Long Live the Lord

Chapter 648

So today's first process was completed a little earlier than expected.

"Well, let's read the resolution and make an alliance with Thailand. I think they have been waiting for a long time."

With that, Zhao Fengnian smiles and walks out of the conference room.

But in the square opposite the administration building, it was already crowded at this time, which surrounded the whole square.

Outside the square are rows of soldiers who separate the crowd from the square.

In the center of the square, a high platform is built at this time. There is a table on the high platform, and there is a chair on the left and right of the table.

This is the place where the alliance agreement is concluded. Zhao Fengnian and Li Sheng will come to power, sign on the high platform and read out the treaty.

Under the stage, there are several rows of chairs, which are the places where visitors and senior officials of the territory sit.

Now there are a few people sitting here, including Mu Han and Li Sheng.

They're all whispering in the front row. I don't know what they're talking about.

Soon, Zhao Fengnian took a group of high-rise people to the square.

Then Zhao Fengnian walked directly to the stage. All the people watching outside turned their attention to Zhao Fengnian.

Zhao Fengnian smiles at the audience and reads a document in his hand: "I, Zhao Fengnian, the current Lord of yongfengling. Because of the despotic tyranny, the people have no means of livelihood, and there are wars everywhere... "

Later, Zhao Fengnian criticized how incompetent and fatuous the emperor was.

How chaotic and dangerous the empire is now.

"Therefore, in order to protect the leaders of yongfengling mountain, and to save more people who are still in dire straits."

"Today, on March 18, the first year of Yongfeng, in my capacity as the head of Yongfeng, I declare the establishment of Yongfeng."

With Zhao Fengnian's last words, the audience burst out with warm cheers.

For a moment, the cheers were so loud that even outside the city of Yong'an, you could hear the cheers inside the city.

But at this time, the people waiting to see the joke and make trouble were stunned, and then declared the founding of the people's Republic of China? Isn't there a complicated etiquette?

But what is the situation now? Don't play according to the routine at all!

Despite all the preparations, no one expected the meeting to be so fast.

Therefore, the person in charge did not give the signal to start the operation. The people who mixed in the crowd to create chaos did not have orders. Now they all cheered with the cheering crowd and did not dare to show any abnormality.

Like a ready-made blow to the cotton, these preparations are all useless at this moment.

Zhao Fengnian looked at the cheering crowd, as well as the other envoys who were stunned. He felt quite cheerful in his heart.

Zhao Fengnian did not deliberately avoid anything, but according to his idea, it is much less likely to be attacked than in the long ceremony.

Also unexpected are Mu Han and Li Sheng, who also think there are some etiquette to go.

I didn't expect Zhao Fengnian to be so independent, so simple to complete the founding ceremony.

However, it's a matter for other people's country. If they don't see these leaders and high-level people cheering, they will have no problem.

Li Sheng saw that his eyes were shining, and he was indeed the birthplace of advanced ideas.

Without the long and meaningless formalization steps, it is simple, direct and crisp!

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