Long Live the Lord

Chapter 671

When the eagle king learned that Zhao Fengnian was going to the eagle tribe, he sent ten thousand elite cavalry from the grassland tribe to the eagle leader day and night.

The goods were escorted on the surface, but secretly to protect Zhao Fengnian's safety.

Today, Muhan was ready early, waiting outside the city to meet Zhao Fengnian.

"Ha ha, brother mu, you said that you should not call me the Lord of our country, just call me my brother. I'm sorry to trouble you. I've been waiting for us here Zhao Fengnian did not get off the bus, but waited for Muhan to get on the car and said with a smile.

"How can this be done? You are the head of a country. It's not right.".

After hearing this, Mu Han quickly refused, and his face was embarrassed. However, he was very happy in his heart.

Zhao Fengnian is such a good man in Mu Han's eyes. He is not married with anyone, and he is very approachable.

Even if he was an ordinary person, Zhao Fengnian would treat him politely. He did not have the arrogance common to imperial nobles.

"What's wrong? By the way, brother mu, are you going back to the tribe? Isn't this just coming back from the tribe? "

Zhao Fengnian knew that Mu Han would not listen to his own call his brother, and did not entangle himself with this point, so he changed the topic.

From the perspective of Muhan's dress, he should also travel far away.

At the same time, I choose to travel far today. The answer is to go to the eagle tribe with myself.

"Yes, I had planned to go back to the tribe this time. Knowing that Yongfeng mainly visited the tribes, he was a little ahead of time and had a companion along the way. "

This is Zhao Fengnian's first visit to the eagle tribe. As the son of the eagle king, Mu Han can't be ignored.

"That's wonderful. You should introduce the scenery along the way for me."

They chatted for a while, and when all the personnel and supplies were ready, they set out to enter the depths of the endless grassland.

Zhao Fengnian talks and laughs with Mu Han all the way, and Mu Han tells a lot of anecdotes on the grassland.

Zhao Fengnian listened with great interest, and from time to time he took out a lower grade spirit stone from his pocket.

Taking advantage of Mu Han, he threw it into his mouth like a sugar bean and swallowed it.

Although hidden, but mu Han still found this.

Buhuo Muhan thinks Zhao Fengnian is eating snacks. He can't help but be very curious about what the delicious food Zhao Fengnian can't forget.

Zhao Fengnian naturally did not know that Mu Han regarded eating Lingshi as a snack. Although they were homonymous, their meanings were quite different.

Although Mu Han is curious, he doesn't pay too much attention to this small matter. Everyone has some hobbies, which is normal.

Slowly, Mu Han got used to it and ignored Zhao Fengnian's small action.

It takes about a day to travel from goshawk collar to cross the border and reach the boundless grassland boundary.

This area is the junction of Qingxuan Empire, free city-state and endless grassland.

So bandits and horse bandits are rampant in this area.

However, most horse bandits know the sign of the eagle tribe, and the caravan escorted by a large army of more than 10000 people does not dare to move the goods for a long time.

So even if these horse bandits are greedy, they can only swallow their saliva and watch the troops leave.

"This passage is not very safe now. I'm afraid there are several waves of people staring at us all the way."

Zhao Fengnian can also see some horse bandit sentries in the distance.

This day, I'm afraid there are more than ten waves of sentries staring at his team.

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