Long Live the Lord

Chapter 647

Zhao Fengnian, who returned to the Lord's house, rubbed his swollen forehead. Without thinking so much, he bowed his head and continued to sign the document.

It is not so simple to set up a country and an alliance country. There are many problems involved, each of which needs to be rearranged and confirmed.

Therefore, Zhao Fengnian needs to seize the time to determine these things. Otherwise, it will be too late to do these things when the meeting is held tomorrow morning.

This ceremony is very special and simple. It was moved from the last generation by Zhao Fengnian.

Although the traditional rituals in this world are much simpler, it is estimated that it will take a day to complete the whole ceremony.

If you miss some time in the formal resolution in the morning, I'm afraid the process will be disrupted.

At that time, yongfengling will become a joke to satisfy those who have bad intentions.

While Zhao Fengnian was busy preparing for related matters, all the forces in Yongfeng city gathered together to discuss plans to destroy the ritual process.

Although the defense in Yongfeng city is tight, none of the people sent by various forces to make trouble before has succeeded.

However, these forces are not preparing for the chaos.

In an inn outside the business district of Yongfeng City, Fanming, who was sent by the air to investigate the news, was resting there.

When Fanming learned that he wanted to sneak into yongfengling again to investigate the missing princess, his heart refused.

Fanming now has a fear of yongfengling in his heart. The powerful, such as the high priest of Ikon, have been planted on it several times.

Although I had been in yongfengling for a few days, the yongfengling at that time and the yongfengling now are not the same.

To empty also see the hesitation of Fanming, also very understand the mood of Fanming at this time.

But with empty hands, there is no suitable candidate, and Fanming is the most familiar with yongfengling, so he can only choose to send him.

Finally, Fanming was confirmed that he just went to search for information to find a person, and the rest did not need to be done.

Fanming's mood was better, and he finally arrived at yongfengling today.

Fortunately, because of the founding ceremony that will begin tomorrow, although Yongfeng city has increased its vigilance, it also needs to investigate when entering the city.

However, the arrival of emptiness did not attract other people's attention and stayed in a small inn.

Waiting for the opportunity to contact people slowly, ask whether the princess in the portrait has appeared in yongfengling.

Thinking of this, Fanming put away the portrait of Du Ruixue, hoping that he could have better luck this time and finish the task as soon as possible to leave yongfengling.

On March 18, before dawn, Zhao Fengnian went to the government building and came to the conference room.

This conference room is specially designed for large-scale meetings. Today, it is decorated with festive decorations. All the senior officials of the territory are waiting here.

After Zhao came in, a resolution was read out.

Every time one item is read out, Zhao Fengnian will have to vote by all the high-level people present. If one item is passed, he will continue to read out the next one.

This is Zhao Fengnian's vote according to the method of moving in from the previous generation, but the effect is not ideal in this world.

All the senior officials sitting here fully support Zhao Fengnian's decision whether it is right or wrong. It may take a long time for them to change.

As Zhao Fengnian had signed all kinds of resolutions in advance, it seemed that there was a tacit agreement among the senior officials of the territory, and all of them were passed by vote.

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