the scenery outside the carriage.

Now that Zhao Fengnian has put forward such a funny thing, he can still bear it there.

"Good! Lord, run first, and I'll follow you later... " Li Xuanwu developed his style very gentlemanly.

While they were talking, Mu Han also drove the carriage to catch up with him, and Maomao three beasts did not know when they also got out of the truck and ran to Zhao Fengnian.

"No, I'll count to three and we'll run together. By the way, if you win me, I'll let Maomao carry you around, OK? "

Seeing Li Xuanwu, Zhao Fengnian still couldn't let go. He took a look at the Maomao three beasts and continued to add pounds.

Since the last time Li Xuanwu went to the vast mountains, he always had a wish that he could ride on Maomao for a walk.

However, Li Xuanwu had never been able to realize this wish.

If you are intimidated, you are not an opponent. If you are seduced, you don't have anything to look at.

Now hear Zhao Fengnian say so, Li Xuanwu there will continue to hesitate, there will be thinking of water.

Immediately nodded his head and said, "well, it's a deal. Let's get started."

Zhao Fengnian took a satisfied look at Li Xuanwu, who was full of fighting spirit, and gave Maomao a reassuring look.

Then he opened his mouth and called out, "OK, one Two! Three! ".

When Zhao Fengnian called to three, they ran out at the same time, and there was a whistling sound in the air.

Not far away, Wu CAI and Li Wenbin were also looking at Zhao Fengnian and Li Xuanwu. Looking at the two men who had already begun to compete, Wu Cai said with a smile, "Wenbin, who are you going to win?"

Hearing Wu Cai's question, Li Wenbin hesitated for a moment and said, "I think Li Xuanwu was promoted to the realm of spiritual control earlier. He should be better at using spiritual power and the intensity of spiritual power."

Although Li Wenbin didn't say so directly, he was not optimistic about Zhao Fengnian in his tone.

"Oh? You mean Li Xuanwu can win? I don't think so. I think it's more likely to win in a good year. "

Listening to what Li Wenbin said, Wu Cai's smile grew stronger.

Li Wenbin looked at the mysterious Wu CAI with a smile and murmured in his heart.

However, looking at Li Xuanwu's obvious momentum of surpassing Zhao Fengnian, Zhao Fengnian will not win.

"How about a bet? We don't bet too much, just a top-grade spirit stone. I bet Zhao Fengnian will win. " At this time, Wu put forward his ultimate goal.

After listening to Wu Cai's words, Li Wenbin hesitated even more. He couldn't figure out what medicine was sold in Wu Cai's gourd.

However, the temptation of this top-grade spirit stone is not small. Since Wu Cai wants to send his own spirit stone, why should he push it out?

Thinking of this, Li Wenbin nodded: "good, just a top-grade spirit stone, I bet Li Wenbin wins!"

Tao an looked at the two people's extravagant gambling, laughing and shaking his head.

Li Wenbin's contact with Tao an is not long. Since Li Wenbin came to the territory, he has been busy with the transformation and cultivation of spirit animals.

So Tao an doesn't really know.

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